Marjorie Gateson

Marjorie Gateson

Рождение : 1891-01-17, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA

Смерть : 1977-04-17


Marjorie Gateson (January 17, 1891 - April 17, 1977) was an American actress.


Marjorie Gateson


The Caddy
Mrs. Grace Taylor
Although the son of a skilled golfer and an outstanding player in his own right, Harvey Miller is too nervous to play in front of a gallery, so he acts as coach and caddy for Joe Anthony, his girlfriend's brother.
One More Tomorrow
Aunt Edna Collier
Shiftless playboy Tom Collier lives to jump from party to party--until he meets photographer Christie Sage. Through Christie, Tom takes over the ownership of The Bantam, a liberal magazine which opposes everything his family represents. As Tom and Christie's relationship deepens, love blooms and he proposes to her. Realizing that she could never fit in with Tom's social circle, Christie says no, a decision she later regrets. But Tom isn't left alone for long--scheming gold-digger Cecelia Henry wastes no time in catching Tom on the rebound and forcing him into a disastrous marriage. A remake of 1932's The Animal Kingdom.
Ever Since Venus
Maude Hackett
The American Beauty Association is about to hold its annual trade show in New York City and songwriter "Tiny" Lewis (Billy Gilbert) has just sold a song to Ina Ray Hutton ('Ina Ray Hutton'), the leader of an all-girl band headlining the show. Lewis shares an apartment with Bradley Miller ('Ross Hunter') and Michele (Fritz Feld), an artist, and Miller has just invented a non-staining lipstick called "Rosebud." Preparing to get a booth at the show, Miller is told by J. Webster Hackett (Alan Mowbray), a very devious "Cosmetics King,", intent on selling a big lipstick order to buyer Edgar Pomeroy (Thurston Hall), that it will cost him a $1000 to join the association and get a booth, which is about $999 more than Miller and his roomies have between them. But Miller's beauty-parlor girl friend, Janet Wilson ('Ann Savage'), meets factory-owner P. G. Grimble (Hugh Herbert), and money is soon no issue. (IMDb)
Seven Days Ashore
Mrs. Elizabeth Arland
Circumstances force a womanizing playboy on leave from the Merchant Marine to ask two shipmates to help him by dating two surplus girlfriends.
Hi, Good Lookin'!
Mrs. Clara Hardacre
An usher at a radio station studio pretends to be an executive at the station in order to help a pretty girl become a singer.
Casanova in Burlesque
Lucille Compton
A stripper (June Havoc) discovers a professor (Joe E. Brown) spends summer teaching Shakespeare and winter as a burlesque comic.
Я сделал это
Mrs. Alice Spelvin
Джо Ренолдс — безобидный, несколько странный молодой человек, большой специалист в своей работе — гладить одежду постояльцев в прачечной фешенебельного отеля. И он безумно и безнадежно влюблен в артистку Кони Шоу, не пропускает ни одного ее выступления, тратя все свои сбережения на билеты. Казалось бы, что у Джо нет никаких шансов, тем более, что у Кони есть жених. Но любовь и стечение обстоятельств помогают ему добиться многого…
До самого неба
Canteen Hostess
Героический лётчик из эскадрильи "Летающие тигры" решает променять отпуск-турне на беззаботный отдых в небольшом городе, где его никто не знает. Он влюбляется в фотографа, которой надоело отражать местные события: ей хочется снимать героев и поначалу не нравится легкомысленный гуляка.
Rhythm of the Islands
Mrs. Holton
Rhythm of the Islands is set in the South Seas, presumably far away from the shooting war. The nonsensical plotline finds hero Tommy (Allan Jones) posing as a native chief. Joan Holton (Jane Frazee), daughter of a millionaire (Ernest Truex), falls in love with Tommy, unaware that he's a charlatan.
The Youngest Profession
Mrs. Drew
Joan Lyons and her friend Patricia Drew are autograph hounds spending most of their day bumping into, and having tea, with the likes of Greer Garson and Walter Pidgeon. Based on misinformation from a meddling old-maid governess, Miss Featherstone, Joan also devotes some time to working on the no-problem marriage of her parents to the extent of hiring Dr. Hercules, the strong man from a side show to pay attention to her mother in order to make her father jealous, despite the good advice received from Walter Pidgeon.
