Saloon Patron (uncredited)
Frenchie Fontaine sells her successful business in New Orleans to come West. Her reason? Find the men who killed her father, Frank Dawson. But she only knows one of the two who did and she's determined to find out the other.
Townsman (uncredited)
Отчаянный Лин МакЭдам, преследуя убийцу своего отца, приезжает в Додж-сити со своим другом Джонни по прозвищу «Высокий клинок». Героям предстоит соревноваться в меткости на празднике города за лучший винчестер страны. МакЭдаму удается победить противника и получить дорогую винтовку, но раздосадованный враг нападает на победителя и забирает винчестер. Обозленный Лин начнет преследовать похитителя винтовки...
Silver has been found on comanche territory and the government accomplished a peaceful agreement with the indians. When James 'Jim' Bowie comes into the scene he finds the white settlers living near by planning to attack the indians although they know about that agreement and the beautiful Katie seems to play a leading role in this intrigue.
Townsman (uncredited)
Пинки, молодая афроамериканская медсестра со светлым цветом кожи, возвращается в родной дом. Она признается бабушке, что за время учебы в школе медсестер все принимали ее за белую. Более того, она влюбилась в молодого белого врача, который ничего не знает о ее происхождении. Пинки намерена вернуться к нему, но бабушка упрашивает ее остаться и присмотреть за больной женщиной, которая в итоге оставляет Пинки наследство. Тут-то и объявляются родственники скончавшейся женщины, которые винят Пинки в том, что она силой получила это наследство.
Bartender (uncredited)
Три преступника в бегах встречают женщину, которая умирает и перед смертью просит о спасении ее новорожденного ребенка. Они клянутся отвезти младенца в безопасное место, даже несмотря на угрожающую им опасность.
Card Player (uncredited)
In 17th-century England, Charles II, the rightful heir to the kingdom, is driven from his country by militants working for rogue leader Oliver Cromwell. Charles ends up in the Netherlands, where he falls for local beauty Katie and spends his days happily in the quiet countryside. Unfortunately, Cromwell's associate Col. Ingram and his men track Charles down, and the would-be monarch must resort to swashbuckling his way to freedom.
Townsman (uncredited)
Chester Wooley and Duke Egan are travelling salesmen who make a stopover in Wagon Gap, Montana while enroute to California. During the stopover, a notorious criminal is murdered, and the two are charged with the crime.
Reveler at Country Dance (Uncredited)
Желая начать новую жизнь после возвращения с войны, городской пижон Боб покупает фермерское угодье с большими планами на развитие-взращивание кур и последующей продажей яиц. Правда, своими планами он не поделился со своей новоиспеченной супругой, городской штучкой Бэтти. У молодых разные взгляды на ферму, которая на самом деле требует больших усилий, чтобы превратиться в место, пригодное для жилья и ведения бизнеса. Боб и Бэтти знакомятся со своими соседями, среди которых Бэтти ждет настоящее испытание для терпения: гламурная соседка Харриет Путнэм определенно имеет виды на Боба.
While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron Burr and his good friend James Madison. She plays each against the other, not only for romantic reasons, but also to influence the shaping of the young country. By manipulating Burr's affections, she helps Thomas Jefferson win the presidency, and eventually she becomes First Lady of the land herself.
Bartender (uncredited)
Уайтт Эрп со своими братьями перегоняет скот для продажи. Во время стоянки бандиты нападают на братьев и убивают младшего из них. Для того, чтобы отомстить, Уайтт устраивается шерифом в местный городок. На его сторону становится известный стрелок Джон «Док» Холлидэй.
Stanton breaks Billy and his two friends Fuzzy and Jeff out of jail. He wants them free so three of his men can impersonate them for the robberies and murders he has planned.
Townsman (uncredited)
A small-town spinster, who's a born romantic, takes on the strict members of the local "Purity League" by spilling a few of their well-kept secrets. Comedy.
