Vakada Appa Rao


Executive Producer
The sudden demise of the celebrated leader PKR leaves the ruling party in a political crisis and shakes up the family. The party has to elect a leader, and more than one player is in contention. Everyone’s intentions are blurred, and loyalties are in question. Brahma is a game changer in this squabble. Who will succeed as the leader and become the CM?
Executive Producer
A young couple, are mentally and physically harassed by two men while on a road trip. However, the situation puts their love to the test, making them go their separate ways.
Герой Нарасима Редди
Executive Producer
Перед вами новый исторический индийский фильм, сюжет которого закручивается вокруг Восстания сипаев, одним из предводителей которого был Уйялавада Нарасимха Редди. Всё началось в середине XIX века, когда недовольство Ост-Индской кампанией достигло своего апогея. Главному герою удалось сплотить вокруг себя тысячи единомышленников, считающих, что британской оккупации Индии должен настать конец. На пути к своей главной цели Нарасимхе Редди пришлось преодолеть множество препятствий. Ему нужно было бороться изо всех сил, даже тогда, когда казалось, что у него нет ни единого шанса на успех.
Julie 2
Executive Producer
Julie, a simpleton, follows through with her dream of becoming an actress and rises to stardom. However, she is soon introduced to the murky waters of the entertainment industry. She begins to compromise on her choices and seeks love from the men in her life. Just as she decides to change paths, she is offered a political biopic that further complicates her life.
Khaidi No. 150
Executive Producer
A convict who plans to escape the country unexpectedly switches his place with a good Samaritan who fights for the rights of poor farmers.
Krishna (Balakrishna), a dance teacher in Chamundeshwari’s (Jayaprada) college also acts as a music teacher Bala (Balakrishna) in Chamundeshwari’s divorced husband’s school. Krishna woos their daughter Kalyani (Meera Jasmine) but when he is asked to tie the knot with her he reveals his past.
Athagaru Swagatham