Marjan Hlastec

Marjan Hlastec


Marjan Hlastec


Kovač and Dara, whose childhoods start badly, meet in an orphanage and get attached to each other. After ten years, when they are in their teens, and both share an immature view of the world, they accidentally meet again. Kovač is a gang leader, Dara lives a lonely life in her own enchanted world. Kovač's gang starts getting involved in more and more serious deals. When the rascals find themselves caught between loyalty to different mob bosses and running from corrupted policeman, their juvenile illusions disappear. The way back is hardly possible. Will the rascals manage to run beyond, will Kovac and Dara be able to save their wasted youths and begin new lives?
Five Days in May
Moški v fičku
A young soldier enters a conflict with his superiors and because he does not get the exit for the May Day holidays, he decides to escape. The escape of the weapon is a serious offense, and because there are no routes back to the barracks, the fate of the violence that leads to a bloody bribe begins to unfold. The story goes back to the time of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.
Love, Kranj Style
Bevant is a freak who wanted to remain faithful to himself, and therefore, in contrast to most, he remained a farmer.
Someone Else
By a twist of fate, Damjan is mistaken for a murderer who was prowling the streets of Ljubljana in the same neighbourhood. Because of his naive, friendly approach and helpfulness, his wife walks out on him and the police have doubts about his sanity. Is Damjan really losing his memory like his father did before him? And does purity of mind and spirit necessarily lead to a person's downfall? Will Damjan, who is mysteriously attracted and connected to the cinema and who finds himself drawn into a case of mistaken identity (just like in the movies) succeed in setting his life in order in spite of the mix-up and in finding the right companion for himself?
The Outlaw
The life of a man who dared to unfold the corruption and mismanagement in his factory takes a wrong turn as his marriage ends, his lover leaves him and he finds himself in a psychiatric hospital. After completing his stay in this mental institution, the gates of the factory are now closed for him. Will he be forced to apologize, or blood must be shed?
A Real Pirate
Petrov oče
A young boy is on vacation at the beach with his family. He becomes bored and wanders onto the set of a television production about pirates aboard a ship.
Story of a small group of people who think there is going to be an attack by a group of rabid animals. They perceive this danger through a trance they invoke by hitting their heads against a stone. They decide to oppose their enemy, and a fierce clash takes place.
In 1940, shortly before the outbreak of war, a young boy Marjan lives a carefree life with his gang in Ljubljana, experiencing all the problems of his age. With Lenka he's experiencing his first "pure" love, while discovering sexuality... The Italian occupation brings many changes, gang breaks up, some join the liberation movement, the others join collaborationist forces. Marjan remain "unlisted". Italians surrender, and hand over the city to Germans. Frivolous Milena, who has good connections with them, seduces Marjan whom she lost her innocence with. The war is over and the partisans win. The new authorities mistakenly imprison Marjan.
The Sunny Whirlpool
Gangsters hide the stolen money in the refrigerator, which is committed to the school for the arrangers on the seashore. In the same school, a young man responses the advertising for the photographer, so he could provide a free holiday for himself and his friends. Gangsters come there as well, accompanied by detectives. On top of all that, the school is full of girls who try to win the confused young man's heart. This generates a series of comic complications in which the young man finally discloses the gangsters from prosecution, while at the same time being rescued from girls by his friends who have now arrived on holiday.
Stronghold of Toughs
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
По роману Прежихова Воранца "Самородки". Батрачка Мета и Ожбей, сын богатого крестьянина, полюбили друг друга и решили пожениться. Но отец Ожбея не мог допустить, чтобы его старший сын, наследник, женился на простой батрачке. Всеми силами старый Карничник старался вырвать из сердца Меты ее любовь. Не брезгуя никакими средствами, он заставлял девушку отречься от своей любви. Но ничто не сломило Мету. Она оставалась такой же гордой, красивой, независимой. У Меты и Ожбея было пятеро детей, пятеро незаконнорожденных. Они росли, и из года в год Мета прививала им веру в свои силы и учила презирать несправедливость.