André Roanne

André Roanne

Рождение : 1896-09-22, Paris, France

Смерть : 1959-09-04


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia André Roanne (born André Albert Louis Rahou) (Paris, September 22, 1896 – Cannes, September 4, 1959) was a French actor. He began his career playing in short films, and acted in 91 films in total, most notably those of Fernandel. Most of his films were French; he did, however, also appear in German and Italian works, especially co-productions with French companies. He also served occasionally as an assistant director, screenwriter, technician, and film editor. Description above from the Wikipedia article André Roanne, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


André Roanne


Clouzot : The Early Works
A master of suspense admired even by Hitchcock, Henri-Georges Clouzot is famous for acid-tinged thrillers about cold-blooded murder and ugly politics, whether in a French town or a Latin American oil field. But his early writing career was quite different: he provided the scenarios and dialogue for ten years’ worth of clever farces and affecting melodramas, often with musical numbers. My Cousin from Warsaw, Dragnet Night, The Unknown Singer, I’ll Be Alone After Midnight, The Terror of Batignolles, Tell Me Tonight, Dream Castle
Когда б Париж поведал нам
Denis Diderot
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
Пеп устанавливают закон
Mr Charles
Похищена молодая девушка по имени Натали. Её мать не решается заявить об этом в полицию, так как считает, что в деле замешаны наркотики. Три другие её дочери — Эльвира, Элизабет и Кристина — решают помочь ей освободить сестру. Все вместе они вступают в борьбу с бандой похитителя по кличке Казанова, который работает на мсье Шарля…
Vice Dolls
Grégoire Girault
In this French crime drama, a young man gets revenge upon the criminals who caused his grandfather to kill himself. Unfortunately, the fellow doesn't realize how bad the criminals are. Fortunately, a kindly hooker, who does know the crooks, saves him from the same fate.
Мадемуазель Нитуш
Господин Селеcтен ведёт уроки музыки в монастырском приюте для девочек. Он сама скромность и умеренность. Но только днём, ночью же он оставляет свои добродетели и свой строгий костюм в монастыре, а сам, облачившись в щегольской наряд, превращается в мсье Флоридора - сочинителя оперетт. Монахини даже не подозревают о двойной жизни Селестена, но воспитанницам монастыря становится известно о ночных отлучках преподавателя. Одна из них - Дениза - обнаружила ноты его оперетт и выучила все партии. Она влюблена в музыку Флоридора и уговаривает Селестена взять её с собой в театр. Вскоре такой случай представился: Селестену поручают отвезти Денизу на смотрины, её отец подыскал ей жениха - молодого офицера. Учитель и ученица отправляются в дорогу…
It Happened in Paris
Restaurant manager
Wealthy American Patricia comes to spend some time at her uncle's place in Paris. While out on her own for the evening she meets pseudo-Russian prince Vladimir in a bistro.
Бонифаций - сомнамбула
После разоблачения преступной банды Виктор Бонифас, сыгранный Фернанделем, стал частным детективом в универмаге, где ему поручено следить за ювелирным магазином, который привлекает алчные взгляды грабителей. Однако главный герой фильма страдает лунатизмом — он имеет привычку ходить по ночам. С этой особенностью Бонифация связаны все комические ситуации фильма. Случилось так, что он стал приходить ночью в свой магазин и сам похищать дорогие украшения. Трое злоумышленников, осведомленные об этой ситуации, решают использовать её для своей выгоды
Back Streets of Paris
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Maxim's Porter
The hunter at Maxim's, whose family is unaware of the profession, turns around and plans to marry his daughter to a marquis when he recognizes a regular in this nobility. Everyone meets at Maxim's where, unmasked, the hunter agrees to marry his daughter to the reveler but repentant Marquis.
Cordial Agreement
Arthur Balfour
The film depicts events between the Fashoda crisis in 1898 and the 1904 signing of the Entente Cordiale creating an alliance between Britain and France and ending their historic rivalry. It was based on the book King Edward VII and His Times by André Maurois. It was made with an eye to its propaganda value, following the Munich Agreement of September 1938 and in anticipation of the outbreak of a Second World War which would test the bonds between Britain and France in a conflict with Nazi Germany.
The Five Cents of Lavarede
Jim Strong
Some try to travel around the world with a time constraint, but Lavarède has to perform an even harder task than Phineas Fogg. His assignment is to go around the globe with a mere five cents coin. Worse, he can't even spend it or else he will not come into the money of his inheritance. To make sure Lavarède plays by the rules of the game, two supervisors stick to him like a shadow. Will the young man meet this unbelievable challenge?
Petite peste
Raoul Cernay
Marceline, a fearless 17-year-old girl, is expelled from her boarding school. Her adoptive parents then sent her to a stricter school.
Café de Paris
This murder mystery is set in a Parisian cafe and examines the mysterious murder of a famed journalist and extortionist who is killed at his table in the cafe. Though the prime suspects are gathered together( including his wife and her lover, the gun-runner, the creditor, and a playboy) and all of them have motives, none of them did it. So whodunit?