Boss Printer (uncredited)
Фильм об истории репортера, которому поручено выяснить подробности биографии недавно умершего газетного магната Кейна.
When her father dies, a young girl helps a young man take command of the ship to fight the British during the war of 1812.
Bartender (uncredited)
Из городка Тонто в Нью-Мехико выезжают на дилижансе несколько человек. Док Бун, пьяница, давно выгнанный из гильдии врачей. Даллас, проститутка, чьи сексуальные приключения так разозлили местных женщин, что те выгнали ее из своего не самого высшего общества. Хэтфилд, шулер, выдающий себя за джентльмена-южанина, у которого свои причины покинуть Тонто. Он тем не менее делает вид, что вызвался сопроводить беременную Люси к ее мужу, кавалеристу. Хенри Гэйтвуд, помпезный банкир, садится в дилижанс с небольшим саквояжем, который он не выпускает из рук. Сэмюэл Пикок, торговец виски, везет ящик образцов. Эти шесть человек составляют список пассажиров, а наверху сидит кучер Бак, верзила, ненавидящий индейцев, и крутой, грубый, но честный и простодушный Керли, представитель закона с дробовиком. Через какое-то время уже в пути к ним присоединяется Ринго Кид, у которого охромела лошадь. Дилижанс тронулся, ждите приключений!
Сын барона Франкенштейна вместе с женой и сыном возвращается в деревню своих предков, чтобы унаследовать дом своего отца. Их встречают неприветливо, так как жители деревни никак не могут забыть монстра, созданного бароном. Прибывший наследник встречает Игоря, пастуха, приговоренного к смерти за кражу трупов. Тот приводит сына барона в семейный склеп, где лежит монстр, находящийся в коме. Одновременно терзаемый воспоминаниями о невероятных опытах своего отца и одолеваемый желанием реабилитировать его как ученого, сын оживляет монстра и возвращает ему былые силы...
Minor Role
История из времен создания знаменитой банковской компании "Уэллс Фарго" в 1850-х годах: погонщик дилижансов, период от "золотой лихорадки" в Калифорнии до Гражданской войны, разумеется, немного авторских домыслов, и всё в одном флаконе. "Вместе они покорят континент! Его жизнь - в череде увлекательных приключений, которые в результате соединят в одно целое страну, а она готова разделить эти приключения с человеком, которого любит!
Posse Member
A woman and her weakling brother inherit a mine. When the brother commits suicide the guide is accused of murder.
Austrian church bell ringer Freyman loves music and wants his two sons (both played by Ameche) to love it too. The first goes to America and the second is born deaf-mute but gains hearing during WWI bombing.
Guard (uncredited)
A crusading young reporter planning a series of articles about a corrupt politician is framed for a crime and sentenced to serve five years at a prison farm.
The boys are a dentist and his assistant traveling to the Old West to open a new practice. Once in town, they buy a business--only to wake up the next day and see that the entire population of this bustling town had left for the California gold fields early that morning! Then, they discover an evil plot to sell out these settlers to some hostile Indians, so they spring to the rescue.
Captain (uncredited)
Сан-Франциско, 1854 год. Бывший моряк Бэт Морган в драке убивает опасного бандита Дака и попадает на страницы газеты «Трибьюн». Вскоре Бэт знакомится с владелицей газеты и светской дамой Джин Баррат. Решив добиться её расположения, он использует весь свой ум и упорство, чтобы стать во главе всех городских игровых залов и притонов. Довольно быстро Морган превращается в одного из самых богатых и влиятельных людей города, но это не приносит ему счастья. Джин, привлечённая обаянием Бэта, влюбляется в него, но отказывается выйти за него замуж из-за его безнравственного образа жизни. Тем временем в городе нарастает недовольство безнаказанностью преступников и бессилием закона.
John Middleton is investigating cattle rustling when he is captured and tossed into a cave with Emmett, a rancher who disappeared earlier. They help each other escape and learn that a local banker is trying to scare everyone away to grab up some secret gold mines.
