Leo Sulky

Рождение : 1874-12-06, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Смерть : 1957-06-03


Черный список
Citizen (uncredited)
Франция, 1794 год. Максимильен Робеспьер - маньяк, известный всей Европе - занят своим любимым делом: массовыми репрессиями и расправой с политическими противниками. С подобным положением вещей не согласны "честные граждане" Баррас, Тальен, а также Фуше (чья честность находится под сомнением), однако им никак не удается свергнуть будущего диктатора в одиночку. С печалью обозревая деятельность Робеспьера из политической ссылки, генерал Лафайет, чуткий и сознательный патриот, высылает на спасение Франции, демократии и свободы единственного человека, способного это осуществить, - Шарля д'Обиньи, который напускает на себя личину безжалостного обвинителя из Страсбурга. Доставленный в тайную штаб-квартиру Робеспьера - булочную, Шарль получает задание: найти и вернуть "черный список" тех, кого собирается казнить будущий диктатор Франции.
Not Wanted
Townsman (uncredited)
After a beautiful but unsophisticated girl is seduced by a worldly piano player and gives up her out-of-wedlock baby, her guilt compels her to kidnap another child.
Война в Северной Атлантике
Unemployed Seaman (uncredited)
Американский танкер потоплен торпедой от немецкой подлодки. Выжившие члены экипажа, проведя несколько дней в открытом море, спасены и возвращаются на берег в ожидании нового назначения. Капитан Стив Джарвис отправляется домой к жене; его помощник Джо Росси знакомится с певицей в баре и женится на ней. Оба попадают на борт корабля «Морская ведьма», следующий в Мурманск в составе конвоя союзников…..
Дестри снова в седле
Bartender (uncredited)
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
Меченая женщина
Bartender (uncredited)
В одном заведении на одного крупного сутенера работают пять девушек, но только одна из них собирается вырваться и уехать. Пока же ей приходится терпеть, быть послушной и копить деньги. После того как ее младшую сестру убивает босс, она уговаривает других девушек стать свидетельницами на процессе…
Sons o' Guns
Broadway star Jimmy Canfield stars in a patriotic show on the great white way during WWI. He plays the heroic soldier, but he is doesn't want to join the Army. To evade some troubles with fellow actress Berenice, he acts like joining the forces going over there, but that turns out to be real. In France he falls in love with a French barmaid and is arrested as spy. He escapes from prison, only to end in the uniform of a German officer leading "his" soldiers in an Allied trap. But being escaped from prison and wearing the enemy's uniform isn't that healthy in wartime.
The Calling of Dan Matthews
Bartender (uncredited)
Dan Matthews (Richard Arlen), a young parson, is in love with Hope Strong (Charlotte Wynters), the daughter of James B. Strong ('FRederick Burton'), a man who controls the town with his real estate and business interests. Strong is an upstanding citizen who has fallen into the hands of a clever racketeer, Jeff Hardy (Douglass Dumbrille), who acts as Strong's manager of some innocent-appearing amusement places that are really secret dens of vice.
The Rainmakers
Roscoe the Rainmaker is invited to California (with sidekick "Billy") to relieve a terrible dry spell and to save the community from an unscrupulous businessman who stands to profit from the drought
Сын Кинг Конга
История начинается спустя приблизительно месяц после драматического финала предыдущего фильма и повествует о дальнейших приключениями режиссера Карла Денхема, который вовлечен в многочисленные судебные процессы после разрушений, вызванных Конгом. Денхем с Капитаном Энглхорном, который уверен, что это — только вопрос времени прежде, чем они разбогатеют, оставляют Нью-Йорк. Они занимаются не очень успешным бизнесом — перевозят груз на восток. В голландском порту Da Kang, они сталкиваются с прежним шкипером, который продал Денхаму карту Острова Черепа, который говорит им, что на острове есть сокровище. Ослепленные мыслью о богатстве, они верят ему. Фактически, он им лжет, для того чтобы они взяли его с собой, потомучто он только что убил человека и ему нужно смыться.
Утиный суп
Agitator (uncredited)
Чтобы спасти маленькую страну Фридонию от банкротства, богатая вдова госпожа Тисдейл соглашается пожертвовать на это 20 миллионов долларов. Но только при условии, что ухлестывающий за ней Руфус Т. Файрфлай станет лидером страны. Файрфлай — циничный и бесцеремонный диктатор — провоцирует посла соседней Сильвании, и между странами начинается война. Военную «игру» осложняют и запутывают два друга-неумехи, которых посол Сильвании отправил шпионить за Файрфлаем с целью выкрасть его тайные планы сражения…
Тигровая акула
Drinking Crewman (uncredited)
A Portuguese tuna fisherman catches his bride with his first mate.
Sweethearts on Parade
Helen and Nita work in a department store to make ends meet while they search for millionaire husbands. They meet Bill and Hank, who make them reconsider whether they really need millionaires to be happy.
