Dave Prosser


Swap Meet
Background Designer
A collaborative experiment between 14 artists around the globe. Each artist creates a background, All backgrounds are traded randomly, and then animated upon freely.
Swap Meet
A collaborative experiment between 14 artists around the globe. Each artist creates a background, All backgrounds are traded randomly, and then animated upon freely.
Ghost Stories
An Indie Anthology animation on the theme of 'Ghost Stories'.
The film is Dave Prosser's response to the visit he made to Seoul - at the invitation of SICAF - and is drawn from his sketchbook observations of city life. The seemingly random elements tell the tale of a day in the life of three different characters who live in Seoul - all of whom are watched over by the ever present Mountains which ring the city.
Art Direction
The film is Dave Prosser's response to the visit he made to Seoul - at the invitation of SICAF - and is drawn from his sketchbook observations of city life. The seemingly random elements tell the tale of a day in the life of three different characters who live in Seoul - all of whom are watched over by the ever present Mountains which ring the city.
Production Design
The film is Dave Prosser's response to the visit he made to Seoul - at the invitation of SICAF - and is drawn from his sketchbook observations of city life. The seemingly random elements tell the tale of a day in the life of three different characters who live in Seoul - all of whom are watched over by the ever present Mountains which ring the city.
The film is Dave Prosser's response to the visit he made to Seoul - at the invitation of SICAF - and is drawn from his sketchbook observations of city life. The seemingly random elements tell the tale of a day in the life of three different characters who live in Seoul - all of whom are watched over by the ever present Mountains which ring the city.
Утренняя прогулка
Art Designer
Короткометражная лента, незамысловатый сюжет которой разыгрывается сразу в трех эпохах. По улице Нью-Йорка идет мужчина и замечает выходящую из-за угла курицу. Ситуация странная, нетипичная, но еще более странной она будет, пройдя через призму времени. Чем закончится утренняя прогулка и встреча человека с птицей, если они произойдут в 1959, 2009 и 2059 годах? Арт-хаусный мультфильм Гранта Орхарда фиксирует перемены в мире и провозглашает перемены в анимационном кино.
Matter Fisher
Art Direction
This BAFTA nominated short depicts a serendipitous journey in which a lone fisher is united with a form of estranged matter.
Matter Fisher
Production Design
This BAFTA nominated short depicts a serendipitous journey in which a lone fisher is united with a form of estranged matter.
Matter Fisher
This BAFTA nominated short depicts a serendipitous journey in which a lone fisher is united with a form of estranged matter.
Matter Fisher
This BAFTA nominated short depicts a serendipitous journey in which a lone fisher is united with a form of estranged matter.
My Mother's Coat
On being a stranger in a strange land, and evaluating your priorities.