Railroad Man
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
Ballard (uncredited)
Ballard's trail jumpers attack the Wyatt Company wagon train, killing young John's parents and kidnaping his brother, Jim. In post-Civil War California, John Wyatt, now a man, pulls together a vigilante posse, The Singing Riders, who all ride white horses, dress alike, and ride the trails singing and rounding up outlaw gangs. Meanwhile, John is ever on the lookout for the gang that murdered his parents As a youngster John Wyatt saw his parents killed and his brother kidnapped. On a wagon train heading West he meets his brother who is now a spy for the gang which originally did the dirty work. He and his brother both fall for Mary Gordon When Ballard and his men attack the Wyatt wagon train, they kill all except two young brothers. Twelve years later one brother John has organized a vigilante group. The other brother Jim is now part of Ballard's gang and the two are destined to meet again
Policeman (uncredited)
Элли собирается замуж за знаменитого летчика Кинга Вестли, но ее отец презирает того, считая светским бездельником, поэтому он сажает дочь под замок и ищет основания для аннулирования помолвки. Элли удается бежать и она отправляется навстречу суженому в Нью-Йорк на автобусе. В том же автобусе едет только что уволенный репортер Питер.
Ему необходима сенсация, чтобы восстановить отношения с редактором. В лице беглой наследницы миллионов, которую ищет полиция всей страны, судьба улыбается ему. Он обещает помочь ей, но в пути планы обоих меняются. О, великая сила любви.
Speakeasy Customer (uncredited)
Лили Пауэрс работает официанткой в баре собственного отца. Отец беспринципный человек, готовый ради выгоды продать и собственную дочь, что он и делает, заставляя ее уединяться с клиентами с 14 лет. Однажды ее отец погибает во время несчастного случая. Она решает с подружкой Чико уехать зайцами в товарном вагоне. Там их застает работник железной дороги и грозит сдать в полицию, но он сражен доступностью юной соблазнительницы. Попав в Нью-Йорк, девушка всеми правдами и неправдами сначала устраивается на работу, а потом активизирует свое восхождение наверх, не имея никакого опыта, но зато владея могучим оружием обольщения…
Chasing a gambler that stole money, Tom Larkin gets his horse shot out from under him. Meeting an outlaw with a horse, after a fight Tom rides away on that horse. Arriving in town he is mistaken for the outlaw and offered a job of killing a man. But the man is the father of the girl that Tom's money was to go to but was stolen by the gambler.
Prison Guard (uncredited)
Ветеран Джеймс Аллен отказывается вернуться на старую фабрику и постепенно деградирует. Случайно он оказывается вовлеченным в ограбление. После этого он попадает на каторгу…
On the eve of WW-I the French Navy ship Lafayette returns to its Toulon base for one night. There is no shore leave, although wives are permitted to come to a party. The strain of command on the older captain and his new, young wife is very great.
Villager (uncredited)
Доктор Франкенштейн решил сыграть в азартную игру с жизнью и смертью, создав жуткое чудовище из частей тела, позаимствованных у мертвецов.
Charlie the Bartender
Clint Turner is arrested for the murder of his girlfriend Judy's father, a rival rancher who was an enemy of his own father, and his best friend, Sheriff Buck Gordon sets out to find the real killer in the face of pressure for a quick lynching of Clint.
A woman, raised in the most-strict New England atmosphere, marries a stern, God-fearing sea captain and is thrown suddenly into the romantic, colorful and licentious atmosphere of a South Sea island outpost. With her inhibitions and repressed desires what will be her reaction to the charms of the sensuous of the beautiful tropic nights and the call of love?
First Mate
Herman Melville's mad Capt. Ahab (John Barrymore) spends years hunting the white whale that got his leg.
Buck Johnson
A cowboy arrives in a small town and winds up trying to help a local rancher stop a gang of cattle thieves while romancing a pretty young girl.
