Catarina Wallenstein

Catarina Wallenstein

Рождение : 1986-08-23, Lisbon, Portugal


Catarina de Lemos Wallenstein (born 23 August 1986) is a Portuguese actress. She has appeared in more than twenty films since 2004.


Catarina Wallenstein
Catarina Wallenstein


Salgueiro Maia - The Implicated
On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
Recovery Found
The Luminous View
Mr. Emmer is a jaded Film Director, Catarina the assistant of an absent Producer. Together they embark on a journey in search of Hölderlin's places, for a never forgotten project on the German poet. But during the journey their aspirations will prove to be an obstacle for the realisation of any work. A love song for a suffering Nature.
Жёлтый зверь
Как снять фильм в стране, теряющей свою идентичность? Этот вопрос стоит перед Фернандо, разорившимся 30-летним белым режиссером из Бразилии.
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis
Fernando Pessoa, one of the greatest writers in Portuguese, created an immense parallel world and several heteronyms so as to endure the loneliness of genius. José Saramago, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Literature, has a heteronym, Ricardo Reis, return to Portugal after a 16-year exile in Brazil. 1936 is a perilous year with Mussolini’s fascism, Hitler’s Nazism, Spain’s Civil War and Salazar’s New State in Portugal. And Fernando Pessoa meets his creation, Reis. Two women, Lídia and Marcenda, are Reis’ carnal and impossible passions. “Life and Death as one” allows for literature and cinema.
Adeus Senhor António
Film adaptation of "The letter from the hunchback to the locksmith" by Fernando Pessoa's heteronym Maria José.
Nora comes out of prison. She only has one thing in mind: finding a youg neo-punk artist she admires, Léa. Mirror of one another, these two soulmates will get to know each other and rebuild their lives together.
Bring me the Head of Carmen M.
Ana, a Portuguese actress, dives into Brazil's current atmosphere of identity and political crisis while trying to portray in a feature film the colourful life of famous singer and actress Carmen Miranda, who helped define Brazil's identity.
Bring me the Head of Carmen M.
Ana, a Portuguese actress, dives into Brazil's current atmosphere of identity and political crisis while trying to portray in a feature film the colourful life of famous singer and actress Carmen Miranda, who helped define Brazil's identity.
Bring me the Head of Carmen M.
Ana, a Portuguese actress, dives into Brazil's current atmosphere of identity and political crisis while trying to portray in a feature film the colourful life of famous singer and actress Carmen Miranda, who helped define Brazil's identity.
Drifters of a shadowy dream
X, a film location scout, spend his time travelling from place to place looking for filming locations, at the same time that he's looking for funding for the film he wrote himself. In the middle of nowhere, as in the nowhere of his life, he stumbles on Y, the woman for whom he has been waiting all his life.
Lina Sobral
По роману Мануэла да Фонсека. Португалия, 1950 год. Пустынный и величественный ландшафт Юга, пронизанный ветром, изнуренный страданием и голодом, сотрясает насилие: в одну ночь происходит чреда хладнокровных убийств. Каковы причины этих преступлений? Эпическая история одной крестьянской семьи, для которой чувство собственного достоинства оказывается сильнее голодающих детей. История основана на романе Мануэла да Фонсеки, который в свою очередь основан на реальной истории о человеке, который в течение трех дней в одиночку оказывал сопротивлении армейским частям.
The Black Book of Father Dinis
The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake, from Rome to Paris, from Lisbon to London, from Parma to Venice. Always followed in the shadows, for obscure reasons, by a suspicious-looking Calabrian and a troubling cardinal, they make us explore the dark intrigues of the Vatican, the pangs of a fatal passion, a gruesome duel, banter at the court of Versailles and the convulsions of the French Revolution.
Francisca, a beautiful 50-year-old widow (played by Maria de Medeiros), prepared a peaceful future for herself. In an unexpected outburst, she grabs an opportunity for change and embarks on a sailboat called ‘Hovering Over the Water’.
How Many Times Have You Dreamt About Me?
Departing from extracts written by Fernando Pessoa, the characters walk through the city of Lisbon, having the streets and houses where the Poet lived as the background.
Нежелательный человек в Европе
Lisa Fittko
Фильм о событиях в Пиренеях, где в тридцать девятом году каталонцы республиканцы бежали во Францию. На год позже иностранцы, евреи и антифашисты, и среди них философ Уолтер Бенджамин, бежали в противоположном направлении - из коллаборационистской Франции. Фильм повествует о последних днях из жизни фиолософа Уолтера Бенджамина.
