Anka Vrbanić


Eagles Fly Early
Starica I
A group of kids from the Bosnian village often run away from school from the terror of Pepper, a teacher who got his nickname because of his red nose. Soon they formed a brigand division, but have been discovered and caught. The sudden arrival of year 1941 turns their game into reality.
In the moment when Belgrade industrialist Života Cvijović had dreams to marry off his son Milorad, Doctor of Philosophy, to a minister of transport's daughter, a telegram from Milorad's professor from Heidelberg arrives, saying that he wants to visit them. Bad luck is that Velimir, a poor student, was financed by Milorad, and studying under his name received a diploma.
Госпожа министерша
По одноименной комедии известного югославского драматурга Бранислава Нушича, которая в острой сатирической форме бичует буржуазный быт и нравы королевской Югославии.