Manja Golec

Manja Golec


Manja Golec


Мадам Бовари
Эмма Бовари устала от своего мужа, сельского врача, и тоскливой провинциальной жизни в захолустье Франции. Она пускается в любовные приключения со своими многочисленными поклонниками и сорит деньгами в погоне за призраком гламура и беззаботного прожигания жизни. Однако сермяжная правда того самого скучного бытия, из оков которого Эмма пытается высвободиться, расставляет всё по местам, ведя её к суровому выбору.
Анжелика и султан
La prisonnière
Анжелика оказывается на Востоке. Захваченная в плен воинами арабского султана, она попадает к нему в гарем, но в очередной раз доказывает свою преданность и любовь к мужу. Единственное чувство, согревающее сердце Анжелики, — это надежда вновь обрести своего возлюбленного…
Operation Titian
In a small seaside town in the middle of tourist season, an old eccentric, Ugo Bonacic, is murdered. The homicide inspector leads the investigation, which directs him to a strange foreigner dressed in white, who came to town with an American diving representation. During the investigation, he finds out that old Ugo had a copy of one Titian paintings, for which unusual legend is bind. Finally, a new version of an old Titian painting legend is cleared up.
Our Car
A photographer decides to buy a car with the money he'll get for his prizewinning photo, but the postman brings only a diploma instead of money. Being subjected to the ridicule of their neighbors, his family decides to buy an used Buick, in spite of being against it at first. That would turn out to be a huge mistake, since the breakdowns are more often that they can afford.
Умер ли добрый человек?
Петар - пенсионер, который подрабатывает в банке. Его работа - собирать долги с граждан. Выполняя свою работу, он находит помощника в лице симпатичного молодого человека Мики и нечаянно связывает его с девушкой Майей.
While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.
Scaffolding Games
While trying to remain faithful to his own life philosophy of permanent independence and denial of love, a characteristic so peculiar for his generation, Sasha refuses to admit both to himself and and to the others his love for Bojana. Everything changes when Bojana falls from scaffolding on Sasha's graduation day.
Night Trip
A couple attends a decadent party where they become victims of salacious jokes. Furious boyfriend leaves, but she gets impression that he simply left her. She decides to join the fun, exposing her body to everyone. This bad move makes her regretful in the morning.