Franco Castellano

Franco Castellano

Рождение : 1957-01-11, San Vito al Tagliamento, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy


Franco Castellano


Rita Levi-Montalcini
Professor Levi
La Voce - Il talento può uccidere
Magistrato De Bartolomei
История печально известного разбойника Вараввы, который был помилован вместо Иисуса Христа. Чем обернулось ему это помилование?
Vorrei vederti ballare
Enrico Mattei
Marcello Boldrini
Giorgio Capitani reconstructs in the Rai TV film the parable of the famous entrepreneur, in a product that in technical terms does not escape the logic of television, but still manages to offer an interesting picture of a key figure of postwar Italy.
Il sangue e la rosa
Rudolf Kruger
L'ultimo Dei Corleonesi
Piero Grasso
The rise and fall of sicilian most important mafia bosses after WWII: Luciano Liggio, Totò Riina and Bernardo Provenzano, all from Corleone. Their friendship and struggle against italian state.
Мафальда Савойская
Aldo Maggio
Драматическая правдивая история Мафальды, итальянской принцессы, родившейся и выросшей в комфорте золотого двора, которую война заставит разделить судьбу обычных людей в концентрационном лагере. Мафальда ди Савойя была выбрана, чтобы представить упадок знати и ошибки войны, которые разделяют и уничтожают даже благородные семьи. Мафальда - жертва политических стратегий, которые пренебрегают ею, и ее трагическая смерть демонстрирует уравновешивающую силу войны, которая вынуждает и бедных, и богатых разделить одну судьбу.
Bartali: The Iron Man
Comandante Carità
TV Miniseries (2 episodes) about life and rivalry of italian bikers Gino Bartali and Fausto Coppi.
Rose's Songs
Géza Halász
Autumn 1944. Yellow star, ghettos, Arrow Cross terror. The inhabitants of Hungary's capital, Budapest, await the tragic fulfilment of their fate with helpless resignation. However, above one of the city's villas, once a week in the evening the stars of hope sparkle, if only for a few minutes. This short time gives fresh heart to those hiding here and kindles hope in their tortured souls to live for another day. This mysterious power is none other than a beautiful song that can be heard at such times from the villa's tower room.
Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man
It is the real story of Giorgio Perlasca (Luca Zingaretti). During the 1920s he was an Italian Fascist supporter, fighting in Africa an in the Spanish civil war where he deserved a safe conduct for Spanish embassies. After some years, disillusioned by fascism, he is a fresh supplier for the Italian army. In the war years he is in Budapest for his business. He lives an easy life there, well introduced into the Hungarian high society, without any problem coming from the war situation. When the Nazi occupied Hungary, in 1944, instead to leave (Italy had already surrendered to the Allies) he escaped to the Spanish embassy in Budapest using his old safe conduct and becoming a Spanish citizen, changing name into Jorge Perlasca. He starts working as a diplomat here. When Sanz Briz (Geza Tordy), the Spanish consul, is removed, Perlasca immediately substitutes him, like if he was officially appointed from Spanish authorities... Written by 1felco
Un uomo perbene
Sostituto Procuratore Felice Di Persia
In June 1983 the journalist and TV presenter Enzo Tortora was arrested on charges of drug trafficking and belonging to the Camorra.
Пророк Иеремия - Обличитель царей
Babylonian Minister
Царь Иосия решил очистить свою землю от языческих культов, истребляя капища Ваала и Астарты. В это время Иеремия, призванный на высшее пророческое служение, словом и делом поддерживал царя. После смерти Иосии начались религиозный разброд и политическая смута. Народ перестал верить пророчествам Иеремии, и сам он, как нарушитель общественного порядка, подвергался гонениям…
(segment "Max suona il piano")
A collective cinematic project to promote tolerance and the value of diversity.
Il caso Fenaroli
Giovanni Fenaroli
Based on the true crime known as Mystery of Via Monaci or The Fenaroli case.