The richest merchant in XIX century Sarajevo and his fellow travelers are captured by a group of bandits. In order to learn more about merchant’s riches, the bandits’ leader investigates the group and discovers that merchant’s wife, who cheated on merchant during one of his travels, later – in fear of his vengeance played to be possessed by “rage”. Looking for the cure, the merchant brings his wife to Ahmed Jusuf – former warrior and man of authority. Jusuf advised the merchant to take his wife and move into another region – having an idea on what was the story behind wife’s rage, bat also in an attempt to protect himself from the feelings that have already stifled.
A group of kids from the Bosnian village often run away from school from the terror of Pepper, a teacher who got his nickname because of his red nose. Soon they formed a brigand division, but have been discovered and caught. The sudden arrival of year 1941 turns their game into reality.
Nemački narednik
1944-й год. Гитлеровские войска не могут подавить партизанское движение в оккупированной Югославии. В ставке Гитлера созревает план высадки десанта в городок Дрвар, где размещается главный штаб партизанского движения. Цель операции — захватить в плен или уничтожить партизанское командование и его вождя Тито. В операции участвуют элитные войска во главе с генерал-полковником Лотаром фон Рендулитцем. 25 мая 1944 года, как раз в день рождения Тито, на Дрвар спускаются планеры с немецкими солдатами и парашютный десант…
Zidar I
A group of people move to a half-finished building, but soon a Cold War occurs between some of them. Based on a play.
По одноименной комедии известного югославского драматурга Бранислава Нушича, которая в острой сатирической форме бичует буржуазный быт и нравы королевской Югославии.