Self (archive footage)
Writers' Production
A master of suspense admired even by Hitchcock, Henri-Georges Clouzot is famous for acid-tinged thrillers about cold-blooded murder and ugly politics, whether in a French town or a Latin American oil field. But his early writing career was quite different: he provided the scenarios and dialogue for ten years’ worth of clever farces and affecting melodramas, often with musical numbers. My Cousin from Warsaw, Dragnet Night, The Unknown Singer, I’ll Be Alone After Midnight, The Terror of Batignolles, Tell Me Tonight, Dream Castle
Природа одарила его прекрасной внешностью, большой физической силой, благородством души, целеустремленностью. Он был мечтательным и верным, скромным и самокритичным, доверчивым и наивным. Жизнь Жана Маре была долгой и очень плодотворной: он снимался в кино, играл в театре, рисовал, лепил и даже пел. Его интересовало все новое, неизведанное. Ему хотелось многое успеть, многого достичь. За какое бы дело он ни брался - все получалось.
Didier Formenter, the French scientist, has just put the final touch on an invention that will be able to destroy to destroy any sort of flying apparatus. An international crime gang is very interested in stealing this equipement to sell it to the higher bidder of lawless nations. Menaced, the scientist, who was friends with Nick Carter's father, calls Nick for help. At Nice airport, Nick Carter escapes death, but that night he is unable to stop Formenter's murder. He suspects Bruno, Formenter's adoptive son, and Tonio, the owner of a bar near Formentier's home. Bruno is actually after Formenter's heritage, and for that he tries to kill Catherine, Formentier's granddaughter. Therefore, Nick Carter finds himself against more than a gang, but he will uncover the plots, in time to break every gangster apart.
Действие происходит в 1942 году в Касабланке — марокканском городе, формально контролируемом вишистской Францией, а фактически — немцами, и кишащий агентурой разведок нескольких стран. В своей квартире застрелен Андре Кун, лучший сотрудник немецкой секретной службы в Касабланке. Его руководство подозревает, что любовница Андре, испанская певица Тереса Вилар, связана с Сопротивлением и замешана в этом убийстве. В ночном клубе «Эльдорадо», где она выступает, появляется инспектор французской полиции Морис Дежарден, чтобы сопроводить её в тюрьму… В фильме звучат песни в исполнении Сары Монтьель.
В крепости на далёком острове где-то в Средиземном море томится анонимный пленник. Под страхом смертной казни никто не смеет видеть узника без маски, скрывающей его лицо. А на другом конце воюющей Европы, в Париже, сильнейшая лихорадка привела на грань жизни и смерти Его Величество Людовика XIV, молодого короля Франции. Под угрозой подписание мирного договора с Испанией, главным условием которого должен стать союз Людовика XIV и Инфанты Испанской. Не будет короля - не будет выгодной свадьбы и долгожданного мира. В этот драматический момент интриган и умница кардинал Мазарини поручает капитану Д'Артаньяну весьма щекотливое дело - доставить в Париж живым и невредимым таинственного пленника - брата-близнеца короля. Задание опасное и непростое, но капитан королевских мушкетеров азартен, отважен и молод душой...
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
Arlette has too provincial parents to whom she announces her plan about own independence. After her departure, Marc, her absent fiance seek for her in vain in Paris until he discovers her picture on the magazine cover.
The seven stages in the life of the modern Frenchwomen are disclosed by seven directors in a witty way: 1 - Childhood, 2 - Adolescence, 3 - Virginity, 4 - Marriage, 5 - Adultery, 6 - Divorce, 7 - The Single Woman.
Murderous foreign agents are after a scientist who has invented an atomic engine that could change the future of rocketry.
Walter, a reporter and photographer, meets Catherine in a train. The young lawyer recently gained an acquittal for a man who killed his alcoholic father to save his mother. Campaigning against alcoholism, she asks Walter to help her unmask a wine merchant engaged in shady practices.
Walter, a reporter and photographer, meets Catherine in a train. The young lawyer recently gained an acquittal for a man who killed his alcoholic father to save his mother. Campaigning against alcoholism, she asks Walter to help her unmask a wine merchant engaged in shady practices.
During the Occupation, Cora takes the place of her dead husband at the head of a Resistance network. One evening, she sympathizes with Bernard, a Swiss journalist. However, he is actually an undercover German officer who is close to the man ordered to find her using an Identikit picture...
The charming Lulu, a cabaret singer and dancer, has no shortage of admirers. When she decides to get married, she sets her heart on Robert, a young industrialist, but he is already married. Disappointed, she sets out in search of the ideal man.
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...