Sheriff Tremble
Mammy features Al Jolson as the star of a travelling minstrel show, appearing in a small Southern town. Jolson falls in love with an actress in the troupe (Lois Moran), but she loves another. One of Jolson's fellow minstrels (Lowell Sherman) is shot backstage, and it is assumed thanks to several plot convolutions that Jolson is guilty of the deed.
Murph Levy
A man is mistaken for a champion fighter.
Performer in 'The Pirate' Number (uncredited)
It's 1929. The studio gave the cinema its voice gave offered the audiences a chance to see their favorite actors and actresses from the silent screen era to see and for the first time can be heard in a gaudy, grandiose music comedy revue. But also appear actors and actresses from the first 'talkies', stars from Broadway and of course the German shepherd Rin-Tin-Tin. Frank Fay is the host of the more than 70 well-known stars who show various acts.
Biffer Bill
A man is blamed for a murder that was actually committed by his wife.
A sea captain comes to rescue of a prostitute in Shanghai, who is being run out of town. He takes her aboard his ship and heads out to sea. Not long afterwards the ship sinks but the pair manage to get into a lifeboat before it goes under. They are later picked up by a passing ship, but it turns out that the crew had just mutinied against their captain and taken over the ship.
'Red' Grimley
An undercover agent tracks a gang of drug smugglers to their headquarters in Mexico, a nightclub, where he manages to get a job as a bouncer. There he meets and falls for a pretty young woman, whose father happens to be the man the agent suspects of heading the gang.
Thomas Grant Taylor
Our doggy hero is abandoned in the desert while in pup-hood. Upon reaching maturity, Tin Tin has undeservedly earned the reputation as a killer canine. Thus, the human characters spend most of their time hunting down the dog in hopes of collecting a huge bounty.
Anthony's Cellmate
Chad Pennington, a movie-cowboy from Hollywood, gets into trouble when he poses as a two-gun outlaw from Texas named Tommy Hawk.
George Pappadoulos
A beautiful con artist marries Hayes Hallan, the owner of a pearl-rich island. No sooner has the couple said "I do" than Beatrice's partners in crime show up, claiming to be the bride's parents.
A remake of a 1917 Dustin Farnum Western, Durand of the Bad Lands is the story a rancher falsely accused of a crime actually committed by Sheriff Clem Allison and his henchman Pete Garson.
Bush McTaggart
Wolfdog pup, Baree, is nursed back to health by a trapper's daughter after being caught in one of the traps.
McTeague Sr. (uncredited)
История супругов, которые выигрывают 5000 долларов в лотерее, после чего в них пробуждается алчность…
Приключения Питера Блада, благородного морского разбойника, капитана пиратского судна, бороздящего просторы Карибского моря.
Bill Nolan
Based on the novel The Spoilers by Rex Beach.
The Ranch Foreman
John Steele, a rich uncle, threatens to disinherit his nephew, Tom Steele, unless the latter learns to curb his violent temper. Tom is put on a 30-day trial and must resist all temptation to get mad or fight back no matter how provoked. And he is easily provoked, especially when called a lavender sissy-boy.
Veteran western performers Harry Carey and Marguerite Clayton appeared in three films together from 1923-1924: Desert Driven, Tiger Thompson and, perhaps their best, Canyon of the Fools.
A mounted police inspector battles not only a gang of opium smugglers but also a haughty society belle
In managing the shipyard inherited from her father, Derith Keogh has considerable labor problems and accedes to the unreasonable demands of John Trevelyan, an anarchist labor agitator. Derith's brother John is off in pursuit of an adventuress, and Angus Campbell, her superintendent, resigns in exasperation. Angus returns, however, to help Derith persuade Trevelyan to settle a strike, which Trevelyan accomplishes in spite of being shot by one of his own men.
