The story of three boys who, fascinated with seventh art magic, decide to escape from their remote village straight to Hollywood. In the same time, a local policeman frantically organizes a reception for the president of the state. His "strictly controlled" citizens, under the influence of events in Cuba, in 1962. start dividing in two parties, resolved to succeed where Khruschev and J.F.K. have failed.
Mejrin otac
A young officer, after finishing the Military Academy as the best in his class, suddenly and with no visible reason, leaves his home town, girl, parents, safety and eventual career and leaves to a remote provincial town to find and create his life and destiny. The story of a lonely man without illusions and bitterness, who collects simple pieces of sense, humanity and love through his actions.
Major Aleksa Živković, Esterin otac
In 1985, four middle-aged Yugoslav emigres return to Belgrade for the funeral of Mariana, their beautiful compatriot. They called her Esther, for Esther Williams, she was the coxswain for their four-man rowing team, and they each loved her. They'd last seen her in 1953, when they rowed her across the Adriatic, pregnant, to join her exiled father in Italy. In flashbacks we learn the story of their youthful baptism into sex, smoking, rock and roll (Hey Ba-ba-re-bop), Hollywood and Swedish films, blue jeans on the black market, and their rivalry with Ristic, the Communist Party youth leader for whom they had instant antipathy.
Dekan fakulteta
A young non-conformist enrolls at the music academy in Belgrade. There he faces a lot of existential, as well as emotional problems.
Major Petar Rajević
This is a movie about the start of people's uprising in Montenegro in World War II. After the capitulation of the Yugoslav Royal Army in April 1941, the Italians managed to infiltrate their puppet regime in Montenegro. However, people dissatisfied with the new authorities, on July 13, 1941 decided that the Communists led start to fight for freedom.
Jug Bogdan (voice)
Banović Strahinja takes place during the middle ages in Serbia. While estate owner Strahinja is hunting, a Turkish bandit, Alija, attacks his castle. The Turks kill his servants and kidnap his beloved Andja. When he discovers what has happened, Strahinja gathers a together a group of scoundrels and chases the bandits.
In February of 1918, in Boka Kotorska, the greatest uprising of Austrian sailors broke out. Forty warships, with 6.000 sailors, rebelled against the Austrian Monarchy. The uprising was bloodily crushed after two days, and it's leaders shot.
The life and death of an educated communist activist who brought Bolshevik ideas to his native Serbia upon his arrival from Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
Young Belgrade playboy, spoiled child of a rich family, changes for the better after spending some time in the army.
In late 1943 German forces are advancing towards Dalmatian coast, forcing many people to flee to Allied or Partizan controled areas. Group of children get stranded on a deserted island after their ship's engines broke down. However, the real adventure of their is only to begin.
Državni tužilac
The reconstruction of assassination of Milorad Draskovic, then-minister of internal affairs in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, that took place on July 21, 1921 in Delnice, Croatia. This TV drama uses authentic recordings from the trial that resulted in death by hanging of Alija Alijagic, the man who shot one of the government's chief ministers.
Captain Deakin / Josip Broz Tito (voice)
1943 год. Немецкие войска отступают под натиском Красной Армии на Восточном фронте и под ударами союзников в Северной Африке. Угроза вторжения в «Европейскую крепость» Гитлера становится реальностью. Убежденный, что союзники изберут местом вторжения в Европу именно Балканы, Гитлер приказал свои генералам любой ценой уничтожить партизан Народно-освободительной армии Югославии, дабы обезопасить свои тылы.
Joškin prijatelj
A bizarre and tragic love story involving swineherd, village fool, teacher and an agricultural pilot. The story unfolds in a remote village in the communist ruled Yugoslavia at the down of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Lt. Voss / Poručnik Fos
Два партизана сбегают из тюрьмы и сговариваются с несколькими нелегалами, чтобы убить эсэсовца, заместителя коменданта концлагеря. Судьба операции оказывается в руках девушки, завербованной в СС и влюблённой в диверсанта.
Leah Weiss, a Polish Jew, was first forced into prostitution at Auschwitz. Afterwards, she was victimized in medical experiments. Now, twenty years later, German war crimes prosecutors hope she will be their star witness. But can she stand up to the shame, the publicity, and the reliving of those experiences?
A story of a boy, forced to grow mature before his time and to die too early because of the cruel war circumstances. This film is dedicated to all the children who have died during the National Liberation War.
1960-е годы, Югославия. Новый директор швейного комбината, бывший партизан Мирко Бошняк требует от коллектива вывести предприятие на прорыв. Его предложение наталкивается на сопротивление некоторых старых служащих, особенно коммерческого директора Радмана. Однако честный коммунист Бошняк с помощью коллектива комбината сумел противостоять демагогическим проискам своих врагов, распутать сеть их грязных интриг и разоблачить Радмана, манипулировавшего с ложными счетами.
End of the WWII, concentration camp somewhere in Poland. Prisoners have heard that Germans have plans to kill them all, before the Allies come. One of the prisoners escapes, and tries to find the Allies. A manhunt begins.
At the end of World War II, a French pacifist is arrested for refusing to fight. In prison, he befriends a German priest arrested for murder of a French Resistance fighter. They discuss morality, obedience, and religion.
О смешных и веселых событиях, происшедших в одном маленьком югославском городке, где большинство жителей были страстными болельщиками футбола.
Pavle Malbaški (voice)
Четверо заключенных, осужденных к длительным тюремным срокам, за примерное поведение получают отпуск на четырнадцать дней. За это время каждый из них должен разобраться с проблемами, накопившимися за годы их отсутствия на свободе. Один из «отпускников» пытается спасти рушащуюся семью; другой – найти доказательства своей невиновности; третий – разыскать девушку, которую когда-то любил; четвертый – исправить совершенную в прошлом ошибку.