The holdup of the bank is a success. All happened according to plan. Now, Cyril Gad and his four accomplices must secure an alibi. What better place than a prison cell? As a result the five gangsters have themselves arrested on minor charges and start waiting until they are released. Unfortunately three of them die mysteriously, another one is openly murdered. The only man still alive, Tony, is scared. Easy to understand why...
A GI on furlough attends a Folies-Bergères show. He falls in love with a dancer, Claudie, the star of the theater.
Madame de Montespan, the Maîtresse-en-titre of Louis XIV, has been in disgrace since the King set eyes on a younger beauty, Marie-Angélique Scorailles. Having had enough of the situation, the rejected mistress decides to visit La Voisin, a woman known as a fortune teller, a doctor, a midwife and who is also said to arrange black masses and sell poisons. Some time later Marie-Angélique, now Duchess of Fontanges, dies mysteriously aged only twenty...
Madame de Montespan, the Maîtresse-en-titre of Louis XIV, has been in disgrace since the King set eyes on a younger beauty, Marie-Angélique Scorailles. Having had enough of the situation, the rejected mistress decides to visit La Voisin, a woman known as a fortune teller, a doctor, a midwife and who is also said to arrange black masses and sell poisons. Some time later Marie-Angélique, now Duchess of Fontanges, dies mysteriously aged only twenty...
Послевоенная Франция. Синдикат наркоторговцев переживает нелегкие времена.
Послевоенная Франция. Синдикат наркоторговцев переживает нелегкие времена.
Francois Roques, a power-and-money-mad editor of a Paris newspaper invites four women to a housewarming at his penthouse apartment. He plans on one of them to meet death by means of a loose railing on the balcony.
Francois Roques, a power-and-money-mad editor of a Paris newspaper invites four women to a housewarming at his penthouse apartment. He plans on one of them to meet death by means of a loose railing on the balcony.
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
В престижном колледже Мермона происходит убийство Летиции Берг, одной из лучших воспитанниц. Утром ее нашли связанной и задушенной в спальне, где находились еще 17 девочек. Для расследования этого дела приезжает инспектор Марко - ему поручено поймать убийцу.
В престижном колледже Мермона происходит убийство Летиции Берг, одной из лучших воспитанниц. Утром ее нашли связанной и задушенной в спальне, где находились еще 17 девочек. Для расследования этого дела приезжает инспектор Марко - ему поручено поймать убийцу.
Toledo, 1825. To save her fiancé, an opponent of the regime, the beautiful Inès agrees to marry the chief of police.
Состоятельный владелец мануфактуры, Франсуа Донж, попадает в госпиталь, будучи отравленным своей женой Элизабет. Борясь за свою жизнь, Франсуа вспоминает всю историю своих взаимоотношений с ней. Всё началось 10 лет назад, когда уже вполне состоятельный Франсуа встречает молодую девушку, ищущую любви - Элизабет...
A French crew is working on location in Spain. But when they want to film a scene in which Gérardn the male star is supposed to be swimming across a river, the matinée idol proves water-shy and the director decides to double him. The one that replaces him is Antonio, a local fisherman. The latter does the job so well that he is chosen as a stunts man for the whole film. This does not please Lola,his fiancée; all the more as Antonio has fallen in love with Martine, the female star.
A French crew is working on location in Spain. But when they want to film a scene in which Gérardn the male star is supposed to be swimming across a river, the matinée idol proves water-shy and the director decides to double him. The one that replaces him is Antonio, a local fisherman. The latter does the job so well that he is chosen as a stunts man for the whole film. This does not please Lola,his fiancée; all the more as Antonio has fallen in love with Martine, the female star.
A French crew is working on location in Spain. But when they want to film a scene in which Gérardn the male star is supposed to be swimming across a river, the matinée idol proves water-shy and the director decides to double him. The one that replaces him is Antonio, a local fisherman. The latter does the job so well that he is chosen as a stunts man for the whole film. This does not please Lola,his fiancée; all the more as Antonio has fallen in love with Martine, the female star.
Renaud, a young student who is camping alone at the moment, has a dream one night, in which the woman of his dreams appears. When he wakes up the next morning, he cannot believe his eyes: the creature of the dream is there by the side of the road, in the flesh! The woman accepts to drive Renaud to Montargis but it is only after she has dropped him off there that he realizes that what he experienced for her was love at first sight. He then decides not to return to Paris but to try and find the wonderful stranger in Montargis. He discovers that the woman's name is Clara and that she is the member of a drama company.
Renaud, a young student who is camping alone at the moment, has a dream one night, in which the woman of his dreams appears. When he wakes up the next morning, he cannot believe his eyes: the creature of the dream is there by the side of the road, in the flesh! The woman accepts to drive Renaud to Montargis but it is only after she has dropped him off there that he realizes that what he experienced for her was love at first sight. He then decides not to return to Paris but to try and find the wonderful stranger in Montargis. He discovers that the woman's name is Clara and that she is the member of a drama company.
