Ichirô Okuni

Рождение : 1909-12-12, Kojima, Okayama Prefecture, Japan


Итиро Окуни (浪花友子, наст. имя — Акира Омоура / 重浦 晃; род. 13.12.1909 — дата смерти неизвестна) — японский актёр. Также пользовался псевдонимом Куитико Тайко / 大国 一公.


Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyes
A wave of terror is threatening to unseat Shogun Yoshimune. Police stations are erupting into flames, convicts escaping from prison, houses robbed and vandalized, streets teeming with panicked citizens. Is Ijyuin Tanomo, highly-placed official of Owari clan, secretly using deadly ninja to foment riot and rebellion? Narumiya Shinbei, a lone samurai spy adept at ninjutsu must uncover the hidden hand orchestrating these shocking crimes. Shinbei enlists a small band of dedicated ninja to lay siege to the enemy’s stronghold, where his own sister works as an undercover agent. Now, ninja must fight ninja in a last desperate battle to save the shogunate.
53 Stages of Action
A Warrior Generation
Hibari is Fashion Crazy
Under a decree by the Shogun, people of all classes are forced to lead a frugal lifestyle. However, Omitsu, a woman who is thought to have gone insane after the sudden death of her father, openly disobeys this order and goes around town fancifully dressed. Unknown to all around her, Omitsu is merely acting, using her perceived madness to roam around town conducting her own secret investigation into her father's death. Will her skillful ruse help her to reveal the truth?
The Conspirator
Young lord Saburo Nobuyasu struggles to find comfort in life. His arranged marriage to Tokuhime, daughter of one-time family enemy Oda Nobunaga, provides little happiness. His manipulative mother adds further complications through her constant interference and attempts at defeating the Nobunaga family.
Case of Umon: Woman of the Magic Lantern
Detective Umon’s services are called upon when ronin Yaichiro is killed with a peculiar weapon, a stone wrapped in a towel.
Magistrate of Dice
Magistrate Kinshiro fights with a group of villains plotting the assassination of the Shogun in Edo.
Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret Sword
This is the second film in the popular black and white series about the master swordsman, Yagyu Jubei. When the Yagyu clan falls victim to rival Kasumi spies, Yagyu Jubei is called to action to protect them. But in performing his duty, he becomes the target of those who wish to destroy his clan.
Unruly Lion
Lair of the Snakegod
Bloody Account of Jirocho: Raid on the Road
Case of Umon: Hell’s Windmill
Umon’s services are called upon when innocent bystanders, Kayo and Minokichi, along with the ronin, Gontaro are mistakenly identified as suspects in several recent murder cases. To prove their innocence and uncover the truth, Umon launches his own investigation.
Bloody Account of Jirocho: Duel at Akiba
Early film by Eiichi Kudô.
Nitōhei monogatari: Banji yōryō no maki
Sixth sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Nitōhei monogatari: Shindara kami-sama no maki
Regiment commander
Fourth sequel to "Story of Second Class Private".
Akagi no komori-uta
Film directed by Tadashi Ashihara
Ghost-Cat of Yonaki Swamp
A remake of Kaidan Saga yashiki (1953).
The Young Avenger
Akitaro Orizuru, who set out on a journey to avenge his father's death in the darkness, returned to Itako, his hometown, where the Ayame Festival was approaching, for the first time in five years. His late father's brother, Sutezo, who took off his waraji, runs a small prostitute with only one child, Sutematsu. In addition, only Shigezaburo, who left a mark in the middle wind, was ill-mannered by Inomatsu. Akitaro was accompanied by a daughter named Omitsu on the way to here, but she was Ura's younger sister who works at Fujikura's house, and the villagers worked on the fifty cars to meet her critically ill father.
Flowers on the Trail
The Black Hooded Man 4
Izumiya Yoshibei
Notebooks of Heiji Zenigata: Spider on the Skin
Flowery Hood
The Phantom Cat
Horror film directed by Masamitsu Igayama.
The Kuroda Affair
This adaptation of a Hideji Hojo novel, about the historical uprising of the Kuroda clan in 1633, is told through the eyes of retainer, Daizen. As his clan’s new leader, Tadayuki, becomes increasingly militant in his opposition to the Tokugawa shogunate, Daizen is forced to reconcile his loyalty to the clan with his loyalty to Tadayuki, who seems dead set on entangling the clan in destructive conflict. The Kuroda Affair’s mise-en-scène is said to have influenced future Toei director Eiichi Kudo. The film also features two of the greatest stars of Japanese period cinema, Chiezo Kataoka and Ryutaro Otomo.
The Second Son
The Ghost Cat of Ouma Crossing
A kabuki actress is murdered. Her pet cat laps its mistress's blood and becomes a demon possessed by the vengeful murder victim.
Terrible Ghost Cat of Okazaki
The Lord of Okazaki is killed by his brother-in-law. Although the Lord's widow bears a child, she is also killed. Then, a ghost cat begins stalking in the castle.
The Battleship Yamato
The film is about the Yamato's suicide mission to Okinawa in March 1945 to defend the homeland threatened by U.S. bombers. Adapted from Mitsuru Yoshida's 1952 book "Requiem for the Battleship Yamato".
Forty-Eight Man
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
Date Masamune the One-Eyed Dragon
The life, adventures and exploits of warlord Date Masamune the One-eyed Dragon: his early youth as an aggressive warrior, the battles he won until subduing almost all his enemies, the lonely comprehension of knowing that he actually can not take over the whole country because he was born too late.
Phantom Castle
Early Japanese three-part samurai / fantasy serial.
Еженощные грёзы
Очень сложно повернуть реку вспять и не менее сложно изменить ход неудачно складываемой жизни! С подобной проблемой столкнулась и Омицу — главная героиня фильма. Картина повествует о её драматической судьбе, на которую обрушивается целый ряд невзгод и потрясений.
Молодая дама
Veteran reporter
Окамото и Сайто — два начинающих репортёра, которых отправляют на поиски хороших историй для публикации в их газете. Они решают объединиться с новой журналисткой по прозвищу «Молодая дама» чтобы прозондировать тайный клуб для богатых вуайеристов. Считается утерянным фильмом.
Youth, Why Do You Cry?
A modern girl suddenly intrudes into a widower's family home.
Потерянная удача
Служащий находит деньги на улице и получает вознаграждение за возвращение их законному владельцу. Однако его коллеги сразу начинают занимать деньги, а также продавать ему вещи, которые ему совершенно не нужны, к большому раздражению его жены. Считается утерянным фильмом.
На экзамене-то я провалился...
Из всех жильцов пансиона только Такахаси не смог сдать экзамен и получить диплом бакалавра. Ему не хватает смелости признаться в этом любимой девушке.
Дерущиеся друзья
Два неразлучных друга подбирают на дороге бездомную девушку и начинаются ссоры. Кажется, дружбе конец. Время все расставит по местам.
Дни юности
Professor Anayama
Студенческая жизнь. Беззаботные дни юности. Так ли уж они беззаботны? Сессия, экзамены. И желание закадрить девушку. Один друг — серьёзный, а другой — лоботряс, их объединяет только одно — дни юности.
Пара в разъезде
Когда женщина несправедливо подозревает, что её муж заигрывает с продавшицей, она решает флиртовать со своим хозяином, чтобы отомстить. Считается утерянным фильмом.