'Borax' O'Rourke
Harley P. Hennage, town gambler, takes under his protection Dana Corbaly when her widowed mother dies. He becomes suspicious of the motives of Bob McGraw, a young engineer who has come to town to investigate the mining claim of Dana's father, John Corbaly. But events reveal that he is only the tool of Corbaly's former partner, capitalist T. Morgan Carey.
Lew Shaler
Jeremy Dice, a finisher in a New York East Side tailor shop who prides himself on being a smart dresser and dancer, proves to be cowardly when he retreats from a bully who gets fresh with his girl, and his employer discharges him. Deciding to go out west, Jeremy is caught hitching the rails and comes upon two outlaws in the desert disputing over booty; they are both killed in a shoot-out, and Jeremy is proclaimed a hero by the sheriff.....
Spunk Lemm
Lorimer is wanted for a crime he didn't commit, and "Red" has his hands full keeping the old man safe from the sheriff and his posse.
Two men, Philip Whittemore (Henry B. Walthall) and Thorpe (Harry Northrup) both go to the Northwest to gain the right-of-way for their railroad company from D'Arcambal (Emmett King). Whittemore arrives first and D'Arcambal refuses to meet with him until he saves his daughter, Jeanne (Pauline Starke) from going over the rapids. Then Thorpe arrives and tries to use force by kidnapping Jeanne and insisting that he is her father.
When his long-suffering wife leaves him, the hard-driving captain of a whaling ship turns bitter and takes out his anger, resentment and frustrations on all those around him, leading to tensions with his crew that come up to the point of mutiny.
Buck, who is preparing to enter a theological seminary, aids his brother and some friends who are fleeing from justice, and thus implicated he is sent to prison for 2 years. There he meets again Hope Standish, a Salvation Army girl who had interested him. Returning home, he meets the old district circuit rider and promises to continue the circuit rider's work when he dies. The brother escapes from prison and is converted by Buck, who falls in love with Hope.
Red Galvin
Velma is unhappily married to Sam Patton, a millionaire roué. Aboard his yacht bound for the South Seas, Sam pays more attention to his guests than to his wife, and she flees when he attempts to force liquor on her. A sudden paralytic stroke renders him helpless, and she believes him dead. A storm comes up, and Velma is washed ashore on a desert isle. She is later joined by Lieut. Paul Mack, whose hydroplane has run out of fuel. They fall in love, but their idyll is broken when they are captured by a band of moonshiners.
Boston Harry
As a man travels down to New Orleans for the winter, he finds out a robbery will be taken place on Christmas night in a plantation. he helps a girl by making it available for her to marry her boyfriend.
Kip Ryerson
In the mountains of West Virginia, Alderson Cree is mortally wounded in an ambush by Kip Ryerson, after Kip's wife, Martha, seeks refuge at the Crees's home for herself and her stepdaughter, Eileen. Cree makes his young son, David, promise to avenge his death once he has grown into manhood. As David Cree runs for help, Alderson recants and instructs Martha Ryerson to release his son from his promise. However, to eliminate her brutal spouse, Martha Ryerson remains silent, and George Hedrick, the local storekeeper, leads a crowd to drive Kip out of town. Hedrick later announces Kip's death, relieving David of his obligation to his father. Years pass, and David, now an adult, is engaged to Mary Reddin. When Kip Ryerson returns to town, David's mother demands that he keep his promise to avenge his father.
Michael O'Doone, his wife Margaret and daughter Marge are settlers living in the Northwest. One winter day, while on a journey, Michael meets with an accident and fails to return home. Believing that he is dead, Margaret goes into a state of delirium which enables Buck Tavish, a long-time admirer, to carry her away to his cabin. When she finally comes to her senses she flees in search of Michael, leaving Marge behind.
The Wolf
Murderous bandits shoot up a town and kill the sheriff. But before he dies, the lawman leaves behind a list of the men responsible for his murder. Twenty-five years later, his son, Buck Marston has grown up and followed in his father's footsteps by becoming a sheriff.
