Matthew I. Goldberg


Dinner Party Diaries with José Andrés
Executive Producer
Andrés invites Jamie Lee Curtis, Bryan Cranston and O’Shea Jackson Jr., over for food and conversation. His guests join him in the kitchen, getting their hands dirty with approachable Spanish-influenced recipes, and laughing through the stories that inspire them.
Спокойной ночи, Оппи
Марсоход Opportunity, который его создатели и ученые НАСА ласково прозвали Оппи. Первоначально предполагалось, что Оппи проживет всего 90 дней, но в итоге он исследовал Марс почти 15 лет.
Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
In the heart of the military academy of the United Nations Space Command (UNSC), a group of cadets trains to become the next generation of soldiers of this war against the insurgents of the colonized planets. Among these cadets, we find Thomas LASKY who fights his doubts as to the relevance of this war and his fear of not being up to the hopes placed in him. As he prepares to become a great military leader, the alien alliance of the Covenant comes to upset everything. Very inspired by the life of the Master Chief, he must discover what it means to be a hero.
A precocious young boy strikes up an unlikely friendship with a checked-out slacker in his thirties.
Masters of the Heist
Line Producer
Heists do not solely exist in the movies. These high profile schemes are elaborately planned, artful in their Machiavellian plotting, and so meticulously coordinated that they are often referred to as "the masterpieces of the confidence game". Often aimed at impossibly ambitious targets - casinos, jewelry stores, or famous museums - the masterminds behind these crimes are often heralded as the ingenious magicians of the underworld. The mystery and magnitude of these real crime stories sparks an undeniable interest for us innocent onlookers - a sense of seduction, spectacle and entertainment.
C.S. Lewis: Dreamer of Narnia
Line Producer
A documentary about the life and faith of C.S. Lewis and his inspiration for the Chronicles of Narnia, only available on the 4-disc extended edition DVD of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Три икса 2: Новый уровень
Additional Production Assistant
Америка снова в опасности, и на сей раз беда пришла откуда не ждали: удар по демократии был нанесен изнутри! Группа высокопоставленных заговорщиков в белом доме поднимает мятеж с целью захвата власти. Спецслужбы бессильны — бунтовщики разгромили Агентство Национальной Безопасности (АНБ). Страна на грани хаоса и террора, но у чудом выжившего офицера АНБ Огастеса Гиббонса остается последний козырь, способный спасти положение. Это Дариус Стоун, крутой и хладнокровный суперагент XXI века, отобранный по сверхсекретной программе «Три Икса». Оставляя после себя смерть и разрушения, этот человек-армия вступает в битву, которая решит судьбу Америки и всего мира…