Mihajlo Viktorović

Mihajlo Viktorović

Рождение : 1929-02-14, Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia]

Смерть : 1998-09-26


Mihajlo Viktorović


The Infantry Ant
Black ant Ameisen, the infantry ant, got mixed up in war and love turmoils. He's an experienced military slacker who does not respect strict military standards, but performs each task successfully. Red ants, headed by their clumsy general, are on the war path with black ants. Unfortunately for both sides, war happened because of a jar of moldy marmalade.
The Bizarre Country
Ministar privrede
A man dies in a foreign land. On his deathbed he asks his son to bury his bones in his fatherland, a country of brave and honest people, a country of tragic but heroic past. His son wonders the world unsuccessfully looking for his father's home. He eventually finds the country in which people speak in his father's language, but everything else is absurd and unbelievable and does not fit his father's stories.
The Last Act
Jovan Marković
The story of the capture of General Draza Mihailovic and his Chetniks.
Grkljan, Koštanin otac
TV adaptation of the Bora Stankovic drama, the most staged play in the history of Serbian theatre. Set in the southern Serbian town of Vranje, it is a tragedy about a Gypsy singing girl destined to marry but not for love. The old man Mitke loves her beauty and singing, but doesn't love her as a woman. Her talent and free spirit reminds him of his youth, young age and all he had to sacrifice for loveless marriage and unhappiness in order to fit into conventions.
Professor Kosta Vujic's Hat
Đura Kozarac
The true story of a rather unusual gymnasium class on the end of the 19th century and their professor. Full of intellectuals and young scientists, writers and artists, this class was highly with potential and many of them became famous in Serbian history.
Miodrag Protić, državni tužilac
TV drama that depicts treatment and persecution of outlaws in the Kingdom of Serbia during 1860s.
God Died in Vain
Inžinjer Đura
A trademark comedy by well known Yugoslav writer Radivoje 'Lola' Djukic. Nenad and Predrag are twin brothers. Nenad is the poor carpenter who works in the factory with deep financial problems, and he is one of the union leaders. On the other hand, his twin brother Predrag is the successful executive of a large socialist company, and he enjoys all the benefits of his position. As Predrag's company refuses to give a loan to Nenad's factory, Nenad decides to kidnap his twin brother with his union mates and to take his place in order to get the credit. But in the process, their plan has been unexpectedly changed.
Golden Slingshot
Film comedy about 19th century Serbian peasants who emigrate to the Wild West.
Bivši robijaš
A man cannot bear the superficiality of human relationships, and when his best friend lets him down, he commits suicide by jumping off a skyscraper.
Герой поневоле
Culetov direktor
Тихий и скромный экономист Цуле Покорный пытается проповедовать энтузиазм в трудовом коллективе, занятом только своими мелкими личными проблемами и интересами, а соседям он внушает прелесть атмосферы мира и любви в семейной жизни. Случайно, во время командировки, он оказывается впутанным в аферу контрабандистов, торгующих наркотиками. Под действием героина Цуле становится смелым и решительным и доставляет задержанных контрабандистов в город.
The Bag of Luck
The boss of service station, Raka, prevents thieves of stealing money after attempted robbery. But Raka doesn't know what to do with all the millions in his possession, but can't go told to police afraid that they may accuse him of complicity. He somehow manages to get rid of the money and marry Mara, the motel's maid who didn't want to hear about him while he was full of cash.
The Poem
An influential Serbian poet decides to leave Nazi-occupied Belgrade and join partisans in the country. A young resistance activist, however, is not so thrilled with the idea because the old and womanizing intellectual doesn't fit in with his strict moralistic standards.
Sky Battalion
S. K.
Story of seven Auschwitz prisoners who have been given thirty days to live, during which they would be gassing and then cremating the transports of deportees and, in the end, be gassed and burned themselves. Based on the play by Djordje Lebovic and Aleksandar Obrenovic.
День четырнадцатый
Milicioner II
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.
That Night
Following an accident in the mine on New Year's Eve, the task of bringing oxygen to the buried miners is to be performed. Driven by jealousy, Pavle founds himself in a dilemma of killing his wife's former lover, or saving the miners' lives.
Черный жемчуг
Spira, vaspitač
О детях, попавших в исправительную детскую колонию, расположенную на маленьком острове в Адриатическом море, о том, как ничего не мог добиться от ребят директор - желчный и злой человек - и как много сделал сменивший его молодой Марко, по-настоящему любящий детей.
SS Strike at Dawn
During the Battle of Sutjeska, headquarters one of the a partisan detachment, decides to enter deeper into the forest to save a few soldiers and wounded from inevitable death. Commander of the detachment, sent a group of fighters in the reconnaissance. As time goes on, the Germans are getting closer to discovering the detachment and wounded, hunger, exhaustion, forcing people to surrender, but at the time of surrender, and when the Germans discovered detachment, there is a sudden rescue from the group that was in the field reconnaissance.
Shots in the Sky
Upon returning home at war's end, a young lieutenant discovers that his family has been murdered by the Nazis. It's all the handiwork of a treasonous "Chetnik," who during the war worked against the partisans on behalf of the Germans. In bitter retaliation, the lieutenant sets about to decimate the Chetnik's family. He stops short, however, when he realizes that the sins of the fathers are not always passed down to the innocent children.
Маленький человек
О том, как необходимо детям внимание и забота родителей, как важно, чтобы рядом был взрослый и разумный друг, который может вовремя помочь и предостеречь ребёнка от дурных влияний и проступков.
История происходит в старом городе Зэница, в котором идёт строительство металлургического завода, принёсшего горожанам новую жизнь. Герои этой истории, молодой инженер Бора Гордич, рабочие Хасан, Райко, Мурат, Ибро, инженеры Бенко и Пьер, Зденко - все они строители этой новой жизни. Они борются со многими препятствиями и сталкиваются с недоразумениями, зачастую с самыми близкими им людьми. В конце концов, даже для молодой жены Гордича Дивны, которая переехала к своему мужу, Зэница и жизнь в ней полностью отличаются от того образа жизни, к которому она привыкла в комфортной столице. Их брак проходит сложное испытание…
Подозрительная личность
В маленьком провинциальном городке появился подозрительный человек, и весь аппарат местного правительства занялся его поимкой. Во время обыска выясняется, что предположительно подозрительный и очень опасный человек - не кто иной, как зять будущего мэра, который из-за страха перед родителями своей Марики сообщил о своём приезде под вымышленным именем.