Red Morgan
Billy Porter sells his ranch and travels to San Francisco to try his hand in the business world. But he's barely off the ferryboat before he gets waylaid by a little newsboy and the boy's pugilist father, "Knockout" McClusky.
Bull Larkin
Tom Denton comes from the East to the Northwest lumber region and becomes co-owner of a lumber camp with Howard Patton, whose bored wife Vera insists on flirting with Tom despite his discouragement.
Judge Graney
Kent Hollis has arrived in Dry Bottom, New Mexico to settle the affairs of his dead father. But when he discovers that the town is at the mercy of "Big Bill" Dunlavey and his crew, he decides to stick it out at dad's old ranch for a spell.
Asher Blodgett
Naive country girl Jigs Blodgett makes friends with Gene Giles, the nephew of a wealthy judge. Shady John Harland is courting the judge's daughter Blanche because of her father's money and position. To amuse herself, Blanche invites Jigs to a party with her "sophiscated" friends, intending to humiliate and embarrass Jigs. Things don't quite go the way Blanche planned.
Tom Mix plays Tim, a goodhearted cowpuncher who, while riding down a trail, gets robbed of the money he was carrying for the Belgian Babies' Milk Fund.
John Stafford
Cowboy star Tom Mix was cast as Ned Ferguson, a sure-shot frontiersman with a nose for trouble.
During World War I, German spies were even capable of infiltrating a Tom Mix Western!
Pat Shannon
Ellen Shannon, the daughter of self-made Irish politician Pat Shannon, is engaged to Ted Breslin, but because Pat began his career as a menial laborer, Ted's mother, Mrs. J. De Barth Breslin, refuses to sanction the marriage. Heartbroken, Ted takes up drinking and gambling with "Poker" LeMoyne and Don Jackson, while Ellen attends a finishing school hoping to improve herself. While trying to elude her chaperone, Ellen unwittingly dashes into a man's hotel room, and from the window, she witnesses Don and "Poker" playing cards, while Ted lies unconscious from too much drink. When the two gamblers quarrel, Don kills "Poker," but Ted is accused of the crime.
In an effort to reach his wife's deathbed, Kirby is forced to kill a man in self-defense. He is arrested by Selwyn, a member of the North West Mounted Police, who allows him to say a last farewell to his wife. After visiting his wife's deathbed, Kirby eludes Selwyn and becomes a fugitive from the police. Each year he returns to visit his son and, during one of his sojourns, meets Margy, a little farmhouse servant who has run away from her life of drudgery.
Jack Boggs
While on vacation in New York, millionaire cattle rancher John Keyes falls in love with musical comedy star Fritzi Carlyle. Recognizing the opportunity for a great story, Fritzi's press agent encourages her to accept the Westerner's proposal of marriage, only to deny it the next day in a wave of newspaper publicity. Disheartened, Keyes returns to Arizona and Fritzi continues performing until she suffers a nervous breakdown. Reading of Fritzi's misfortune, Keyes returns East, kidnaps Fritzi and takes her to Arizona. There, the change of climate performs wonders and she recovers quickly. Meanwhile, her stage manager sends detectives after her, and when they arrive in Arizona ready to arrest Keyes for kidnapping, Fritzi explains that the whole adventure was an elaborate publicity stunt and announces that she and her Arizona cowboy are going to be married.
John Mathews
Optimistic in the face of failure, Daniel Webster Opp finally attains success as a traveling salesman for a shoe firm, but just when his prospects are best, he receives word that his stepfather is dead. He leaves at once to meet his brother Ben at Cove Junction, where they settle the estate according to Ben's demands. Ben takes the money, while Mr. Opp is given the homestead and custody of Kippy, his feebleminded half-sister. Sacrificing all to remain with his sister, Mr. Opp founds a newspaper, the Opp Eagle, and begins to promote the town.