D. Maria Correia de Brito
Adventurer, pilgrim, penitent but above all outstanding writer, Fernão Mendes Pinto left us an unparalleled romance, the living and human palpitation of one of the greatest historical adventures of man.
Ainda Não Acabámos: Como Se Fosse Uma Carta
A walk for half a century, yes, a letter perhaps. Travels in my life, I could call it, which I like Garrett so much. A traveling as he would like, a loose story, memories, projects, meetings. Also because, since 1995, I have done several portraits of artists (Palolo, Bravo, Lapa, Skapinakis, Bartolomeu, Angelo, Sena, Ana Vieira and I prepare Sofia Areal and Fernando Lemos), I started to think that this is my life, these meetings , see, hear, cut, show, tease. I want, with this film continue to show what I see. [Jorge Silva Melo]
The Maias: Story of a Portuguese Family
Maria Monforte
The tragedy and comedy in Carlos' life begins, grows and ends like the tragedy and comedy of Portugal. In the company of his close friend, João da Ega, allegedly a brilliant writer, Carlos, with his idle existence as an aristocratic doctor, spends his time to enjoying friends and lovers. Until he falls in love. She is a new character in this revolutionary novel. It's a vertiginous passion that goes beyond that past gloominess to reach a new and darker abyss, incest.
Золотая клетка
Fado singer
Мария и Жозе Рибейро прожили почти тридцать лет в красивом районе Парижа. К этой паре португальских иммигрантов все соседи относятся с симпатией: Мария — отличная консьержка, а Жозе — мастер на все руки. Когда они задумали вернуться в Португалию, их соседи решают во что бы то ни стало уговорить супругов Рибейро не уезжать. На что будут способны пойти семья и соседи, чтобы задержать пару? И в конце концов, Мария и Жозе действительно хотят оставить Францию и свою золотую клетку?
A Moral Conjugal
A Moral Conjugal
The Knot
A couple endures a series of mishaps right before their wedding day.
Anquanto La Lhéngua Fur Cantada
A documentary about the singings of a Portuguese Village that has their own dialect
Universo de Mya
Mya 1
Лиссабонские тайны
Countess of Arosa
История переносит зрителя в XIX век и погружает в настоящий вихрь приключений, роковых совпадений, тайн, преступлений, неистовых страстей, страшной мести и безумной любви. В Лиссабоне, полном интриг и секретов, мы познакомимся с людьми, так или иначе причастными к судьбе главного героя, Педро да Силвы. Среди них мужественный священник, не отступающий перед опасностями, красавица графиня, потерявшая разум от ревности, удачливый делец, наживший состояние на кровавом морском разбое. У каждого невероятная судьба, и их жизненные пути пересекаются самым непостижимым образом…
Educadora Sentimental
Lisbon, today. In a room of a house at Douradores Street, a man invents dreams and theorizes about them. The essence of the dreams itself becomes physical, palpable, visible. The text itself materializes in its musicality. And, in front of our eyes, this music can be felt with the ears, brain and heart. It spreads itself in the street where the man lives, in the city that he loves above all and over the entire world.
Причуды одной блондинки
Молодой человек, работающий на своего дядю счетоводом, однажды видит в окне напротив прекрасную молодую девушку и тут же влюбляется в нее. Но дядя против женитьбы, и парень в обиде уходит искать другую работу, чтобы найти денег для будущей семьи. Задумывался ли он, какой невестой окажется та красавица в окне напротив?
A Vida Privada de Salazar
Na fase final da vida de Salazar, o estadista recorda a sua vida, as suas opções, as decisões que tomou e as que podia ter tomado. Dar a conhecer o homem por detrás de quem governou Portugal durante 40 anos foi o grande desafio: Salazar, enquanto estadista, é conhecido do grande público. O mito do estadista estóico, convictamente religioso e assexuado tem o contraponto neste filme.
Doomed Love
Mariana da Cruz
A loner, narcissistic and suicidal teenager attracts most of the people he meets like a fatal aura, a black light. He falls deeply in love with Teresa but does she exist or is she a mere figment, an image, a reflection? Teresa is an apparition. A pretext for an amoral violent uprising, for doomed love.
Жизнь после него
В автомобильной катастрофе погибает сын главной героини Камиллы — Матьё. Единственным человеком, к которому она может обратиться за поддержкой, оказывается Франк, виновный в смерти Матьё. Однако вскоре интерес Камиллы к Франку перерастает в болезненное наваждение…
Fin de curso
There are two months to the end of High School Spanish classes in Lisbon and it's time to decide the destination for the end of year trip. That decision will cause a real "Civil War" between two irreconcilable groups: the "class nerd", who propose the typical cultural trip to Paris, and "freeloaders" who prefer to enjoy the week in Benidorm, the "New York's Costa Blanca ".