Chantal Carter


Осада в Сильвертоне
Production Design
После неудачной диверсии трое борцов с апартеидом попадают в сложную ситуацию с заложниками в банке.
Commandos: The Mission
Production Design
Six Dutch Commandos, commanded by John de Koning and stationed in Mali, are sent to Nigeria under American orders to free the son of a wealthy Nigerian oil family from Boko Haram rebels. When the team finds out that the man is not a hostage but actually working with the terrorists - and unexpectedly find themselves responsible for a group of teenage schoolgirls - the mission gets completely out of hand. Will John be able to keep his team together and to accomplish their mission?
The Story of Racheltjie De Beer
Production Design
South African wilderness 1800's. Five years after their mother died, Rachel, a girl on the cusp of adolescence and 5-year-old Jamie find themselves on their way to the virgin gold fields with their father, Herman, as he tries to start a new life. When Jamie goes missing in a freak snow blizzard, Rachel braves the storm to look for her little brother.
Production Design
In the Durban South Basin, Themba lives with his father near to an oil refinery. He’s in love with Khanya, his best friend. Khanya has a new boyfriend, KG, who promises her a safe future. The more their relationship grows, the more Themba must fight to get her back, until he goes one step too far.
Art Direction
Джон, фермер, чья семья убита, дает клятву отомстить, выслеживает и наказывает убийцу. Его действия запускают цепочку насилия: лидер местной банды со своими напарниками решает расправиться с Джоном и его деревней.