Christophe Giovannoni


Location Sound Mixer
Сорок лет назад здесь жили 2000 человек, а сегодня в Пьетрапаоле в Калабрии лишь 200 жителей. Спустя двадцать лет Даниэль Кемени возвращается туда, где прошло его детство. В поисках утраченного времени режиссер собирает музыкальные фрагменты, объединяет их главных героев и дает этим воспоминаниям новую жизнь, становясь тем, кто щедро передает потомкам и сохраняет историю мира, популярные традиции которого умирают.
Счастливый Лазарь
Sound Editor
Это рассказ о встрече молодого крестьянина Лазаря, настолько чистосердечного, что многие считают его дурачком, и Танкреди, молодого дворянина, захваченного своими фантазиями. Этот странный и невероятный союз – откровение для Лазаря. Их дружба проверяется на прочность, когда Танкреди просит Лазаря помочь ему организовать собственное похищение.
The White Knights
Jacques Arnault, head of Sud Secours NGO, is planning a high impact operation: he and his team are going to exfiltrate 300 orphan victims of the Chadian civil war and bring them to French adoption applicants. Françoise Dubois, a journalist, is invited to come along with them and handle the media coverage for this operation. Completely immersed in the brutal reality of a country at war, the NGO members start losing their convictions and are faced with the limits of humanitarian intervention.
Кровь моей крови
Церковные иерархи устраивают судилище в монастыре Боббио, обвиняя сестру Бенедетту в том, что она соблазнила священника Фабрицио, после чего он покончил с собой. Такое преступление могла совершить только ведьма. Требуя от девушки признания в сатанинских кознях и раскаяния, ее мучители используют самые изощренные пытки огнем и водой. Свидетелем ужасных издевательств становится Федерико, приехавший в монастырь брат-близнец самоубийцы. Он тоже считает Бенедетту преступницей, но и сам становится жертвой ее чар… Так начинается история проклятого монастыря, отголоски которой дойдут до наших дней…
Long Live the Bride
Sound Designer
In a despairing, fatalistic Rome, Nicola finds himself flirting with the city’s dark side. Drinking too much and living among drifters, petty criminals and anxious immigrants, Nicola becomes entwined in an insurance scam that leads him further into a netherworld he may never escape.
Across the Sea
Sound Mixer
A former war photographer tries to ward off his personal ghosts by taking pictures of trees only. He lives alone among olive trees in southern Italy. One day he decides to cross the sea. Once in Albania, he goes near the location where he had made his last war picture, as if he was retracing his steps. He finds a tree he wants to photograph. He is just about to do so, when he discovers a runaway girl hiding in it with the sole objective of crossing the sea and getting to the other side. The man has no choice. He has to flee with her, follow her and guide her along until a storm separates them.
Sound Editor
Отец-консерватор хочет любой ценой оградить дочерей от опасностей современного мира. Четыре сестры, старшей из которых 14, живут в собственном сказочном королевстве на итальянской ферме и продолжают семейное дело — производство меда. Но это лето будет особенным для всех. В глубинку приезжает теледива, которая снимает в этих краях реалити-шоу «Страна чудес». Встреча с ней открывает для девочек прекрасный новый мир.
Le monde est comme ça
Sound Mixer
The film recounts the fates of five of the protagonists of the film “Special Flight” following their expulsion from Switzerland. Having been wrenched away from the country in which they had lived and from their children because they had no papers, they are found again in Senegal or Kosovo, in Gambia or Cameroun, destitute and cut off from their families, sometimes even having been tortured upon arrival. This film broaches the private lives of these broken men and testifies to the brutality of a migration policy that is common in Switzerland and in Europe.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, tout dire
Sound Mixer
Special Flight
Sound Mixer
Switzerland still carries out special flights, where passengers, dressed in diapers and helmets, are chained to their seats for 40 hours at worst. They are accompanied by police officers and immigration officials. The passengers are flown to their native countries, where they haven't set foot in in up to twenty years, and where their lives might be in danger. Children, wives and work are left behind in Switzerland. Near Geneva, in Frambois prison, live 25 illegal immigrants waiting for deportation. They are offered an opportunity to say goodbye to their families and return to their native countries on a regular flight, escorted by plain-clothes police officers. If they refuse this offer, the special flight is arranged fast and unexpectedly. The stories behind the locked cells are truly heartbreaking.
Alain Tanner, pas comme si, comme ça
As Luck Would Have It
Jean-Pierre is a literature professor in Switzerland. Due to the vagarities of Swiss law, he is selected, basically at random, to be the guardian of a parentless teenage boy named Antoine. Conflict comes into the story as Jean-Pierre, who has just accepted a major promotion, must now deal with caring for a teenage boy he doesn't want to care for, as well as handling his own jealous boyfriend. Then his wife steps into the picture. Things get complicated from there as Jean-Pierre tries to get out of his guardianship.
Zeit der Titanen
Sound Mixer
We're All Still Here
Two housewives discuss philosophical themes (actually an updated dialogue between Plato and Socrates) while doing the house work. The husband of one of them rehearses his part in a theatrical play, reading a 20th century philosophical text about totalitarianism.