Numbered Men
Convict (uncredited)
Prison drama from 1930. Mary Dane and falsely imprisoned Bud Leonard love each other, but Lou Rinaldo, who framed Bud to get Mary, and escape-minded King Callahan, set events in motion to prove that love and justice will prevail.
Going Ga-Ga
Minor Role
Anita and Marion realize that an abandoned baby they sneaked into an orphanage was kidnapped from a millionaire. For the reward, they proceed to break into the institution at night, dressed as men to beat curfew, to get the kid out again. This film survives only in very fragmentary form.
Хабеас Корпус, или Доставка тела
Detective On Telephone (uncredited)
И снова безумный ученый задумал поразить медицинский мир новой теорией. Правда, на сей раз, похоже, он действительно безумен. Подвернувшихся Стэна и Олли он нанимает, посылая их на кладбище с указанием принести ему оттуда тело. Ночью. Стэн и Олли, превозмогая страх, вооружившись лопатами, идут в ночи на кладбище. Ох, и натерпятся они там страху!
Harry will do anything to be a musician, but it takes a junk collector to discover his hidden talents.
Люби их и плачь
Restaurant Manager
Уморительная комедия о том, как к некоему Титусу Тиллсбери, главе солидной компании, приходит девушка из его далекого прошлого. Она показывает ему фотографию, где сидит у него на плечах, и с сожалением говорит, что фотография в газеты не попадет. Титус приглашает девушку на ужин, думая договорится с ней, но тут приходит его жена и сообщает ему о том, что пригласила на ужин судью Чиггера с женой. И вести девушку в кафе приходится его подчиненному Ромейни Риккетсу. Но у него тоже есть жена!
Kitty from Killarney
Theatre Manager
Kitty from Killarney is a 1926 comedy short.
Masked Mamas
The Practical Joker
A Billy Bevan slapstick comedy short.
Smith's Landlord
Large Mover
Third release in 'The Smith Family' series of 2-reel comedies. Omar the dog, usually the most sedate member of the Smith family, has a starring role in this episode, digging up the garden and stealing the landlord's hat.
Hoboken to Hollywood
Company President
Billy Judkins is a naturally gloomy Gus. His life changes when he is transferred from working in his company's Hoboken office to their Hollywood office. He is going to drive there with his wife and mother. Along the way, they encounter Mr. Pinkney and his new bride, who too are heading west. Their misadventures together and meeting up with a band of marauding Indians may prevent any of them from reaching their intended destination. If Billy and Mr. Pinkney ever make it to Hollywood, they're both in a for a big surprise.
A Sea Dog's Tale
An island princess falls in love with a young man whose picture she sees in the newspaper. Her father, the king, sends his agents to the U.S. to kidnap the man and bring him back to the islands to marry his daughter. Complications ensue.
Ice Cold Cocos
Mr. Thaw
Billy and Andy impersonate two ice-delivery men in a suburban town. Billy takes a fancy to a newly-wed bride and most of his loose cash is liquidated as he flirts with her. Her husband is not pleased at Billy's attentions to his new bride. There is a skating contest at the local ice-rink, and the bride, her mother and her husband are in attendance, as are Billy and Andy, the icemen.
From Rags to Britches
Attorney John Lawler
From Rags to Britches is a silent comedy short.
There He Goes
The Butler
1925 Mack Sennett Comedies production three-reel short.
A Sweet Pickle
A Sweet Pickle is a 1925 Comedy short.
A Rainy Knight
Brock's Business Associate
Sweethearts Jimmie Carter and Bessie Barnes work for Adolph Brock at the Acme Corporation. One day while he is out for a drive in his jalopy of a car, Jimmie spies a pretty young woman on horseback. He comes to her rescue after she falls off her horse and gets injured, he leading her to refuge in an abandoned cabin when it starts to rain heavily. Although she flirts with him, he, in turn attracted to her, wants to remain faithful to Bessie and resists his urges. When this woman mysteriously disappear on him, he can't stop thinking about her and follows her innuendo to meet with her at her apartment. All the while, he is unaware that she is Peggy Joyce, Brock's gold-digging fiancée. He is also unaware that Peggy has ulterior motives for coming on to him, which, in combination with her dangerous past, could lead to complications for all involved.
The Iron Nag
Waldo Watkins
A jail break turns into a race.
Sneezing Beezers
The New King
Sneezing Beezers is a silent comedy short.
Super-Hooper-Dyne Lizzies
Prospective Buyer #1
An eccentric inventor has thought of a way that automobiles can run on radio waves, without gasoline. His plans put him in conflict with the owner of an oil company, who is also pursuing the inventor's daughter. This rival begins to scheme against the inventor, and it is left up to the inventor's hired man to try to stop him.
Breaking the Ice
The Hotel Detective
Ralph Graves is a football hero that delvers ice for a living in this Mack Sennett slapstick comedy.
The House of Flickers
The troubles of a movie projectionist in a newly-purchased theater are chronicled in this two-reeler starring Paul Parrot and Mildred June.
The Raspberry Romance
Leo Mallet - Seymour's Partner
The Raspberry Romance is a 1925 comedy short.