Не время для любви
Женщина-репортер Кэтрин Грант освещает строительство тоннеля под Гудзоном. Фотографируя рабочих, она становится невольной виновницей несчастного случая, в результате которого пострадал рабочий Джим Райан. Его временно отстраняют от работы. Чувствуя себя ответственной, Кэтрин нанимает Райана своим помощником. Она изящная и утонченная, в то время как он приземлён и практичен. Эта комбинация приводит к конфликтам, но противоположности, как говорится, притягиваются...
Meet the Stewarts
Mrs. Goodwin
A young newlywed couple learns to make their new marriage work; trying to impress family, stay on budget, and remain as diplomatic towards each other as possible.
Obliging Young Lady
Mira Potter
A woman attempts to shelter a young girl from the publicity surrounding her socialite parents' divorce.
Кольца на её пальцах
Сьюзен Миллер и ее подруга Пегги работают продавщицами в дорогом универмаге. Девушки с тоской взирают на недоступные им роскошные наряды и украшения в соседних отделах, мечтая оказаться «по ту сторону прилавка». Однажды случай сводит Сьюзен с Мейбл и Уорреном. Эти двое выдают себя за респектабельную супружескую пару, а на самом деле являются мошенниками, обманывающими состоятельных людей. Когда Мейбл и Уоррен предлагают Сьюзен поработать с ними, выдавая себя за их дочь, та вначале с негодованием отказывается, но страсть к красивой жизни одерживает верх. Как то раз на морском курорте, мошенники встречают симпатичного и одинокого Джона Уилера, которого они принимают за миллионера…
Dudes Are Pretty People
Aunt Elsie
Western comedy about a cowhand falling in love with the pretty guest at a local dude ranch.
Honolulu Lu
Mrs. Van Derholt
While in Hawaii, Velez begins the film as a risque nightclub act and due to her involvement with a group of sailors becomes a beauty queen.
International Lady
Bertha Grenner
Tim Hanley, an American agent, posing as a lawyer with the United States Embassy in London, and Reggie Oliver, a Scotland Yard detective, posing as a music critic are both keeping their eye on Carla Nillson, a famous singer, whom they suspect of espionage. They all meet in London, then in Lisbon, and eventually in New York City, where Carla sings on the radio.
Moonlight in Hawaii
Effie Floto
Deciding to quit his singing act and become a tourist guide, Pete Fleming escorts wealthy Mrs. Floto and her three nieces to Hawaii for a vacation. Behind his back, Pete's three bandmates stowaway and tag along.
Ты никогда не будешь богаче
Aunt Louise
Импресарио Мартин Кофтленд, намереваясь приударить за Шейлой, лучшей танцовщицей своей труппы, покупает ей в подарок бриллиантовый браслет. Жене он покупает… чесалку для спины. Увы, он путает подарки и браслет попадает в руки ревнивой жены. Чтобы отвести подозрения от шефа, хореограф Роберт Кёртис, завзятый холостяк, объявляет браслет своим и начинает демонстративно ухаживать за Шейлой. Но события принимают такой оборот, что даже уход на службу в армию не спасает Роберта от любовного безумия.
Passage from Hong Kong
Aunt Julia
In this comedy, a crime novelist spins a yarn to impress the apple of his eye. He tells her that he has been involved in a murder.
Here Comes Happiness
Emily Vance
Jessica leaves her upper class home to assume an anonymous working class identity. She meets a blue collar guy, Chet and falls in love with the poor but ambitious man. Chet observes a series of suspicious, clandestine meetings with her rich father and his chauffeur which makes him think she is stringing along a "Sugar Daddy" on the side. Financial trickery and sequences of misunderstandings and coincidences culminate with a wedding that turns out much differently than planned.
I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now
Mrs. Morgan
In this low-budget musical, two sets of politically ambitious parents attempt to pair up their youngsters who unfortunately despise each other and only pretend to like each other to please their parents. On the nights they are to go out, they sneak out with their respective true loves. It all works well until the unwilling couple find themselves falling in love for real. songs include: "I'm Nobody's Sweetheart Now", and "Got Romance".
