Olga Spiridonović

Olga Spiridonović

Рождение : 1922-06-11, Split, Croatia, Yugoslavia

Смерть : 1994-05-15


Olga Spiridonović


Райское яблочко
Притчевая история одного карьерного возвышения. В закрытый пансионат для высшего руководства на должность горничной принимают новенькую - смазливую блондинку Асеньку, победительницу конкурса красоты среди буфетчиц. Трудовым коллективом этой благополучной обители ловко управляет хозяйка пансионата. Сначала, как водится, Асю "проверяют" и, признав за свою, расслабляются. А девочка не так проста, и у нее далеко идущие планы..
The Gambler
Grofica Antonida Vasilevna
An impoverished Russian aristocrat spends his days in a fashionable German town waiting for news from Russia about the death of his rich grandmother, so that he can repay his debts to a troubled French adventurer and marry his troubled cousin. His stepdaughter Polina also expects the inheritance.
Watch Your Step
Nikolina majka
Last school days of one graduating generation. They should say goodbye to a part of life, part from their friends, and there is also uncertainty, hope, plans, wild love "for the rest of the life", and parents with their ambitions, and it would be all incomplete, if not for professors who are slowly losing their authority. Senior prom is the central place for serious and funny events in which parents, professors and pupils are involved.
Pig Father
Upravnik KPZ
Unusual story of two young people whose relationship is doomed to fail because of a strict and possessive mother-in-law who destroys her son’s happiness.
Winning of Freedom
Milanova majka
WW2 has ended, but that doesn't mean the end of problems for an ex-Partisan who now must take care of reconstruction, as well as the building of a new society in a small Serbian town.
A journalist lives his smooth citizen life, married to a woman from respected family. But, conflicts with manager at work are becoming more often, his marriage is unstable and the outer manifestation of all this is a strange skin disease. Doctors recommend resting in nature and self-examination. In the mountains, in a lonely house near the lake, he meets a woman, also unadjusted and lonely. The consequences of this encounter are beneficial. Capable to love again, he gets his moral strength, and disease retreats. He breaks off his contacts with his wife's family and with "petit bourgeois" of his former life, confronts his boss and wins, realizing that this is only a first victory which has straightened him up.
The Fragrance of Wild Flowers
A well known theater and movie actor, dissatisfied with condition at home and at the theater, suddenly stops the dress rehearsal of a play in which he has one of the main roles, and goes to Danube to visit his friend, a boatman transporting bricks on his small barge from a brick plant in a settlement of poor people to Belgrade. This unexpected action confuses the actor’s environment. Everybody sets out to the Danube in order to find out the real reasons for the actor’s odd behavior and to hear when he will return to normal life. The actor refuses to talk, stating that only known what he does not want! The young director, who earlier started work on filming a portrait of the actor, doesn’t know what to do. The opening night is postponed.
Salče, Koštanina majka
TV adaptation of the Bora Stankovic drama, the most staged play in the history of Serbian theatre. Set in the southern Serbian town of Vranje, it is a tragedy about a Gypsy singing girl destined to marry but not for love. The old man Mitke loves her beauty and singing, but doesn't love her as a woman. Her talent and free spirit reminds him of his youth, young age and all he had to sacrifice for loveless marriage and unhappiness in order to fit into conventions.
Death Fury
Marija Molerović
A woman who killed her husband by accident comes out of prison after sixteen years to meet with her two children at municipality office. Before children's arrival, she recalls her supposedly happy marriage that turned into a nightmare when her husband's brother came back from Germany and begun to influence her husband in a bad way.
The Dream of Dr. Mišić
Marija, služavka
Doctor Mišić comes to the Jabučevački cacstle, a place known as haunted by ghosts and wraiths. He's stubborn supporter of common sense and logic, taking all assumptions about transcendent world and fourth dimension to be silly. However...
Where to After the Rain?
A young woman tries not to become conformist like her parents, while her fiancee who had similar views, gradually became one. However it turns out that she cannot distance from her own background either.
A group of people go on a picnic in the mountains. Longing for some love and understanding, they try to get close to one another, but the barriers are insurmountable. Failing to pull through their nutshells of solitude, they get back to the city, the eternal desert.
No Dead Allowed
The main protagonist is a modest teacher who is getting involved in the clash of two criminal gangs.
День четырнадцатый
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.
Miss Stone
Elen Ston
Macedonia on the turn of the century is enslaved by decaying Ottoman Empire. Freedom fighters, in order to raise money for their cause, kidnap American lady who works in Protestant mission.
Ищи Ванду Кос
Olga Bojanić
Павел Боянич погиб в концлагере. После его смерти сестре Павла передали записку: "Если я не вернусь, ищи Ванду Кос". Не зная, как понять слова брата, Ольна решила, что Ванда Кос виновата в его смерти. В результате долгих поисков выяснилось, что и Ванда Кос также убита фашистами. В конце концов удалось установить, что виновницей гибели Павла и Ванды была некая Ивка. Во время фашистской оккупации Ивка была еще ребенком и бессознательно выдала Павла и Ванду.