This riveting feature film about redemption follows Frank Parish, a retired US fireman and philanthropist who finds himself wrongly accused of murder and jailed in the Philippines. Stuck in prison, Frank was beginning to lose faith in everything he believed in until he becomes friends with Mando, a convicted murderer who denies his passion for dancing just to prove his masculinity and Allona, a transsexual who tries to contribute to prison reforms by teaching his fellow inmates dance exercises. They get involved in a tricky struggle between the positive changes initiated by the new warden and the corrupt system that weighs down the inmates' chance to become better individuals. Frank finds himself caught in an intricate web of lies and must choose between concealing what he knows to keep himself out of danger or to help his fellow inmates by revealing the truth. Will he remain on the sidelines as an observer, or will he dance the dance of the steel bars?
Filipina Pop
Преуспевающий редактор популярного глянцевого журнала, твердо стоящая на ногах, привлекательная и уверенная в себе Макси Норман считает, что для полного счастья ей не хватает только… ребенка! Рассудив, что в наши дни наличие мужа совершенно не обязательно, Макси пускается на поиски идеального «папаши» своего будущего малыша. Под прицел попадают все особи мужского пола старше 30, без вредных привычек. Но, узнав о цели знакомства, потенциальные отцы кидаются врассыпную! Вскоре будущая мамаша совсем теряет надежду… Но тут судьба дарит ей шанс в лице начинающего писателя Джейка Бакли. Очаровательный и умный молодой человек идеально подходит на роль донора. Решив, забеременеть именно от него и во что бы то ни стало, Макси предлагает Джейку сделку — публикация его рассказов в обмен на маленькую услугу…
When Cherokee (Elizabeth Hayden Grace), a cocktail waitress in a local topless bar, wants to become a topless dancer to make more money, she falls in with three mysterious and beautiful strippers who happen to be vampires. The queen vampire, Elyse (Aime Wolf), finds Cherokee a tasty morsel.
In the aftermath of the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, a volcano dormant for more than 400 years, the residents of the whole town of San Simon in Pampanga was engulfed by dust and thick mudflow called lahar. The whole surviving residents of the devastated community are relocated to transitional evacuation center, a tent city, where different and unique personalities meet: Sheila, a migrant worker from Germany who is struggling to keep her family intact at all costs; Sonia who is looking for her missing husband while pretending as a handicapped so she can beg on the streets; Ditas, who returns in Pampanga after getting pregnant in Manila; and Elena, a mother who lost her whole family in the eruption, yet she keeps a positive outlook in life that as long as she remembers her relatives no amount of tragedy could keep her from reminiscing of their once peaceful lives.