Third Finger, Left Hand
Mrs. Russell
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante
Mrs. Desmond Fowler (uncredited)
Judge Hardy takes his family to New York City, where Andy quickly falls in love with a socialite. He finds the high society life too expensive, and eventually decides that he liked it better back home.
Pop Always Pays
Mrs. Brewster
A businessman boasts he'll give his daughter a large amount of cash for her wedding, and then frantically tries to raise the money. This 1940 comedy stars Leon Errol, Marjorie Gateson, Dennis O'Keefe, Adele Pearce and Walter Catlett.
Escape to Glory
Mrs. Winslow
The Grand Hotel formula that was so overworked in the 1930s made an encore appearance in 1940's Escape to Glory. The story is given timeliness by placing the characters on a British merchant ship on the very day that World War II is declared. The ship is attacked by a Nazi U-Boat, resulting in a variety of reactions from the diverse passengers--one of whom (Erwin Kalser) is a German doctor. Constance Bennett is glamorous, Pat O'Brien is boozy, John Halliday is pensive, and everybody else (except for the German medico) is plain fearful.
'Til We Meet Again
Mrs. Hester
Dying Joan Ames meets criminal Dan Hardesty on a luxury liner as he is being transported back to America by policeman Steve Burke to face execution. Joan and Dan fall in love, their fates unbeknownst to one another.
In Old Missouri
Mrs. Pittman
The Weavers are share-croppers who confront their landlord with their tale of woe only to find he is in money trouble too. He also has a wastrel son and a socialite wife who wants a divorce. He begs the Weavers to trade places with him and fix things up.
Parole Fixer
Mrs. Thorton Casserly
This expose of the U.S. parole system, as seen through the eyes of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, takes dead aim on lawyers who manipulate the justice system in order to get undeserving convicts parole from prisons. The point is made when FBI agents are assigned to track down "Big Boy" Bradmore, who after getting an undeserved parole, via the efforts of a shyster lawyer, promptly murders an FBI agent.
Mrs. Steele
Усилия армии по захвату вождя апачей Джеронимо, который возглавляет группу воинов в набегах и убийствах, затруднены ссорой между двумя офицерами - отцом и сыном.
Too Busy to Work
Mrs. Randolph Russell
The Jones family females decide to teach Father a lesson. He's neglecting the family business to run for mayor, so they decide to neglect their household chores.
My Wife's Relatives
Mrs. Ellis
It all begins when Joe Higgins, business manager of a prosperous candy-manufacturing firm, is ordered by his pompous boss Ellis to break up the romance between Ellis' son Bill and Joe's daughter Jean. Refusing, Joe quits his job and sets up his own candy company. It's a money-losing enterprise until Joe's wife Lil loses her diamond ring in a batch of candy and offers a $5000 reward to anyone who can retrieve the ring.
The Duke of West Point
Sonny's Mother
A cocky new West Point cadet from Cambridge is given the cold shoulder by his classmates because of his rule-breaking antics.
Spring Madness
Miss Ritchie
Harvard senior Sam Thatcher (Lew Ayres) and his best friend and roommate, known as "The Lippencott" (Burgess Meredith), plan to go to Russia after graduation, a decision Sam has kept from his girlfriend, Alexandra Benson (Maureen O'Sullivan).
Mrs. Shepherd
A boozy former veterinarian and a teenage orphan team together with dreams of entering a broken-down horse in the big race.
Mrs. Arabella McNutt
Irish immigrant meets returning war correspondent on a liner bound for New York. When she resists the amours of another passenger, charges result in her being detained at Ellis Island.
Making the Headlines
Muffin Wilder
Angry, because he is making too many headlines with his gang-busting activities, the police chief transfers Lt. Lewis Nagel to the sleepy suburban town of Fairview, where he is followed by reporter Steve Withers because he knows Nagel will find a story.
Breakdowns of 1938
Sophie Prescott (archive footage) (uncredited)
This was one of the annual "blooper" reels screened by the Warners Club, an organization of Warners actors, crew and executives. It was meant to poke fun at the flubs and bloopers that occurred ont the set of some of the major Warner Bros. pictures of 1938.
