Zorica Randić


В.Р. Мистерия организма
Makeup Artist
Фильм построен на параллельном монтаже двух сюжетных линий: первая рассказывает о сексуальных теориях доктора Вильгельма Райха, эмигрировавшего в Америку из Австрии, но, в конце концов, осужденного за оскорбление общественной нравственности; вторая, действие которой происходит в Югославии, в ироническом тоне соединяет документальную хронику сталинской эпохи с рассказом о страсти, вспыхивающей между свободомыслящей югославкой и закомплексованным солистом советского балета на льду.
The Bet
Makeup Artist
A young woman leaves her older husband, the owner of a village mill, for a truck driver whom she met while he was in their village by business. While trying to find him, she experiences the life in suburbia, and gets back to her husband disappointed, disgraced and humiliated.
When I Am Dead and White
Makeup Artist
The story about Jimmy Barka, a young vagabond who works as a seasonal worker. Having been sacked from the job, his dreams are to become a singer. As most of the things in the Balkans happen, he is destined to failure.
The Return
Makeup Artist
An-ex convict nicknamed Al Capone, who spent six years in jail, tries to adapt in new environment. Members of the two rival gangs try to engage him in their new ventures, but he wants to make a new start with the girl he loves. At the same time, a young criminal who shares the same nickname replaces him in these actions.
The Enemy
Makeup Artist
An ex-soldier named Slobodan Antic, referred to by a friend as one of the last idealists, finds himself losing control over his own life when a man identical to him starts following him around, claiming to be a friend but behaving suspiciously. Before long his dealings with this doppelganger begin to cost him and his professional and romantic life grow more and more confused.
Каролина Риекская
Costume Design
По одноименной пьесе Драга Жервеа. Фильм основан на легендарной истории юной Каролины Белинич. Когда английский флот начал обстреливать из пушек адриатический порт Риека, юная Каролина поднялась на борт корабля адмирала Джона Лирда и договорилась о прекращении огня, чтобы спасти город от разрушения.