Dragan Milivojević

Dragan Milivojević

Рождение : 1938-05-11, Podgorica, Montenegro


Dragan Milivojević


Волшебная шляпа
Pripovjedac (voice)
Этот мультфильм - продолжение столь известной в бывшем СССР сказки "Зачарованный лес", но, в отличие от него, он не был дублирован. Веселая и счастливая жизнь обитателей Чудесного леса нарушена вторжением опасных и безжалостных врагов — ледяного Царя Морозомора и преданных ему Колдунов-ледянщиков. Никто не может противостоять злому чародейству — царь и его слуги все превращают в лед, лишь под Волшебным деревом в самой чаще Леса можно укрыться от их чар. И только маленький робкий гном-волшебник Палочка, хорошо знакомый нам как слуга злого Царя Кактуса, а сейчас защитник Чудесного леса и главный положительный персонаж, в состоянии что-то предпринять, чтобы остановить победное шествие Морозомора и не дать превратить Лес в музей ледяных фигур. А помогают ему в этом наши старые знакомые — бобер Острозуб, медведь-силач Мате, ежики До, Ре и Ми и другие новые забавные персонажи. Лишь собрав воедино все силы, друзья смогут противостоять злу...
Leonov školski kolega
Глембаи из Загреба - богатая семья, проклятая трагедиями и преследуемая зловещим прошлым. Леоне Глембаи, мятежный сын семейного патриарха, испытывает отвращение к лицемерию, извращениям и преступлениям, царящим в семье.
Destroying Angel
A feuding but very wealthy married couple are planning their divorce while relaxing at luxury hotels in Yugoslavia. The husband decides he wants to get rid of his wife, so hires a hitman. However his wife also has the same planned for her husband, seducing one of her many lovers into doing the job. Should these attempted murders not succeed, the husband will have to carry on being blackmailed by his wife for his incestuous affair with his 16 year old daughter. Since the daughter has her own lethal romantic agenda, things don't go quite as planned.
Open Space
Summer of 1972, a small group of fanatical Croatian nationalists, trained and equipped by extreme emigrant organizations, infiltrated the territory of former Yugoslavia with intent to organize an uprising against Tito's regime. This series, very loosely based on true events, depicts the manhunt that followed.
Horvat's Choice
It is 1918, the evening of The Great War. Austro-Hungarian empire is collapsing, and all around Croatia there are outlaw deserters, fighting in forests. A city journalist decides to become a country schoolteacher, just to find some peace in that restless political situation. But, neither the village is safe from the militaristic policy of the imperial goverment.
A mother and her son live in the country. She has gone mad and the son has fallen mute as a result of the violence to which they had been exposed in the war.
Melkior Tresic is one of many intellectuals in 1941 Zagreb who is helplessly waiting for the encroaching war.
The Tamburitza Players
Odvjetnik Ferdo Plaški
It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.
The Falcon
Beheaded Turk
Banović Strahinja takes place during the middle ages in Serbia. While estate owner Strahinja is hunting, a Turkish bandit, Alija, attacks his castle. The Turks kill his servants and kidnap his beloved Andja. When he discovers what has happened, Strahinja gathers a together a group of scoundrels and chases the bandits.
The Woman from Sarajevo
The adaptation of a lesser known novel by Nobelist Ivo Andric, which describes the life of a spinster who was overwhelmed by a single passion: avarice.
Bombing Process
In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.
A film about a small-time gangster, a loser who seems is finally on the road of going straight.
The Way to Paradise
Prvi savjetnik poslanstva
A man and his conscience are shown on their way to paradise as the only illusion that saves him the present civilization's hell. However, it is the same people and same events that await him there.
Adam and Eve
A TV film based on single act drama written by Miroslav Krleza, that belongs to his expressionist phase. It was first published in 1922, and then regularly as a part of collection of plays called "Legends". By giving them this primordial biblical names, in this drama Krleza speaks about the intricate relation between two lovers, while interweaving reality and unreality, giving wider context of human relations to everything.
Accidental Life
Two friends try to tear out their lives from the clutches of idle. An existential study of ordinary lives led by two alienated urban white collar workers, Accidental Life was the only feature film of Ante Peterlić, Croatian film theorist and film critic. The film received mediocre reviews and went largely unnoticed after its release, but has been reevaluated decades later as one of the best Croatian films ever made.
Prometheus from the Island of Viševica
mladi Grgo
A middle-aged manager of a big-scale company pays visit to his native island with his wife, in order to attend ceremony of unveiling a memorial plaque dedicated to local partisan heroes. During his visit, he's constantly overwhelmed by the memories from the past, his first love, the combat days and his enthusiasm to introduce electricity on the island, which was not appreciated by his fellow islanders.
Девятый круг
Кинофильм «Девятый круг» рассказывает о жизни и борьбе югославских патриотов в тот период истории, когда Югославию оккупируют гитлеровцы. Столица Хорватии Загреб находится под контролем немцев, жители страдают еще и от жестокой фашисткой диктатуры усташей. Хорваты супруги Войновичи скрывают у себя дочь своих знакомых, еврейку Рут, родителей которой и ее брата немцы отправили в концлагерь. Чтобы Рут чувствовала себя в безопасности, они инсценировали ее брак со своим сыном Иво. Молодые люди, которых сначала тяготило фиктивное супружество, постепенно полюбили друг друга. Но недолго длилось их счастье - Рут арестовали. Иво решил попытаться спасти девушку, устроив ей побег…