Kim Jong-il

Kim Jong-il

Рождение : 1941-02-16, Khabarovsk, USSR

Смерть : 2011-12-17


Kim Jong Il, born Yuri Irsenovich Kim on 16 February 1941, was a North Korean politician who was the second President of North Korea. He led North Korea following the death of his father Kim Il Sung in 1994 until his own death in 2011, when he was succeeded by his son, Kim Jong Un. Afterwards, Kim Jong Il was declared Eternal General Secretary of the WPK. In the early 1980s, Kim had become the heir apparent for the leadership of North Korea, thus being established the Kim dynasty and he assumed important posts in party and army organizations. Kim was the General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), WPK Presidium, Chairman of the National Defense Commission (NDC) of North Korea and the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA), the fourth-largest standing army in the world. Kim assumed leadership during a period of catastrophic economic crisis amidst the dissolution of the Soviet Union, on which it was heavily dependent for trade in food and other supplies, which brought a famine. Kim strengthened the role of the military by his Songun ("military-first") policies, making the army the central organizer of civil society. Kim's rule also saw economic reforms, including the opening of the Kaesong Industrial Park in 2003. Following Kim's failure to appear at important public events in 2008, foreign observers assumed that Kim had either fallen seriously ill or died. On 19 December 2011, the North Korean government announced that he had died two days earlier, whereupon his third son, Kim Jong Un, was promoted to a senior position in the ruling WPK and succeeded him.


Kim Jong-il


Korea, A Hundred Years of War
Self (archive footage)
A contemporary history of Korea(s) from a unique point of view that embraces the inner history of both South and North Korea in a single narrative.
President - Documentary
Himself (archive footage)
Korea: The Never-Ending War
Self (archive footage)
Shedding new light on a geopolitical hot spot, the film — written and produced by John Maggio and narrated by Korean-American actor John Cho — confronts the myth of the “Forgotten War,” documenting the post-1953 conflict and global consequences.
Любовники и деспот
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Hong Kong, 1978. South Korean actress Choi Eun-hee is kidnapped by North Korean operatives following orders from dictator Kim Jong-il. Her ex-husband, film director Shin Sang-ok, undertakes her search, but soon after he is kidnapped as well. In 1983, after living through years of tribulations, Kim Jong-il puts them in charge of the North Korean film industry in the hope of gaining international recognition.
Сон Му — это я
Self (archive footage)
Operating under a pseudonym which means 'no boundaries' - North Korean defector Sun Mu creates political pop art based on his life, homeland, and hope for a future united Korea. His hidden identity is nearly compromised when a massive historical exhibit in Beijing is shuttered by Chinese and North Korean authorities.
Игры пропаганды
Self (archive footage)
Фильм исследует пропаганду на удивительном и увлекательном примере Северной Кореи. Ложные новости, полуправда, сюрреалистические дискуссии побудят зрителя задуматься о том, насколько же сложно отличить правду от лжи...
Ким Чен Ын - неофициальная биография
Self - Politician (archive footage)
Он является властителем 9-й ядерной державы в мире. Этот молодой человек с детства воспитывался с прицелом на то, чтобы возглавить северокорейский режим, представляющий собой первую в истории этой страны коммунистическую династию.
Большая игра Денниса Родмана в Пхеньяне
Self (archive footage)
В феврале 2013 года знаменитый баскетболист Деннис Родман впервые посетил Северную Корею. Там он лично познакомился с Ким Чен-ыном и они стали друзьями. Тогда-то Родман и задумал провести матч между национальной сборной КНДР и ветеранами НБА.
Dictator: One Crazy Job
Self (archive footage)
They’ve become the human face of inhuman barbarity. Leaders like Hitler, Idi Amin Dada, Stalin, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, Nicolae Ceausescu, Bokassa, Muammar Kadhafi, Khomeini, Mussolini and Franco governed their countries completely cut off from reality. These paranoid leaders were driven to abuse their power by the pathology of power itself. Dictators are driven by a relentless, thought-out determination to impose themselves as infallible, all-knowing and all-powerful beings. But they are also men ruled by their caprices, uncontrollable impulses, and reckless fits of frenzy, which paradoxically render them as human as anyone else. The abuses they committed were clearly atrocious, yet some of them were as outlandish as the characters portrayed in the film The Dictator. They sunk to depths worthy of Kafka: so incredibly absurd, they are outrageously funny.
Один день на Земле
Документальный проект об удивительном многообразии, конфликтах, трагедиях и победах, которые случаются на земле за один 24-часовой период. По всей планете кинофотодокументалисты, студенты и все желающие граждане зафиксировали на пленке жизнь людей за один 24-часовой период.
North Korean Film Madness
Himself We went to North Korea to try and penetrate the Korean Feature Film Studio, the state-run film production facility west of Pyongyang: a sprawling lot that at its height produced around 40 films a year.
The Red Chapel
Self (archive footage)
Two Danish comedians join the director on a trip to North Korea, where they have been allowed access under the pretext of wanting to perform a vaudeville act.
The Schoolgirl's Diary
A student experiences different conflicts as she works toward being a scientist.
Смерть президента
Himself (archive footage)
Драма, действие которой происходит в ближайшем будущем, изображает покушение на Джорджа Буша и реакцию Америки на него. События в фильме разворачиваются в октябре 2007 года, когда внутренняя и внешняя политика США поляризовала общественное мнение в стране. Во время приезда в Чикаго, где Буш должен якобы произнести речь перед представителями бизнеса, его встречает мощная антивоенная демонстрация. Когда президент покидает место выступления, в него стреляет снайпер. Расследование вскоре выходит на след некоего выходца из Сирии Джамаля Абу-Зикри… Окажется ли именно он реальным убийцей и может ли американская администрация воспользоваться данной ситуацией для ограничения прав и свобод граждан?
Friends Of Kim
Himself (archive footage)
Hilarious and sobering account of the first time an international group of Kim Jong Il supporters visits North Korea. In 12 days, the 22 participants travel through a country full of monuments, propaganda and poverty. What begins as a idealistic magical mystery tour gradually turns into a nightmare.
Состояние души
Himself (archive footage)
История о двух северокорейских девочках-гимнастках, профессиональных участницах популярных в Пхеньяне массовых празднеств. Съемочная группа заходит в дома юных гимнасток, посещает их репетиции, разговаривает с их родителями и учителями, снимает массовые зрелища и ежедневную жизнь страны, чтобы ответить на главный вопрос: кто такие северные корейцы, чем они живут и дышат.
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il is a Great Thinker and Theoretician
Documentary film praising the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il for his political and social values, and beliefs to build a strong communist nation.
Always Working Together for the People
A documentary highlighting how both Kim il-Sung and Kim Jong-il work for the prosperity of the juche system and North Korean people.
Executive Producer
In feudal Korea, a group of starving villagers grow weary of the orders handed down to them by their controlling king and set out to use a deadly monster under their control to push his armies back.
Sea of Blood
A revolutionary novel, film, and opera created in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) about the mass killings during the long period of the Japanese occupation of Korea.