An eminent communist wants to make his son a respected person so he could live without much trouble. He fails to accomplish that due to his son's different vision of success.
The tragic story of a heavyweight prizefighter at the end of his career.
Klaper filma
A film crew wants to make a serious drama, but the investors agree to fund the movie only if they make something funny. Hence the drama becomes a comedy with famous singer Đorđe Marjanović in star role.
The boss of service station, Raka, prevents thieves of stealing money after attempted robbery. But Raka doesn't know what to do with all the millions in his possession, but can't go told to police afraid that they may accuse him of complicity. He somehow manages to get rid of the money and marry Mara, the motel's maid who didn't want to hear about him while he was full of cash.
Веселая комедия об одном неудачливом директоре станции обслуживания Рако. Во время мальчишника, устроенного Рако в честь прощания с холостяцкой жизнью, из кассы станции похищают деньги. Грабители, случайно столкнувшись с захмелевшим Рако, бросают портфель с деньгами и убегают. Рако пытается незаметно вернуть деньги в сейф, но сделать это оказывается не так-то легко. И все же после многих забавных приключений ему удается это сделать.
This conventional post-nuclear holocaust drama from Yugoslav director Veljko Bulajic seems to be at cross purposes. On the one hand, its anti-war sentiments are clear, as well as its realistic scenarios of destruction, and on the other hand, the director and scripter Cesar Zavatini have turned the story into a satire. At the center of focus is a young couple who were getting married when the atomic bombs changed the face of the planet, and through the couple's own dilemma the greater picture is glimpsed. Assisting Eva Krizevska, Anton Vrdoljak, Zlatko Madunic, and other actors is President Marshal Tito's army.