No Time To Marry
Mrs. Pettensall
In this lightweight comedy, two news reporters who are engaged to be married endure romantic difficulties in their competitive pursuit of a "big scoop".
First Lady
Sophy Prescott
A politician's wife plots for her husband to become the next U.S. President.
Vogues of 1938
Mrs. George Curtis-Lemke
An early Technicolor musical that concentrates on the fashions of the late 1930s, this film was reissued under the title All This and Glamour Too. The top models of the era, including several who are advertising household products, are in the cast. The plot centers around a chic boutique, whose owner, George Curson (Warner Baxter), tries hard to please his customers while keeping peace with his unhappy wife. A wealthy young woman, Wendy Van Klettering (Joan Bennett), decides to take a job as a model at the fashion house, just to amuse herself, but her presence annoys Curson, who must put together the best possible show to compete with rival fashion houses at the Seven Arts Ball. The film includes several hit songs, including the Oscar-nominated "That Old Feeling" by Sammy Fain and Lew Brown.
Turn Off the Moon
Myrtle Tweep
Department store owner J. Elliott Dinwiddy has waited ten years for the perfect astrological moment to propose to his secretary, Myrtle Tweep. His astrological advisor, Dr. Wakefield, has told him that if he can unite a boy and a girl in true love before midnight, he can propose to Myrtle the following night at 3:15 a.m. and she will accept. Fate brings unemployed dancer Caroline Wilson into the music department of Dinwiddy's, where she meets handsome songwriter Terry Keith. Keith has been writing music for Dinwiddy's Silver Jubilee show and has allowed Dinwiddy's nephew, Truelove Spencer, to take all the credit. That night, Terry comes into Dinwiddy's to work on the music and finds Caroline asleep in the Honeymoon Cottage, the section of the department store Spencer supervises. Posing as a man named "Pinky," Dinwiddy promises Caroline that Spencer will hire her as the bride of the Honeymoon Cottage and invites her to live there.
We Have Our Moments
Mrs. Rutherford
A trio of American crooks board a ship bound for Europe, intending to get rid of $100,000 in stolen dough. With detective John Wade breathing down their necks, the crooks stash the loot in the trunk belonging to vacationing schoolmarm Mary Smith.
Arizona Mahoney
Safroney Jones
When Sue Bixby becomes his new boss, stagecoach robber Talbot reforms and goes after her rustled cattle.
The Man I Marry
Eloise Hartley
A wealthy young man writes a play under a different name to prove to his overbearing mother that he can succeed on his own.
Three Married Men
Jennie Mullins and her fiancé Peter Cary are happily in love but their families are miserable about their relationship. The Carys and Mullinses have been feuding for years over the apparent failure of the Carys' business which was caused by the now-deceased Mr. Mullins. Despite familial pressure to the contrary, Jennie and Peter proceed with their wedding. Just before the wedding, Peter receives advice from his soon-to-be brothers-in-law, Jeff and Bill Mullins. Both men warn him about the drudgery of marriage, ply him with drink, and destroy his fantasy of an ideal, romantic marriage.
The Gentleman from Louisiana
Fay Costigan
In Victorian-era USA, a horse-jockey becomes a scapegoat in the nefarious schemes of a group of small-time criminals.
Private Number
Mrs. Winfield
Ellen Neal, a young and inexperienced maid, becomes romantically involved with her employers son which causes various complications. The head butler also has an infatuation for the young girl but his intentions are not that good.
Big Brown Eyes
Mrs. Cole
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
The First Baby
Mrs. Wells
When a couple become parents for the first time, they discover grandmothers can be almost as demanding as a newborn.
Wife vs. Secretary
Eve Merritt
Magazine publisher Van Stanhope is a hard-working, dynamic executive very happily married to his beautiful wife Linda. Although their relationship is built on unconditional trust, friends, and even Van's mother, caution Linda about the dangers of allowing Whitey, her husband's extremely sexy secretary, to continue to have access to him. Although Whitey has a faithful boyfriend, she secretly harbors unrequited feelings for her boss. When they take a business trip to Havana, circumstantial evidence convinces Linda that the rumors she's heard may have a basis in fact.
