Slavko Goldstein


Operation Stadium
This movie tells a true story about events in Zagreb in 1941. Nazis and their collaborators organized the great gathering of students on Dubrava stadium. The intention was to publicly separate Jews from them which would lead to future pogrom. The event, however, took an unexpected turn.
1st Split Detachment
A Partisan unit goes into battle with the enemy twice stronger, somehow resists detachment to attack deep into the night, where the fraud are captured combatants from all units and thrown to the terrible torture and eventually murder.
The Fourth Companion
A righteous party's committee secretary raises his voice against local politician in order to obtain recognition on workers' behalf regarding construction of the sports center.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
Thundering Mountains
A Serbian hero Mićo Ljubibratić from Herzegovina raises an uprising in eastern Herzegovina against Ottoman and he makes it clear to the Western powers, especially the Austrians, that the annexation of Herzegovina to Austria is out of the question if the newly formed Herzegovinian Assembly does not make such a decision on its own.
Quest for the Dragon
Two illegal fighters hide from Ustasha regime in the abandoned villa from which Jews are expelled. Tensions arising from their situation mixes with thoughts of the previous owners of the place.
Сигналы над городом
1941-й год. В руки усташей попадает один из лидеров антифашистского движения Томо Кнежевич. При задержании он тяжело ранен и находится под охраной в больнице города Краловац. Этим обстоятельством решает воспользоваться базирующийся неподалеку от города партизанский отряд. Переодевшись в форму домобранства (регулярной армии марионеточного Независимого Государства Хорватия), партизаны строевым шагом входят в Краловац и без всякого сопротивления захватывают больницу. Однако выбраться из города с освобожденным товарищем оказывается куда более сложной задачей…
Steps of the City
The future tramples the past by destroying it. This documentary film from 1957 emphasizes the necessity of progress but also the power of nostalgia….