Rubens Araújo

Rubens Araújo

Рождение : , Vitória, Espírito Santo, Brazil


Rubens Araújo


Карлота Жоакина, принцесса бразильская
Marquês de Marialva
На скалистом Шотландском мысе молодой человек рассказывает маленькой Иоланде об экзотической стране Бразилии, о «подвигах» испанской принцессы Карлоты Жоакины, которая в десятилетнем возрасте отправляется в Португалию, чтобы выйти замуж за принца Дона Жоао. Мрачный двор и трусливый несимпатичный жених производят плохое впечатление на юную принцессу..
Revólver de Brinquedo
Solitary young man, dominated by his mother, lives in a daydream. He buys a toy gun and impersonates a crime book personage.
Gente Fina é Outra Coisa
Tadeu, a poor lad from the Northeast of Brazil, comes to Rio de Janeiro to try his luck. His good looks and education win him the favor of rich people. In his spare time, he becomes the favorite among lonely and rich ladies. Soon he gets involved in trouble.
The Murdered House
Newly wed arrives at her husband's family house, in the country. The heavy atmosphere of the house frightens her, and she takes refuge in her homosexual son-in-law's room, who is kept locked and hidden from society. A tragedy occurs, causing her departure. She's only to return seventeen years later, and sick.