The Milky Way
Mrs. E. Winthrop LeMoyne
Timid milkman, Burleigh Sullivan, somehow knocks out a boxing champ in a brawl. The fighter's manager decides to build up the milkman's reputation in a series of fixed fights and then have the champ beat him to regain his title.
Your Uncle Dudley
Mabel Dixon
A paint store owner turns his attention to civic affairs while his business falls apart.
His Family Tree
Margaret Murfree
A father leaves his native Ireland and travels to America to visit the son he hasn't heard from in many years.
Goin' to Town
Mrs. Crane Brittony
Cleo Borden grew up in a saloon, loves the men—and the men love her—but her aspirations lead her to enter into a contract to marry a wealthy man. When he dies and leaves her all of his fortune, she soon learns that although she has money, she is not yet a lady, so she embarks on a journey to become one. She has no desire to change herself, but the man she sets her sights on does—so she obliges.
Gentlemen Are Born
Mrs. Harper
A well-cloistered and protected-against-reality group of college students get their diplomas in the heart of the Great Depression, and quickly learn that the piece of paper the diploma is written on is worth about eighteen-dollars-a-week in the job-market...for the lucky ones. Some of them fare even worse.
Happiness Ahead
Mrs. Bradford
Society heiress Joan Bradford rebels against her mother's choice of a future husband by masquerading as a working class girl and dating a window washer.
Big Hearted Herbert
Amy Godrich
After cantankerous and miserly Herbert Kalness insults his daughter's fiance and prospective in-laws at a dinner party, Mrs. Kalness devises a scheme to teach her husband a lesson in good manners.
Million Dollar Ransom
Elita Casserly
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
Down to Their Last Yacht
Mrs. Colt-Stratton
Left only with their yacht after going broke in the Great Depression, a high-society family sets sail for the South Seas. Screwball comedy, with songs.
Mrs. Louise Fields
Богатый предприниматель (Отто Крюгер) пытается добиться развода от своей жены, так как влюблен в свою помощницу (Джоан Кроуфорд). Ему не удается развестись, потому что жену полностью устраивает ее положение и она не хочет лишаться тех благ, которые ей дает фамилия мужа. Чтобы проверить свои чувства и уладить все дела по разводу, он отправляет свою любовницу в круиз, где она знакомится с человеком, который круто меняет ее жизнь...
Оператор 13
Mrs. Shackleford
Шпионка на службе у северян, Гэйл Лавлэсс, влюбляется в офицера армии Конфедерации. Сможет ли их любовь преодолеть разногласия целой страны, охваченной Гражданской войной, или же им не суждено быть вместе?
Coming Out Party
Mrs. Ada Stanhope
In this romance, a lovely young debutante falls in love with a jazz violinist. Her mother wants her to marry a wealthy young man, but the strong-willed girl initially demurs until the night of her debut. Her social adviser fills the debutante’s dance card with partners, which inflames the violinist.
Hi, Nellie!
Managing Editor Brad Bradshaw refuses to run a story linking the disappearance of Frank Canfield with embezzlement of the bank. He considers Frank a straight shooter and he goes easy on the story. Every other paper goes with the story that Frank took the money and Brad is demoted, by the publisher, to the Heartthrob column - writing advice to the lovelorn. After feeling sorry for himself for two months, he takes the column seriously and makes it the talk of the town. But Brad still wants his old job back so he will have to find Canfield and the missing money.
Let's Fall in Love
A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.
Убийственная леди
Mrs. Marley
Когда Дена Квигли увольняют в первый же день работы швейцаром из кинотеатра, он волей случая присоединяется к небольшой банде, считая себя достаточно умелым для незаконной деятельности. В конечном счете, полиция подозревает его и не смотря на попытки скрыться арестовывает. Его девушка вместе с остальной бандой сбегают оставляя его за решеткой. За нехваткой доказательств он вскоре выходит, и день за днем скатывается на дно, пока в Лос-Анджелесе случайно не попадает в кино-индустрию и вскоре поднимается на вершину славы. Но его вновь обретенный успех вызывает интерес его старых уголовных единомышленников, которые решают воспользоваться этим…
Mrs. Bentley
The murders are committed in swift succession on board a liner crossing the Atlantic in a dense fog, and many of the passengers come under suspicion before the actual killer is bought to justice with the aid of a very substantial "ghost."
