Harry Wingate, a rugged adventurer, is hired by a gem collector to retrieve a priceless opal, known as "The Blue Lightning," from Lester McInally, a super-criminal with an army of killers operating in the Australian outback.
В 1862 году австралийский клуб "Виктория Таф" объявил о проведении скачек высочайшего класса. Де Пауэр, молодой владелец фаворита скачек Арчера, собирается пересечь с конем 600 миль, отделяющие его городок от Мельбурна. Вместе они преодолевают множество препятствий и благополучно добираются до места назначения, но тут выясняется, что с жокеем, который должен был скакать на Арчере, произошел несчастный случай. Тогда Дейв решает сам принять участие в гонке. Дейв и Арчер становятся первыми победителями скачек, известных сегодня во всем мире как Мельбурнский кубок.
Dot comes to the aid of her native animal friends when Bruce the koala tells her of plans to build a massive dam that will destroy their environment. But the local farm animals believe that the creation of the dam will catapult their small country town into the 21st Century. With both sides fighting for what they believe is right, Dot’s plans to wipe out the dam are jeopardised by the local detectives Sherlock bones and his offsider Watson the cat!
Building is Howard's passion, and he is so absorbed in his plans to build an elaborate resort in the Blue Mountains of Australia that he ignores certain obvious signals that his business partner is not entirely on the up-and-up. After a brush fire destroys the resort, an insurance investigator comes nosing around, whom Howard's partner deals with in a drastic manner. By the time Lloyds of London's senior investigator George Engels (James Mason in one of his last roles) arrives on the scene, Howard (Tom Skerritt) is anxious to set things to rights.