Сети шпионажа
Le Lt. Français
Один за другим взрываются и тонут британские суда. Англичане предполагают, что это диверсия, и что немецкое шпионское гнездо находится на британской военно-морской базе в Гибралтаре. Загадкой для англичан является и то, как врагу удается взрывать тщательно охраняемые суда.
Le club des aristocrates
Serge loves living it up but painting the town red has a price... too high for him! What to do then? Alfred, his servant and former pickpocket, has the solution : steal of course! No sooner said than done ! Or rather: No sooner said than tried... For when Serge, assisted by his mistress Gloriane acting as bait, he tries to rob a jeweler on the Place Vendôme of a precious diamond bracelet, he realizes that a gang of thieves have preceded him. Later on, he will learn that the boss of the gang is a Polish noblewoman, Countess Waldapowska.
Mon député et sa femme
An outgoing deputy, put on ballot, experiences many political and marital difficulties before regaining his seat. Ultimately and without suspecting it, he owes his victory obtained by a withdrawal at the last minute, to his young wife who did not hesitate to seduce the opponent.
Social Police
For years now, Chief inspector Gustave Picard has been trying to bring down Salviati, the dreadful leader of a drug-selling gang. Lucienne Préville, an informer who works for him, has infiltrated the gang but her position is dangerous. On the other hand, Scoppa, Salviati's former right-hand man, has started challenging his former boss. Will Salviati, the brutal public enemy, clear off at last?
Les demi-vierges
Maxime, heir to an old provincial family, is deeply in love with Maud whom he makes his fiancée. But learning that the young girl's life has not always been beyond reproach, he refuses to marry her and returns to his castle in the company of his sister who, happier than him, has met a man worthy of being in Paris. love.
Girls of Paris
A few colorful characters, with very different social origins and whose destinies are not always glorious, will parade before our eyes, for our greatest pleasure. Turning among characters such as : an alcoholic bum, a rich banker, an eccentric old lady, a working class girl, a poor lover, and a hypocritical bourgeois.
La mariée du régiment
Private Mamert is the heir to five million dollars. All his comrades borrow his identity to seduce girls.
A Bombshell Night
A banker threatened by gangsters is replaced by a tramp who is his perfect double. The gangsters arrest the fake banker and take him for a madman.
L'école des vierges
A wife who suspects (wrongly) her husband of infidelity, makes the decision to find herself a lover... Finally, morality will be saved.
What a Funny Kid!
Lucie turns the house of chic dandy Gaston upside down.
Le mystère Imberger
For sentimental reasons, Monsieur Imberger, a fifty-year-old, disappears. Everyone thinks he was murdered but repeatedly he reappears. Inspector Barfin takes care of this mystery...
The Lafleur Cavalryman
Le lieutenant d'Urville
The reservist Lafleur, having a wife, a mistress and still running after the first petticoat that comes along, his namesake, an active soldier, finds himself embroiled in the vengeance or intrigues that all these women are plotting. Eventually, the entanglements will unravel in a final party.
Nicknamed "the Aristo", a friendly tramp, once a very rich and influential man, will one fine day rediscover the splendor of his past...
An aviator lands on the estate of a duchess, who has an attractive daughter. Will he overcome the obstacles that are put in his path?
The Voyage of Mr. Perrichon
Perrichon, a well-off self-satisfied bourgeois, goes on holiday with his wife and his pretty daughter Henriette. He is more or less willingly followed by two young men, Armand Desroches et Daniel Savary, who both have fallen in love with Henriette after meeting her at a ball. The Perrichons's vacation will be eventful with, among other misadventures, two accidents (one real, the other fake) and the threat of a duel.
A Night of Madness
Paul d'Ermont
Jacqueline took one of her friends to a place where tourists, informants, girls, pimps and Apaches rub shoulders. Her husband, who watches over her, after having corrected Julot and Frize, is considered an ace at the Bal des Terreurs. He thus finds the love of his wife.
Colette et son mari
A philatelist absorbed in his collection abandons his wife. He had her followed by a detective and learned that two young people were courting her. He gives them two rare stamps and gets his wife back.
Полковой петух
Lucien Lavirette
История о женатом лейтенанте по прозвищу «петух полка», который не пропускает ни одной юбки, и его друге, готовом вытащить того из любой щекотливой ситуации.
Ne sois pas jalouse
An idle and very jealous woman sets a trap for her husband by luring him to an appointment to which she goes herself. But the faithful husband sends one of his friends there. He falls in love with the young woman.
Lord Cecil
The Fire Triangle
L'inspecteur Charlet
Two police inspectors track down a mysterious criminal who signs his crimes with a fiery triangle. When they have just discovered an accomplice, one of the police officers, in love with the young girl, is shot dead. His colleague will then have only one goal in mind.
