Evelyna Rodríguez


Некогда знаменитый бывший вор Алехандро Толедо и его новый напарник Сантьяго Гусман снова должны взяться за дело. На сей раз им предстоит вернуть скромным и трудолюбивым жителям деревни землю
Don't Let Alberto Fall Into Temptation
Albert marries the woman of his dreams, but he's about to lose her trying to discover the answer to why men cheat that will make him famous.
She, The Stranger
A depressed publisher decides to get a break and leaves town for long weekend to his private home in a luxury resort. Along the way, he meets an attractive woman who turns his life upside down. Is this his opportunity for happiness or the beginning of a tragedy?
Feo de día, lindo de noche
A not so good-looking man is enchanted with a spell that turns him handsome from 8 PM to midnight.