Water Wagons
Dangerfield's Henchman
A boat race rivalry erupts into comical danger.
Boobs in the Wood
Mike il duro / Giocatore di poker
Chester Winfield tries to make it as a lumberjack, but he's foiled by his lack of strength and the jealous foreman, Big Bill Reardon, after Chester catches the eye of Hazel Wood, Big Bill's favorite and the camp's waitress. Bill tries to eliminate Chester, so he and Hazel head down the mountain for other work. She waits tables and gets him a job as a dishwasher. He spills kerosene in the soup and then must serve it to an angry customer. Hazel tells a couple of tall tales about Chester, and soon all the customers, the owner, and the cook, think he's a desperado. They make him the saloon bouncer. Some trick shooting seals his reputation. Then Big Bill arrives for a showdown.
The Wild Goose Chaser
Butler / Lover in Film
A Mack Sennett slapstick comedy featuring the cross-eyed man Ben Turpin.
The Sea Squawk
A Detective
A Scottish immigrant on board ship becomes a pawn in a jewel heist aboard the S.S. Cognac, a three-star liner. Blackie Dawson, the uncrowned king of jewel thieves, and his accomplice Pearl Blackstone, have stolen a huge ruby. A detective is searching every cabin, so Blackie forces our young Scot to swallow the gem and, under threat of being shot, to stay mum. The detective is assisted by Flora Danube, a blue-eyed Bulgarian daisy who keeps those eyes open. To escape death, the young Scot disguises himself as a woman, but that draws a lot of attention; when his disguise is discovered, he must climb for his life. Is a European union in the offing?
The Cannon Ball Express
The Cannon Ball Express is a 1924 comedy short.
Galloping Bungalows
All the qualified men line up to be chosen, as an heiress advertises that she will marry the man with the most interesting mustache, that marriage which comes with a mansion. John Syrup Soother wins the marriage to who he believes is the heiress, Olive Palmer, a tank of a woman who has lost her beauty with age. But he learns that he his betrothed is not the heiress, Diana Palmer, but her mother. Howson Lotts, a shyster and one of Diana's other suitors, sells John a beach-front house for his new life, that house which is not all that it seems on the surface. In the meantime, others still will do anything to be Diana's betrothed, that choice in which John now has a different but still vested interest.
The Hansom Cabman
The Scheming Butler
Harry Doolittle wakes up on the day he's to marry Betty Bright. He has a terrible hangover. A strange woman appears in his room saying that he married her the night before, and just then, his fiancée and her mother arrive. There's anger all around, leading to Harry's arrest. He's jailed while awaiting trial in front of Betty's father, a judge. She visits him in the clink. He escapes and disguises himself as a cabman. The police are looking for him, as are his fiancée and her mother. Will it get straightened out in time for wedding bells to ring?
The First 100 Years
Hypnotist (uncredited)
A man saves his lady love from Black Mike then comes wedded bliss. He hires a cook, who's brusque, domineering, and constantly smoking a cigar. Out of the blue, the couple gets a visit from his old friend, Roland Stone, bluff and portly. Roland befriends our newly-wed's wife, and this friendship deepens after the husband hires a new cook, the lovely Miss Gainsborough, who gives her boss a little too much friendly attention. That night, a prowler skulks, Miss Gainsborough faints, the newly-wed husband comes to her rescue, and she grabs him and holds on. His wife is offended and determines to leave with Roland. Is the marriage over?
Wall Street Blues
Money Loaner / Police Captain
A bumbling bank custodian becomes an unlikely hero when he foils a robbery.
The Lion and the Souse
Charley Elk - Actor
Mack Sennett silent short comedy.
Black Oxfords
Prison Sheriff Umpire
In this Mack Sennett comedy, a mother and daughter fear foreclosure because their mortgage payment is due and they're unable to pay it. Meanwhile, the family's son Jack, who's in prison, unexpectedly finds himself free of captivity.
Picking Peaches
Fashion Show Judge
A series of sketches with a shoe clerk, his wife, and his extra-curricular activities. The shoe clerk steps out on his wife with one of his customers. Both his wife and the woman's husband catch them when they go to the beach and later watch a beauty and fashion contest. His wife enters it wearing a mask. Back at work on Monday, all has returned to normal, until the winner of the contest shows up for her prize - a complete wardrobe...
Ten Dollars or Ten Days
The Police Captain
In this silent comedy, a pretty department store cashier is charged with a robbery that occurred overnight at the store. However, circumstantial evidence points to the store's soda clerk having committed both the $10,000 robbery and the assumed murder of the store's nightwatchman, who is missing.
Cinderella Cinders
Alice Howell plays a working girl who breaks into society through no fault of her own when asked to pose as royalty at a posh party. Spiked punch adds to the hilarity of the proceedings. A silent film inspired by the character of Cinderella, but with the contemporary setting.
Her Lucky Day
Alice Howell comedy short
His Wooden Legacy
A woman played by Alice Howell receives an inheritance from her grandfather of his wooden leg.