Walls of Gold
Cassie Street
A career woman marries her boyfriend's rich uncle when the boyfriend marries her sister.
Бюро пропавших без вести
Mrs. Paul
Бутч Сондерс, дерзкий и бескомпромиссный детектив, был переведён из полиции в Отдел пропавших без вести. Когда молодая женщина просит его помочь найти ее мужа, он выясняет, что на самом деле она — некая Норма Филлипс, разыскиваемая полицией Чикаго за убийство своего мужа. Норма инсценирует самоубийство путём утопления и исчезает, и Сондерс заимствует труп из морга чтобы в свою очередь инсценировать её «похороны», в надежде, что Норма объявится.
Blind Adventure
Mrs. Grace Thorne
Richard Bruce, an American in fog bound London stumbles into the midst of international intrigue, with Rose Thorne, an innocent dupe. Together they try to unravel the mystery, enlisting the aid of a cat burglar named Holmes, who they bump into along the way.
Melody Cruise
Mrs. Wells
A bachelor millionaire on a cruise is protected by a friend from the avid attentions of a crowd of husband (and fortune) seeking girls.
Cocktail Hour
Mrs. Pat Lawton
Cynthia Warren, independently wealthy through her ability as an illustrator and poster artist, rebels against the premise that every woman is destined for matrimony and motherhood and decides she has as much right as a man to play around.
Lilly Turner
Mrs. Bessie 'Ma' McGill
One woman faces many trials on the road to romance after unwittingly marrying a bigamist, then a carnival's barker and then falling for a young engineer.
The King's Vacation
Mrs. Helen Everon
The king of an unnamed European country abdicates and tries to recapture the happiness with the wife he had to give up for the throne.
Employees' Entrance
Mrs. Hickox
Kurt Anderson is the tyrannical manager of a New York department store in financial straits. He thinks nothing of firing an employee of more than 20 years or of toying with the affections of every woman he meets. One such victim is Madeline, a beautiful young woman in need of a job. Anderson hires her as a salesgirl, but not before the two spend the night together. Madeline is ashamed, especially after she falls for Martin West, a rising young star at the store. Her biggest fear is that Martin finds out the truth about her "career move."
Серебряный доллар
Mrs. Adams
A farmer strikes it rich out West, then leaves his wife for a young beauty.
Тринадцать женщин
Тринадцать женщин, которые во время учёбы в колледже принимали участие в спиритическом кружке, обращаются к знаменитому пророку Свами Йогадачи, чтобы он составил гороскопы для каждой из них. Все тринадцать гороскопов предсказали трагедию в ближайшее время. И предсказания начинают сбываться…
Okay, America!
Mrs. Herbert Wright
A gossip columnist's rise to fame. Based closely on the real life of Walter Winchell.
Street of Women
Lois Baldwin
An architect has an affair with a woman who inspires him. Her brother is in love with the architect's daughter. The complicated entanglement leads to misunderstanding and dissolution, but ultimately love.
Working Girls
Two sisters from Indiana, the wide-eyed and innocent Mae Thorpe, and her sister June, more streetwise, move into the Rolf House for Homeless Girls in New York. With June's help, Mae obtains a job as a stenographer for scientist Joseph von Schraeder, while June gets work as a telegraph operator at Western Union.
The False Madonna
A woman who is a member of a gang of con artists impersonates the mother of a wealthy blind man.
The Beloved Bachelor
Hortense Cole
Michael Morda, a young sculptor living in San Francisco, is madly in love with Elinor Hunter, and they plan to be married. When Elinor becomes jealous of Julie Stressman, an old friend of Michael's and one of his models, Michael reluctantly asks Julie not to visit him at his studio. They agree to meet only at the construction site where he is working on a sculpture for which Julie is modeling. When Elinor also shows up at the site, Julie leaves so as to avoid a confrontation, but she is killed by some falling materials. Julie's dying request is that Michael adopt her daughter Mitzi, whose father died years earlier. In order to prevent Mitzi from being taken to an orphanage, Michael lies and says he is her father. Elinor hears this, and without asking questions, leaves him and marries another man the same night.
Excuse the Pardon
A convict is released, then lured back to prison, because he was pardoned by mistake.