Uri Sabag


Июнь, 1982г. Первая ливанская война. Израильский танк под управлением четырех молодых солдат призван обеспечить огневое прикрытие немногочисленного десантного штурмового отряда. В их задачу входит зачистка вражеского города, по которому ранее был нанесен авиаудар. Но простая, на первый взгляд, миссия очень скоро превращается в настоящий ад. Прямо на глазах фактически замурованных в бронированной машине танкистов один за одним гибнут их товарищи. Давно утратив контроль над ситуацией и повинуясь лишь инстинкту самосохранения, ребята отчаянно пытаются не потерять себя, оказавшись в самом пекле ужасной и непонятной бойни.
Things Behind the Sun
Now that Itzhak's father is in a coma, and dying, Itzhak is finally willing to visit him, thus breaking a ten-year silence. During his visits to the hospital, Itzhak, a beaten and reserved man, is frustrated to find himself neglected by his own family: his wife, a long suppressed artist whose life's dream is fulfilled that same week; his twenty-seven-year-old son - a "philosopher" still living at home; and his twenty-five-year-old daughter - a tormented lesbian who has had no contact with her family for a long time. Itzhak doesn't realize, though, that his ten year old daughter, Didush, neglected and almost invisible to her family, is secretly visiting her grandfather whom she has never met previously and sets out to discover the old family secret.
No Names on the Doors
Set on a modern kibbutz, as the spectre of an Arab invasion lurks in the backgroun,d and financial pressures are breaking down traditional communal values, a series of fragile, interwoven stories mirror this disintegration of collective ideal.
Saint Clara
The year is 1999 and the storyline is actually a number of sub-plots all revolving around the 13-year old Clara, a girl that can predict the future and has telekinetic powers. The sub-plots include a boy in her class who has a crush on her, his family, her family and her principal that keeps talking French for some strange reason.