Mária Tasnádi Fekete

Mária Tasnádi Fekete

Рождение : 1911-11-16, Lonea, Transsylvania, Austria-Hungary [now Romania]

Смерть : 2001-03-16


Mária Tasnádi Fekete


Die Prinzessin von St. Wolfgang
Duchess von Leuchtenberg
André and Ursula
Angèle Senard
Молодой Карузо
Carusos Mutter
По мотивам новеллы Франка Тисса "Неаполитанская легенда". В 15 лет, после смерти матери, он начал зарабатывать на жизнь, выступая на церковных праздниках, а потом, во время службы в армии, произвел своим голосом такое впечатление на начальство, что ему был предоставлен учитель пения. Оперный дебют Карузо состоялся 16 ноября 1894 года.
Sekretärin Vera Kaufmann
Europe Does Not Answer
On 26th of August 1939 the Ocania1 steamboat leaves the New York harbour with the ex-spy Maria Holm on board. Now she is the owner of a dressmaker's showroom, but for just one last time is taking important documents to Europe for the sake of peace.
A Woman Looks Back
Tamás Szánthó is conducting a concert, while his young wife and her secret lover play in the same theatre in the Tragedy of Man
Closed Court
Anna, Benedek felesége (as Tasnády Mária)
dr. Benedek Gábor, a famous solicitor in Eger, is the defense counsel of a murderer, who killed his wife out of jealousy. Gábor lives in a happy marriage with Anna. One day, however, Szentgyörgyi Péter, a famous pianist, comes to Eger. He once was loved by Anna, who in those days was training to become an artist herself. Gábor has no knowledge of these events of the past. He, therefore, associates the now renewed relationship with the story of the murderer he is the legal representative of.
Erdélyi kastély
Two Girls on the Street
Two girls run away from a small village. Gyöngyi comes from an aristocratic family and her father throws her out of the house when he discovers she has gotten pregnant out of wedlock. She finds herself wandering the streets of Budapest and earns money playing the violin in a restaurant. Vica is an orphaned peasant; she is afraid of her stepfather and moves to the city where she gets a job on a construction site. Gyöngyi and Vica meet on the streets of Budapest, move in together and turn their lives around.
Streit um den Knaben Jo
Helga Frank
German film.
The Five-Forty
Set in Paris (which looks more like Budapest), the story concerns a murder investigation conducted by one Judge Henri Tessier. The audience is led to believe that Robert Petrovich, estranged husband of Tessier's sweetheart Marion, is responsible for the murder.
Женщина без прошлого
Ruth Willmann
Молодая женщина Ева теряет память после аварии и не знает, кто она такая. Ее лечащий врач предлагает ей работу в качестве ассистента. Вместе они ищут лекарство от малярии. Однако в её сумочке был обнаружен револьвер, поэтому ею заинтересовалась полиция. Ева подозревается в умышленном намерении найти укрытие у доктора. В этот момент она встречается со своим мужем, и её память возвращается. Её муж убивал, чтобы добыть наркотики. Орудием убийства был её револьвер. Теперь её муж планирует убить доктора и забрать его деньги и ценности. К тому времени доктор полюбил Еву…
Das Abenteuer geht weiter
Helene van Zeelen
A popular stage tenor can't stay away from his female admirers until his wife threatens to divorce him.
Frau Sylvelin
Film by Herbert Maisch.
Menschen ohne Vaterland
Irene Marellus
Final Accord
Hanna Müller
After her husband dies, a German woman who gave up her infant for adoption to emigrate to America returns to Germany, discovering that her child is being raised by a married orchestra conductor.
Wenn die Liebe Mode macht
Yvonne Farell