Главный герой — сам Даниэль Дефо, знаменитый путешественник и автор бессмертного романа «Приключения Робинзона Крузо». Оказавшись в немилости у короля Георга II, он доживает свой век в доме бедной вдовы Кэнтли. Поскольку старик потерял благосклонность двора, то и его сын Том начинает пренебрегать им. Заброшенный всеми, писатель находит сочувствие и поддержку у группы бедных ребятишек, которые с утра до вечера работают на текстильной фабрике. Собравшись ночью вокруг старика, они слушают его рассказы о далеком тропическом острове, о его герое Робинзоне…
Основатель Рима, легендарный Ромул, дабы заселить основанный им город, объявил, что в нем найдется убежище всем изгнанным и преследуемым! Так город Рим стал заселяться беглыми рабами, разбойниками и искателями приключений. Но всё это были мужчины! Чтобы решить проблему продолжения рода Ромул посылает сватов в соседнее племя сабинян. Только старейшины в резкой форме отказали им, ссылаясь на неблагонадежность женихов. Тогда решено было девушек выкрасть или заманить… устроив красочную спортивную олимпиаду?
In South Tirol, shortly after ww-ii: Paul and Barbara Holzmann and their son Charlie own a small gasoline station. At their wedding anniversary, of all days, Barbara finds proof that Paul may again have cheated on her. At first she believes his explanations, but when she finds more proof later, she leaves and seeks comfort in the arms of her former friend Nicola in Italy. The story is told from the perspective of her diary.
A doctor discovers a new medical cure with dangerous side effects, and takes the drug himself to test its limitations.
When she was a little girl, Liuba came to town with her widowed mother to live in the block of flats owned by her aunt Anna Iwanowna. The wealthy and cold-hearted Anna Iwanowna barely accepted them as tenants. And no sooner did Liuba's mother die than she wanted to send her niece to the orphanage. Fortunately, Pawlin, Anna Iwanowna's janitor, decided to adopt her and he brought her up with affection. When she grew up, the beautiful Liuba fell in love with her aunt's son, Dodja, a good-looking but profligate army officer. Wishing nothing more than an affair with Liuba, Dodja did not hesitate to play the comedy of love to her. When she realized what Dodja was really after, Liuba was devastated and in desperation accepted to marry Pawlin, her benefactor, who had been infatuated with her for years. Alas, in the middle of the wedding party Dodja danced with Liuba and eloped with her
Весной 1905 года проект водопровода в канадском городе Канитога планируется завершить. В течение многих лет завершение омрачалось саботажем. Инженер Оливер Монтстюарт командует последней взрывной операцией. Но опять же, заряд взрывчатого вещества слишком велик, и, таким образом, дальнейшее строительство снова приостанавливается. Когда Монтстюарт противостоит бригадиру Вестбруку, бригадир угрожает ему ножом. В целях самообороны Монтстюарт стреляет в него. Теперь он должен бежать.
After an emergency plane landing in the desert, the actress Barbara gets to know the industrialist Thomas. After they are rescued, the two live at Thomas' place in Berlin. Although she confesses her love for him, Thomas asks his brother Werner to look after Barbara, as he feels he is too consumed by work and doesn't wish to be bound to anyone. Only after a fight with his brother does Thomas realize how much in love with Barbara he really is; but by that time, she has left him. For years, Thomas searches in vain for her until one day he meets her in New York ... where she is now married.
In 1852, the young Austrian emperor Franz Joseph persuades his friend, Count Michel de Thalberg, to act as a go-between in his love affair with the Bavarian duchess Elisabeth. Not long after his arrival in Munch, Thalberg has an embarrassing encounter in a public garden with an attractive young woman. The innocent incident is misinterpreted by a passer-by who, recognising the woman as the youngest daughter of Ludwig Tomasini, a highly respected caterer, persuades her father that she should marry the man who flirted with her to avoid a scandal (FilmsdeFrance).
A well scripted and captivating thriller about the owners of a small private bank in Berlin, squeezing money out of honest business firms, causing their bankruptcies, and then trying to smuggle the cash into Switzerland.