Inez Gomez


The Dawn Trail
Housekeeper Maria
Dissension arises between cattlemen in Osage County, Texas, and sheepherders who have settled there and use the same watering stream. Mart Dalton, son of a wealthy cattleman, quarrels with and kills one of the settlers, thus placing sheriff Larry Williams in a delicate position; for he is Mart's best friend and is engaged to Mart's sister June. However, sworn to do his duty, he arrests Mart, incensing the cattlemen, who help Mart escape, leaving Larry wounded.
Under a Texas Moon
A cowboy arrives in a small town and winds up trying to help a local rancher stop a gang of cattle thieves while romancing a pretty young girl.
The Isle of Retribution
Five people are stranded on an island off the coast of Alaska. The poor girl, Bess Gilbert, competes with the rich girl, Lenor Harderworth, for the attentions of the heroic Ned Cornet. A snow-slide resolves a few issues.
Золотая лихорадка
Woman in Dance Hall (uncredited)
История о злоключениях извечного любимца публики, маленького бродяги, который на этот раз отправляется на золотые прииски Аляски и как всегда порадует вас бесконечным калейдоскопом трюков и комических ситуаций.
Hell's Oasis