Nino Martínez Sosa

Nino Martínez Sosa

Рождение : , Dominican Republic


Fernando Martinez Sosa, graduated as a film editor from the EICTV of San Antonio de Los Baños Cuba, later assuming the coordination of the editing department of the school. Then, he moved to Spain where he began a career as an editor working in several awarded and nominated feature films and documentaries. He has also taught classes, lectures and conferences in several film schools and art centres.


Nino Martínez Sosa


Либорио пропадает без вести во время урагана. Через сутки он возвращается и объявляет себя святым, начинает исцелят больных и собирать последователей в горах. Местные власти пытаются усмирить его, но слава Либорио только растет. Лишь вторжение американцев заставляет его исчезнуть, чтобы однажды вернуться снова.
Либорио пропадает без вести во время урагана. Через сутки он возвращается и объявляет себя святым, начинает исцелят больных и собирать последователей в горах. Местные власти пытаются усмирить его, но слава Либорио только растет. Лишь вторжение американцев заставляет его исчезнуть, чтобы однажды вернуться снова.
Либорио пропадает без вести во время урагана. Через сутки он возвращается и объявляет себя святым, начинает исцелят больных и собирать последователей в горах. Местные власти пытаются усмирить его, но слава Либорио только растет. Лишь вторжение американцев заставляет его исчезнуть, чтобы однажды вернуться снова.
Либорио пропадает без вести во время урагана. Через сутки он возвращается и объявляет себя святым, начинает исцелят больных и собирать последователей в горах. Местные власти пытаются усмирить его, но слава Либорио только растет. Лишь вторжение американцев заставляет его исчезнуть, чтобы однажды вернуться снова.
Все мы моряки
Толя, его брат и капитан живут на забытом рыбацком катере в порту Чимботе. Компания, владевшая судном, разорилась, лодка стоит без дела девятую неделю и вся команда давно разъехалась по домам - остались только эти трое. Без денег и без возможности как-то изменить изменить сложившуюся ситуацию, Толя пытается приспособиться к новой жизни на берегу.
El silencio del viento
The story of a man trying to cope with the death of his sister, but cannot because he must continue working with the illegal business of bringing undocumented immigrants from Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico.
By the Sea
Searching for his lost father, a boy will have to be strong to survive.
Nena's Window
I almost did not know her, because for me she always has lived outside. The missing grandmother who appeared from time to time at the airport and called the day of my birthday. We did not talk too much but felt close, like a mountain you don't have to climb to know is there. Then I also left the country, but to a different place and never asked her how or why she immigrated. At the age of ninety-one in a town of New Jersey, she receives me. This is the story of our last meeting.
Nena's Window
I almost did not know her, because for me she always has lived outside. The missing grandmother who appeared from time to time at the airport and called the day of my birthday. We did not talk too much but felt close, like a mountain you don't have to climb to know is there. Then I also left the country, but to a different place and never asked her how or why she immigrated. At the age of ninety-one in a town of New Jersey, she receives me. This is the story of our last meeting.
Yahaira is an unwed mom that has to take care of her child during work hours, something that has happened before.
Las carpetas
How fair is it for the government to control its citizens? Four Puerto Ricans confront their past when they open their “files”, the records obtained of the illegal surveillance and persecution that the Puerto Rican government held against citizens and organizations that disagreed with the establishment. Through their daily life, they will tell us their stories, experiences and intimate feelings of the persecution they suffered. Taking their past as an example, we will confront the present.
Las carpetas
How fair is it for the government to control its citizens? Four Puerto Ricans confront their past when they open their “files”, the records obtained of the illegal surveillance and persecution that the Puerto Rican government held against citizens and organizations that disagreed with the establishment. Through their daily life, they will tell us their stories, experiences and intimate feelings of the persecution they suffered. Taking their past as an example, we will confront the present.
Las carpetas
How fair is it for the government to control its citizens? Four Puerto Ricans confront their past when they open their “files”, the records obtained of the illegal surveillance and persecution that the Puerto Rican government held against citizens and organizations that disagreed with the establishment. Through their daily life, they will tell us their stories, experiences and intimate feelings of the persecution they suffered. Taking their past as an example, we will confront the present.
Queso de cabra
In no particular time and space, a family fabricates goat cheese. The mother and the daughter pretend to sell the cheese in a lonely road, but they are really selling their bodies. They leave the hard worked cheese to decay in a pile of dirt and rot. The mother encounters existential desperation when the daughter departs with a costumer and the father prefers the company of the goats.
Dream and Silence
Oriol and Yolanda live in Paris with their two daughters. During a vacation they suffer a car accident that will change their lives.
Я тоже
История любви Даниэля и Лауры. Даниэлю 34 года и у него синдром Дауна. Это не мешает ему обладать потрясающе тонким чувством юмора, самоиронии, быть выпускником высшего учебного заведения, восхищаться картинами Босха, отлично разбираясь в живописи, учить иностранные языки, занимать ответственную должность и влюбляться в женщин с иным набором хромосом.
Bullet in the Head
Ion is a seemingly normal guy whose life goes by without a hitch. A phone call; a meeting with a friend; small, unimportant everyday situations. One day he gets into a car with two other people. They cross the border between Spain and France. The next morning, their lives will change forever. principio fue el viaje
¿Y a mí quién me cuida?
El niño que vió a Dios
Elías is just beginning his career as a high school teacher and just beginning his relationship with Pedro when he finds out that he's HIV positive. How will he tell his new lover?
My Final Note
In the hard scrabble of life in Havana, Gabriel attempts to build his perfect musical scale.