Sándor Terhes

Sándor Terhes

Рождение : 1961-10-25,


Sándor Terhes


Mária Kerényi, 41, July 1970
In this reenactment of a propaganda documentary, a woman is falling prey to the role assigned to her in slow motion. Upon her arrest, diplomat Mária Kerényi is interviewed by the state television. Her story in espionage confronts the mechanisms of autocracy and the concept of guilt in a closed society.
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adaptation of Magda Szabó's novel translated into twelve languages.
Zoli is about to be taken out of school by his parents to make him work for the family. The headmaster regards the issue as a simple administrative routine, but Zoli is not willing to accept that his future is decided by others.
Ha egyszer
Father and Son. Two lines coming near to each other but only meeting in the infinity. Noel's father is dying. They have never been close to each other. The son feels that he must understand the reason for it before it's too late.
A young man living abroad visits his hometown to deal with the aftermath of his estranged father's death. The unexpected journey forces him to face feelings and affairs long thought to be lost. A film about the inability to connect, or finding a home.
Спутник Юпитера
Пытаясь нелегально пересечь границу, молодой беженец Арьян был тяжело ранен. Но вместе с ранением он получил и необыкновенную способность: теперь Ариан может летать. Отправленный в лагерь для беженцев юноша знакомится с доктором Штерном, который, узнав о способностях Ариана, помогает ему выбраться оттуда. Доктор потрясён парнем и ещё не знает, какими неприятностями придётся расплачиваться за эту встречу.
Белый Бог
Policeman #1
Главная героиня после отъезда матери в Австралию осталась с отцом, а отец не рад ее собаке Хагену. К тому же, пес не поставлен на учет, и за ним начинает охоту санитарная инспекция. Сбежав от хозяйки, Хаген переживает серию передряг, а потом оказывается в собачьем приюте, где поднимает восстание против бесчеловечности тех, кто там работает.
Serious Things
Három elválaszthatatlan jóbarát - mindhárman kilógnak egy kicsit a sorból. Augusztus van, egyikük sem utazik el sehova a nyári szünetre, együtt lógnak. Lassan telik a nyár, és végül kibukik, a piszlicsáré zökkenők mögött komolyabb problémák húzódnak.
Computers, TVs, cel tels and other telecom devices no longer work and the people are suffering severe withdrawal pains. Three brothers try to overcome their own major personal problems as the society slowly begins to find alternative ways of living. Written by IMDb
Ferenc Szirmai
Остро нуждающийся в деньгах на лечение своей больной матери помощник патологоанатома Малкав Тибор принимает предложение незнакомца убить некого человека, о котором Тибор ничего не знает.
The film is a stage play hybrid showcasing dark and absurd sketches based on contemporary Hungarian news of the 2000's with campy, senseless musical interludes in-between. Highly experimental in nature that - like Marmite - will split its' crowd into ones that'll love it and others that'll loathe it. There's no middle grounds here. The topics included are: The Hungarian Olympians' doping scandal, political terrorism, the national elections... and more.
Comedy about a man whose face is stuck in a grimace after making a ‘lemon face’.
Homeless man / Ego Doctor
In the 20th live broadcast of Frau Plastic Chicken’s TV show entitled Nexxt, the first guest comes from the sixties: it is the hero of Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange, the notorious murderer Alexander Grushkin, that is, Little Alex. With the help of Egodoki, Frau PC has the Ludovico Technique applied on him, and beside the broken Alex she has Rex Madison, the protagonist of American Psycho brought in, with handcuffs on. The self-assured gigolo breaks down at the appearance of Maggie, his first love, and it is he who wins the confessional show led by Mrs Cardinal Paula Aquarius, which incurs pardon to be given. Rex, freed from his shackles, shoots the majority of those present, rapes PC and leaves together with Alex by helicopter. The show continues on the moon.