Branko Matić

Рождение : 1919-01-01, Šibenik, Croatia

Смерть : 2012-12-16


Cervantes from the Small Town
Šef limenog orkestra na samrti
'Malo Misto' lives its own life, but not far behind the times. Hotel manager Roko Prč strives to organise tourism, so he introduces the first nudist beach. His wife Anđa brings two of her cousins from the Dalmatian hinterland and demands Roko to hire them. One of them, a young man named Ikan, earns the attention of a beautiful Swedish tourist. From Chile to Malo Misto returned Tonči, nicknamed Servantes, of course, without any money. He fell on the back of his hardworking aunt Keka, who even without him has enough problems of her own. Servantes also experiences an unexpected romance.
Train in the Snow
Lozac u lokomotivi
One class of school children from a small village make the trip to Zagreb. One of the boys gets sick and the class is forced to go home. During their journey the train gets stuck in a snowstorm.
A Performance of Hamlet in the Village of Mrdusa Donja
A corrupt village commissar insists on mounting a production of Hamlet. The clever local teacher, however, casts the son of a man framed for theft as Hamlet, and the commissar as the usurping king, leading to a climax of truly Shakespearean proportions.
По мотивам одноименного романа Младена Олячи. В июне 1942 немцы и усташи решают уничтожить партизан, дислоцированных в лесах в районе горы Козара в Северной Боснии. Они окружают гору и начинают штурм. Осаждённые партизаны отчаянно сражаются с превосходящими силами противника. Оставить позиции и уйти от преследования они не могут: вместе с отрядом в лагере находятся беспомощные раненые, женщины, старики и дети.
Point 905
Pratilac majora Momira
After the war, a Yugoslav army captain, Vladimir, is in charge of suppressing armed supporters of the former king's regime, led by major Momir. After Vladimir's best friend is killed, he joins the rebels pretending to be one of the king's supporters. However, one of Momir's supporters, a man who harbors rebels, has an attractive daughter who is engaged to marry Momir. She knows that Vladimir is an officer of the Yugoslav army, because she has seen him wearing a Yugoslav uniform. Vladimir fears that she might betray him.
Поезд вне расписания
Nepovjerljivi seljak iz Doljana
Этот поезд шел без расписания и подолгу простаивал на станциях. Пользуясь этим, пассажиры выходили и знакомились между собой; все они ехали в одно место — на север страны, на черноземные, плодородные земли. Поезд вез их из родных деревень, где жили еще отцы и деды, но где вместо земли был холодный, твердый камень, на котором ничего не родилось. О судьбах этих переселенцев-крестьян, по зову своего правительства отправившихся строить новую жизнь, и рассказывает фильм.
Splendid Passengers
A group of old sailors demonstrate the Splendid sailing boat's qualities in comparison with dangerous steam boats whose number has increased and put their jobs at risk. One stormy night they refuse the steamer's help and are prepared for the worst. But they find a little boy on their boat and this persuades them to fight for their lives.