Jacques Ruisseau


The Story of Christmas
The story of the birth of Jesus, the anger of king Herod, the flight into Egypt and Herod's attempt at killing Jesus is seen through the eyes of a donkey and an ox who witness the birth and do what they can to protect the child.
Гвен, Книга песка
Assistant Director
Gwen is a young girl adopted by a nomad tribe in a desert post-apocalyptic world. When Gwen's friend is kidnapped, she and an old woman called Roseline embark on a trip to bring him back.
Nationality: Immigrant
A Mauritanian worker, Sidi, works in France. Like most immigrant workers, he is employed to do the most difficult and dangerous jobs. Sidi and his comrades are exploited systematically and permanently, as much by their employers as by their own countrymen who are constantly able to offer false working papers, slums where immigrants buy at high cost their right to sleep. But faced with racism and economic exploitation, immigrant workers communicate, organise...
Дикая планета
Additional Voices (voice)
Где-то в глубинах космоса затерялась странная планета Игам. Правят ею драги — гигантские голубые существа с красными глазами, обладающие сверхвысоким уровнем развития. Кроме них на Игаме живут омы, розовотелые миниатюрные гуманоиды — одомашненные игрушки драгов. Постепенно на Игаме разворачивается борьба угнетенных омов против своих хозяев-гигантов за теплое место под тусклым солнцем, за жизнь и свободу. В итоге драги решают полностью уничтожить омов…
Тинтин и Храм Солнца
Additional voices (voice)
Тинтин отправляется в Перу, чтобы спасти нескольких археологов от древнего проклятия инков.
Le temps des copains