The Legend of King Naresuan Part 5 Elephant Battle. In the year 2129 the Department of the Red God was incensed to the crushing defeat of King Naresuan. Both have to face the hosts and glory. So then wreak vengeance to the Lord Supangkanlaya. HRH on Dlamini's father was a sadness with the realization that the fate of the daughter and invading the Ayutthaya done it, because he defected to the enemy side. Nordstrom will finally died King Naresuan's went up succeed to the throne of Ayudhya dominate the successor of his father.
Фильм рассказывает о жизни короля-воина Наресуана, освободившего сиамцев от бирманского ига, за что до сих пор считается национальным героем. Маленьким мальчиком он, принц Сиама, был взят в заложники королем Бирмы и жил в плену до 16 лет. Там в нем и зародилась идея борьбы за независимость своего народа...
During the 16th century, as Thailand contends with both a civil war and Burmese invasion, a beautiful princess rises up to help protect the glory of the Kingdom of Ayothaya. Based on the life of Queen Suriyothai.