Austin Stack
How the Anglo-Irish Treaty between the unrecognised Irish Republic, represented by Michael Collins, and the British government was concluded after high-stakes negotiations in 1921.
Schroeder (voice)
Забавный щенок Снупи очень не любит надписи вроде: «Собак выгуливать запрещается». Он ссорится с Линусом из-за одеяла и даже проводит боксерский матч с Люси. Его собачьи чувства обижены, Снупи решает убежать из дома с его маленьким преданным пернатым другом Вудстоком. Вместе они переживают серию невероятных приключений в большом городе, пока не встречаются с Лайлой, которая оказывается первой хозяйкой Снупи.
School is out for the summer and Charlie Brown, Linus, Schroeder and Pig Pen are planning to spend it reading every comic book, watching television, practicing ballplay, and classical music, and having clean thoughts. However, Lucy tells them that she signed them up for camp. The girls are eager to go, but the boys hate the idea.(Linus adding that its like finding out that he was drafted.) The boys shove each other to get on the bus, while the girls line up in order. At camp, Charlie Brown is chosen captain of the boys camp. The boys and girls have a swim race which the girls win easily. Then they have a softball game, which the boys lose with only one run. Other competitions are just as lopsided. Afterwards, the boys sit around the campfire and reflect on how miserable they are. In one scene, the colors of the shirts of Schroder and Linus are mixed up during this scene.