Nana Papadopoulou

Nana Papadopoulou


Nana Papadopoulou


Κατηγορούμενος... ο Έρως
Солдаты без мундиров
О мужественных подпольщиках, боровшихся в оккупированной Греции с фашистскими захватчиками.
Μια Του Κλέφτη...
A lawyer goes to Paros to meet his mistress. But trying to get away from her husband, who returns unannounced, he enters the room of a good-hearted girl who tries to help him, thinking he is a thief. When he learns the truth, he gets angry and avoids him, and he sets a trick to bring her near.
Marriage Adventures
Helena (Xenia Kalogeropoulou) returns to Greece after studying in Paris and on the ship home she meets Dinos (Dinos Iliopoulos). An attraction develops between them and after a while Dinos asks for her hand in marriage. Helena though cannot accept his proposal because she is pregnant.
The Father Is Training
Riri's Mother
A widowed taverna owner tries to improve himself in order to please the aristocratic family of his son's wife. He manages to change things and ends up training everyone else instead.
Дети Эллады
Вернувшись после войны в родной дом капитан Николас не находит в нем никого из родных. И только из разговора с соседкой узнает об их трагической судьбе...
The song of separation
A beautiful Athenian lady (Lida Miranta), who spends the summer in Hydra, falls in love with a fisherman (Lampros Konstantaras) and “steals him” from his girlfriend (Evgenia Danika) to turn him into a singer at Athenian nightclubs.