Roger Appleby
Three old men -- Judge Moran (George Hernandez), Roger Appleby (Jack Curtis) and Caleb Talbot (Jean Hersholt) -- are the caretakers of a young boy, Daws Anthony (Elwood Bredell). When Ray Preston (Fred Church) comes to the small Southern town where they all reside, he stirs up a load of trouble.
Aaron Whitaker
Although Esther Whitaker is in love with Caleb Tilden, her sea captain father demands that she marry his first mate. However, Esther's grandfather encourages her and Caleb to marry in secret. After Grandfather Whitaker's death, Esther discovers she is pregnant. The captain, believing that she has disgraced the family, beats Caleb to death (at least that's what he assumes) and drags his daughter along on the ship. Afraid of the consequences, the captain refuses to go home and eventually the crew mutinies.
Oracle Jack
Having worked himself out of grinding poverty, grouchy millionaire Lorenzo Todd adopts a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude concerning the rest of Mankind. The only people Todd truly cares about is his son Warren and his boyhood chum Dudley Phillips. Eventually, however, the old sourpuss manages to alienate these two people as well. T
The daughter of a lumber man disguises herself and gets hired as the secretary of her father's rival.
Abner Clark
Peter Sturton
Gubernatorial candidate Walter Croyden is in love with Beatrice, but he acts obnoxiously when he drinks, so she flees to Europe to re-evaluate the relationship.
Detective Boggs
Story of a pretty girl whose ambitious mother wants to marry her off to an English nobleman. The girl, however, loves a plain American, the son of a wholesale fish dealer. The girl's ineffectual father likes the young American too, but his wife overrides him and the family heads for Honolulu, where the matriarch hopes her daughter will wed the nobleman.
After political boss Tim Noland adopts Roy, the infant son of a dead crony, he reluctantly gives the boy up to a doctor who claims that, if raised in an respectable environment, the child will grow into a model citizen. Twenty years later, Roy comes back to live with Tim, and is appalled at his unscrupulous methods of conducting business. Then, he falls in love with Enid Winslow, the daughter of a social reformer who is running for office against Tim. Largely due to Roy's financial support, Winslow wins the election, but, holding a grudge against Tim and anyone connected to him, he refuses to let Enid marry Roy.
John Oakhurst, a gentleman gambler, befriends Sandy Morton, who has dissipated his birthright through gambling and excessive drinking and dropped from his father's sight. Although Oakhurst soon takes Sandy's place in the affections of his father, he boards a train heading West and meets Pritchard, an alcoholic, and his wife, the Duchess. Pritchard is wanted by the law and Oakhurst helps him to escape detectives who are on his trail.
In Mexico, a poor Yaqui Indian loses his family through the actions of a racist Mexican officer named Martinez.
Don Lowrie
In an English mining town during the 1870's, Joan Lowrie falls in love with Fergus Derrick, the new chief engineer who vows to improve working conditions. Joan's father Don, however, runs the mine and likes conditions just as they are. As a result, he quickly learns to detest the crusading Fergus, even to the point of trying to murder him.
Eatinghouse Oscar
Harley Hennage, a gambler, loves Marie but remains silent when he realizes that she is in love with Oliver Corblay, a prospector. After Corblay and Marie marry, Harley moves to the distant town of San Pasqual and does not see his old sweetheart until her husband is killed while staking a claim in the desert.
Hod Stoat
After obtaining a divorce from his second wife Emily, Roy Tappan marries Dora Carson, who has just divorced her husband. Left poor with two children, Emily marries Walter Heath, a former suitor, then discovers that she cannot live with her new husband because the divorce is not legal in her home state. Tappan and his new wife soon run out of money, each having thought the other was wealthy. His aunt promises to support him in exchange for his two children. He kidnaps the children and hides them from Emily in his aunt's home. After Emily and Walter find them, they go to Yellowstone Park, where they are considered legally married. Tappan follows and is killed after a fight with Walter when a boiling geyser throws him into the air and throws him onto the rocks below.