Story is primarily based on the adventures of Antoine, a young telegraph messenger on his second night of work. He is given three telegrams, one of which is for the president of the Camber of Deputies. Excited, Antoine runs his bicycle into a truck and loses the telegrams. What follows is an amusing and agonizing search for the missing messages. He is assisted first by a glum, wise-beyond-her-years little girl, Amelie; an off-duty police superintendent, a schoolmaster, a cookie-tin maker and a fireman. The harmonica musical theme is played by Flore Falvey.
World War I aviator Carbot attempts to establish a commercial airline after the war, for the purpose of delivering the mail to the outermost regions of France.
A circus daredevil is the next victim of a danger-seducing woman who tricks him into a potentially deadly stunt after he attempted to kill her.
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
On the banks of the Rhône, not far from Tain l'Hermitage, Alcide Garonne, an old ferryman - and incidentally a poacher - lives out of wedlock with Victorine Rousset nicknamed Maryse, a colorful tramp. When Garrone's son, Pilou, a worker, falls in love with Augusta, the mayor's daughter, the unconventional old couple tries to protect the unconventional young pair from the disapproval of self righteous villagers.
Julien Couturier (Bernard Blier) and his wife Louise (Blanchette Brunoy), a young couple from Auvergne who have come to Paris to try their luck for the first time in their lives, become the owners of the "Café du Cadran" ("Clockface Cafe"). On opening day, they meet the people who will become their clientele. It's a busy place, with regular customers served by two waiters, Jules (Robert Le Fort) and Victor (Charles Vissières). While Julien is comfortable in his role as boss, Louise doesn't quite get used to this urban world, where everything moves faster, especially human feelings. She often misses Marcenait, the village in Auvergne where she and her husband ran the "Café du Commerce".
Mr. Luigi (Aimé Clariond), a café customer and violinist who performs at the "Café de Paris", has undertaken Louise's cultural education. He teaches her how to dress and do her hair, while recounting his musical successes and travels, skilfully playing on his undeniable seductiveness...
Julien Couturier (Bernard Blier) and his wife Louise (Blanchette Brunoy), a young couple from Auvergne who have come to Paris to try their luck for the first time in their lives, become the owners of the "Café du Cadran" ("Clockface Cafe"). On opening day, they meet the people who will become their clientele. It's a busy place, with regular customers served by two waiters, Jules (Robert Le Fort) and Victor (Charles Vissières). While Julien is comfortable in his role as boss, Louise doesn't quite get used to this urban world, where everything moves faster, especially human feelings. She often misses Marcenait, the village in Auvergne where she and her husband ran the "Café du Commerce".
Mr. Luigi (Aimé Clariond), a café customer and violinist who performs at the "Café de Paris", has undertaken Louise's cultural education. He teaches her how to dress and do her hair, while recounting his musical successes and travels, skilfully playing on his undeniable seductiveness...
An alcoholic doctor accidentally kills someone and manages to make the death look like an accident. The episode triggers a sense of confidence and he resolves to correct the miseries of his life.
Pursued by the police, Saget usurps the identity of a man who was returning to his town after having made his fortune in the United States. Under this new name, he deceives his compatriots with the exception of a doctor and the savage Isabelle. During an explanation Saget understands that Isabelle secretly admires him. She denounces him and Saget surrenders without a fight. Thus he ruins all his prestige with the young Amazon.
Pursued by the police, Saget usurps the identity of a man who was returning to his town after having made his fortune in the United States. Under this new name, he deceives his compatriots with the exception of a doctor and the savage Isabelle. During an explanation Saget understands that Isabelle secretly admires him. She denounces him and Saget surrenders without a fight. Thus he ruins all his prestige with the young Amazon.
A young woman has doubts about her husband's fidelity. She pretends a trip, but settles in a hotel where her husband must pass. He meets her and, disturbed by the one he believes to be his wife's double, becomes her lover. Little by little the truth breaks through. The husband takes leave of the mistress and returns to the wife whose return has been announced.
Малойн, хранитель морской станции, проводит свои ночи в пункте назначения порта. Однажды ночью он становится свидетелем убийства: из-за одного чемодана с контрабандой, ссора между двумя мужчинами превращается в трагедию. Пока один падает и тонет, второй убегает. Малойн, вместо того чтобы предупредить полицию, решает нырнуть и забрать чемодан, в котором содержится более 3 миллионов в мелких купюрах! Вот тогда начинается беда...
