High school student Yuki suffers from a chronic disease and has lost hope for living. One day she has a life-changing encounter with Aki, her destructive classmate with a beautiful singing voice. Together they decide to form a band with Yusuke who secretly has feelings for Yuki.
Ono Yasuomi is a cram school teacher with poor communication skills. He hopes to get married but doesn't know what ordinary means and feels awkward on dates with women. He asks Kasumi, a student who knows lots of trivia about romance, to teach him the meaning of ordinary.
Four-year-old Shimako gets separated from her parents at Ikebukuro Station. Guided by an owl statue, she skips across Toshima Ward and embarks on a small adventure.
In 1964, Momoko came by herself to Tokyo from her hometown. She met Shūzō and married him. They raised two children together, but Shūzō suddenly passes away. Momoko is dumbfounded by being alone again. She begins to go to the library and borrows books. This changes her life.
In her search for answers, 17-year-old Haru sets out on a long journey across the country to the town where, in 2011, the devastating tsunami swept away her brother and parents. This road trip takes the young woman, who is still haunted by her loss, from Hiroshima to Tokyo and Fukushima and all the way to Ōtsuchi, where her family home once stood. On the way she encounters other people, other stories, other lives and other losses. Landscapes and faces. The journey ends in the middle of a garden in full bloom among the scarred surroundings of her coastal hometown.. In it stands a telephone box which, even though it is no longer connected, is used to speak to those who cannot be reached any other way.
Хару и Рэо вместе играют в инди-дуэте. Неожиданно их музыка становится популярной. Но несмотря на успех, девушки решают больше не выступать вместе. Перед распадом они решают отправиться в тур вместе со своим техником Симой.
Teruko is a 28-year-old office worker. 5 months ago, she fell in love with Mamoru at first sight. Since that time, she has not cared about her work or her friends. She then loses her job and her friends look at her coldly. Yet, Teruko is happy as long as she is with Mamoru. Meanwhile, Mamoru thinks Teruko is an easy woman for him to not love. Teruko’s unrequited love grows deeper.
Шестеро незнакомцев переезжают в загнивающий портовый город Уобука. На месте их встречает представитель городской администрации Хадзимэ Цукисуэ. В это же время в городок возвращается Фуми, с которой они когда-то учились в одной школе. Что-то в этих шестерых настораживает Цукисуэ, хотя выглядят они вполне нормально. Позже беспокойство Хадзимэ обретает почву: новые жители оказываются бывшими заключёнными. Мало того, каждый из них был осуждён за убийство. В Уобуку они попали благодаря новой системе условно-досрочного освобождения. Местные жители ничего не знают о криминальном прошлом своих новых соседей, и тем не менее их жизнь начинает меняться.
Драматург уезжает из города, чтобы пожить тихой и спокойной жизнью. Но не тут-то было — он сталкивается с взбалмошной женщиной, которая тут же проявляет к писателю недвусмысленный интерес.
Школьница Како проводит лето в семейном ресторанчике в токийском районе Китасинагава, где она занимается в основном двумя вещами: глазеет на канал и угрюмо размышляет о том, что в будущем её не ждёт ничего интересного. Всё, однако, меняется, в один прекрасный день, когда у них дома объявляется Микико, тётушка Како – входившая в ряды радикальной террористической организации и вроде как погибшая во время взрыва ещё восемнадцать лет назад.
Eikichi left his hometown in Hiroshima for Tokyo. He tried to find success with his music band, but failed. Several years later, Eikichi goes home to tell his father, Osamu, that his girlfriend is pregnant. His father curses him out, but he is also excited to have a grandchild. Osamu has a party to celebrate the news, but, at the party, he collapses and goes to the hospital. Eikichi struggles to make his father happy.
Daily, Rika Umezawa battles a nagging sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. She works a tiring job, comes home to an unappreciative husband and has little opportunity to enjoy life. But things change when office gossip about affairs and embezzlement inspire Rika to do the unthinkable. Soon, Rika finds herself filling the void with a university student named Kota and the millions entrusted to her by clients. Is her newfound lifestyle the key to happiness? And if so, how long can it last?
Former college buddies Horaguchi and Okawa suddenly reunite on a whim after 15 years apart and try to resume their friendship by planning a trip together. Meanwhile, Okawa’s live-in girlfriend Kaede and the pair's old friend Kyoko get roped into joining them. Soon, the four head off on a trip together with the goal of sharing sukiyaki by the sea.
Тамако закончила университет в Токио, но она теперь снова живет со своим отцом в Кофу. Тамако не пытается устроиться на работу, а так же нисколько не помогает отцу. Все свое время она проводит за едой и сном...
Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.
1987 год. Ёноскэ Ёкомити покидает свой родной город Нагасаки и уезжает в Токио, чтобы учиться в столичном университете. Наряду с учебой, Ёкомити ведет в Токио активную жизнь, он пользуется популярностью среди своих сверстников. Однажды в автошколе он знакомится с девушкой Сёко.
In this offbeat coming-of-age tale, a charming, rebellious high school dropout named Kanta befriends the kind, provincial Shoji. The two bring out the best in each other, each gaining confidence from their friendship - especially regarding pursuit of the opposite sex. The working class Kanta becomes a sort of unruly anti-hero, maintaining his pride, defiance, and self-assurance even as his prospects seem increasingly grim.
A widowed lumberjack's life is turned upside down when a film crew shooting a zombie movie asks for his help and increasingly starts to rely on him.
In 1969, Sawada is filled with idealism that permeated that era and starts working as a gonzo journalist for a weekly magazine. Two years later, Sawada interviews activist Umeyama with senior reporter Nakahira. Umeyama boasts that his group will steal arms and take action in April. Sawada doubts Umeyama's claims but is attracted to his personality. An incident occurs... Sawada hears news that a man was killed at a army post...
Чepeз нecкoлькo нeдeль пocлe зeмлeтpяceния нa Toкиo oбpyшивaeтcя oгpoмнoe цyнaми, пoгpeбaя пoд тoннaми вoды пpибpeжныe чacти гopoдa. Элитный oтpяд cпacaтeлeй, кoтopый oтпpaвляют в paзpyшeнный paйoн пoлyчaeт cигнaл, paздaющийcя из пoд тoлщи вoды и зeмли — 252, чтo oзнaчaeт для cпacaтeлeй тoлькo oднo: ecть выжившиe! Pиcкyя cвoими жизнями, oтpяд нaчинaeт oпepaцию пo cпaceнию пoпaвшиx в cмepтeльнyю лoвyшкy людeй.