Малойн, хранитель морской станции, проводит свои ночи в пункте назначения порта. Однажды ночью он становится свидетелем убийства: из-за одного чемодана с контрабандой, ссора между двумя мужчинами превращается в трагедию. Пока один падает и тонет, второй убегает. Малойн, вместо того чтобы предупредить полицию, решает нырнуть и забрать чемодан, в котором содержится более 3 миллионов в мелких купюрах! Вот тогда начинается беда...
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bernard, falls in love with Denise and arranges to take her to an inn not far from Paris, run by the handsome Robert. This one opens Denise's eyes who ends up returning to her home. After a fight between Pierre and Bernard, Denise ends up choosing to stay with Pierre.
A kind and generous village noble, specializing in good works, actually leads a double existence and carries out dishonest activities.
В доме систематически пьющего адвоката убивают парня. По обвинению в убийстве перед судом предстает юноша, влюбленный в дочь мэтра. Адвокат берется за защиту молодого человека и блистательно ее проводит…
Аннет, 17-летняя девочка, безумно влюблена в адвоката Мориса Усарда. К сожалению, сорокалетний адвокат занят богатой американкой. Аннетт делает всё, чтобы завоевать его, до того дня, когда её родители познакомят её с молодым человеком, отец которого знал отца Аннетт.
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
Married to Karl Ammer, the station master of Thaya, a Hungarian quiet village, Anita is a pretty young peasant who feels deeply bored. She dreams of another life while watching the daily express trains to Budapest. An incident will force her to leave her province: she has to go to Budapest to attend the funeral of an aunt and receive a share of the inheritance. After completing the formalities, Anita misses the train to go back home and then she finds herself alone in the capital. - Written by jsanchez from
Married to Karl Ammer, the station master of Thaya, a Hungarian quiet village, Anita is a pretty young peasant who feels deeply bored. She dreams of another life while watching the daily express trains to Budapest. An incident will force her to leave her province: she has to go to Budapest to attend the funeral of an aunt and receive a share of the inheritance. After completing the formalities, Anita misses the train to go back home and then she finds herself alone in the capital. - Written by jsanchez from
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
Lydia (Danielle Darrieux) is a student, poor and orphaned, who pretends to be the daughter of a famous writer.
French-language remake of Port Arthur (1936): espionage, action and romance in the Russo-Japanese War, as the conflict threatens Russian naval officer Boris Ranewsky and his Japanese wife Youki.
Действие происходит в 1904 году, в разгар Русско-японской войны, в русском городе Порт-Артуре. Юки — наполовину русская и наполовину японка, что ставит её в довольно затруднительное положение.
Toboggan, the 1934 Henri Decoin French boxing sports romantic love triangle melodrama (about a washed up boxer who makes a comeback for a sexy dancer, but she is two-timing him, and she brings her boyfriend into the arena during the climactic boxing match) starring Georges Carpentier (real life heavyweight boxing champion), Arlette Marchal, Paul Amiot, John Anderson, and Raymond Cordy. Note that because Carpentier was a real life boxer, he naturally was able to do his own boxing scenes, and the producer of the movie interwove footage of Carpentier from his actual matches into the film.
Toboggan, the 1934 Henri Decoin French boxing sports romantic love triangle melodrama (about a washed up boxer who makes a comeback for a sexy dancer, but she is two-timing him, and she brings her boyfriend into the arena during the climactic boxing match) starring Georges Carpentier (real life heavyweight boxing champion), Arlette Marchal, Paul Amiot, John Anderson, and Raymond Cordy. Note that because Carpentier was a real life boxer, he naturally was able to do his own boxing scenes, and the producer of the movie interwove footage of Carpentier from his actual matches into the film.
An obscure mechanic falls in love with a an champion pilot.
An obscure mechanic falls in love with a an champion pilot.
The plot revolves around an oil swindle in a South American country.
The plot revolves around an oil swindle in a South American country.
Georget is a happy-go-luck seafarer who'd rather sing than work -- or be faithful to his wife. Together with his sailor pal Marius, they decide to cheat on their spouses by frequenting the dives and joints in every town where their ship drops anchor. The boys are certain, however, that their wives would never behave in a similar fashion. Upon returning home, of course, they discover that their better halves are just as sexually irresponsible as their hubbies.
A sailor, who meets a lovely music hall singer during a police raid, falls in love. In a contest at a fair, he defeats a former boxing champ. The ex-champ trains the sailor to become a boxer. After he wins the French championship, the sailor is swayed by easy money and a sultry coquette. The singer goes on a singing tour, and the sailor falls into decadence. He enters the European championship spiritually empty and in bad condition.
While engaged in the six-day Vel d'Hiv event, a cyclist is concerned about the behaviour of his wife, whom he believes to be unfaithful.
In 1925 what may have been the first cycling film was made, Le Roi de la Pédale starring the popular comedy actor Biscot, and with scenes shot on the Tour de France and also with Henri Decoin as a screenwriter.