To have known
An opinionated and cocky bookkeeper is certain he can rum his employer's business better than his employer can. The latter dive the bookkeeper a chance to demonstrate his management ability and skills, and promptly makes an unmitigated mess.
L'amour en vitesse
Lilian, a rich young girl, is to marry Baron de Plessis, captain of the bobsleigh team. However, Lilian is interested in Tressac, the captain of the opposing team. When everyone discovers that the baron is a burglar, Lilian can marry her lover.
My priest among the rich
A deceived husband asks his priest to bring back the frivolous wife.
Beauty Spot
Pierre Daumont
The ladykiller friend of a busy diplomatic attaché follows a masked blonde home after an elaborate ball without knowing she is that man's wife.
Nicole and Her Virtue
The virtuous Nicole is the wife of wealthy composer Lucien. Through an error made by a dressmaker, Nicole discovers that Lucien is leading a double life, keeping the sexy Chichette as his mistress. In retaliation, Nicole kicks up her heels and begins fooling around with a reckless gigolo. When our heroine's hedonistic new lifestyle threatens the well-being of her son, a contrite Lucien returns home and promises never to stray again.
Bob Deschamps
French language version of Nie wieder Liebe! (1931) Disgusted with love, a man bets 500,000 that he can live 5 years without a woman, joins a band of fellow women-haters, and manages to make it through 4 until he meets a troublesome young lady.
It's all arranged
The Song of the Nations
My cousin from Warsaw
Archibald Burel, a banker, has had enough of his wife cheating on him, and with his best friend Hubert into the bargain! One day he has (at least that is what he thinks!) a bright idea : he asks Sonia, his cousin living in Poland but staying in Paris at the moment, to seduce Hubert. In these conditions, how could Lucienne not fall into his arms again? Unfortunately for Archibald, things do not go (at all!) according to plan : he himself falls for Sonia while Hubert manages to reconquer Lucienne! Dispirited, Sonia decides to return to Warsaw.
Cinderella of Paris
The Joker
Accused, Stand Up!
André Darbois
Paris, 30's declared professional rivalry between two stars of the musical, Yvonne and Gaby leads to dire consequences. Yvonne's body is found in the theater. Gaby's future is threatened against the judgment to which it is subjected, with a probable prison sentence.
When we were two
Pierre Daltour
The Unknown Dancer
A Princess learns that the captain of a ship she owns has struck a passenger, indirectly causing the passenger's death. The Captain is immediately sacked without realising that his action was in defence of her honour. Later, in Cyprus, the Princess meets a handsome man and they're mutually attracted. Only when he expresses contempt for the name of Princess Beatrice Doriani for costing him his job does she realise that this is the same Captain whom she had sacked.
Дневник падшей
Count Nicolas Osdorff
Тимьян – наивная, изнасилованная помощником отца девушка, которую родители запрятали в исправительную школу. После многих испытаний она счастливо выходит замуж, но клеймо падшей и воспоминания не дают ей жить спокойно.
Sündig und süß
Joe Willings
The Story of a Little Parisian
Renato Gavard
Totte works in Paris when she meets the wealthy Renato. Renato's father wants him to marry so to fool him he proposes to Totte.
The Chocolate Girl
Der goldene Abgrund
Jean Hudin
An eccentric millionaire brings together four men who, under different circumstances, wanted to commit suicide. The proposal made to them is the following: they will travel to an islet that, according to legend, emerged from the sea when Atlantis sank and that houses a fabulous treasure buried by the Incas. But that territory is populated by the worst band of pirates and evildoers the world has ever known.
La petite fonctionnaire
Die Königin von Moulin Rouge
a silent movie by Robert Wiene
Le fauteuil 47
The Cradle of God
A young intellectual, J. Powers, loses his faith in God after the untimely death of his wife. He devotes his great talents to writing a shockingly blasphemous book, debunking all religion, and then embarks on a trip to Jerusalem. Far from reconciling him to God, the sight of all the different sects worshipping in that ancient city only serves to embitter him and deepen his unbelief. One day, wandering in the country, he loses his way and stops to ask directions at a small house. The inhabitants are a poor but devout family whose daughter, Ruth, revives his broken heart. At the risk of losing her, he confesses to her his loss of faith, and she gently declares that meditation on the Gospels will heal him. He sorrowfully tells her that he wishes he could believe as she does, but it is impossible.
La terre promise
André d'Orlinsky
In a small east-european ghetto, the Jewish family is celebrating Easter. The fraternal dissonance between the Sigoulim brothers pretty accurately mirrors the strife between the two powers, one surrounding Samuel, a devoted rabbi, and the other around Moïse, a talented money lender. Moïse becomes the king of petrol and ships to London with his niece Lia. Conflict continues and leads to the violent strike by oilworkers...
Flanders under Philip II
Philippe de Hornes
Concepcion de la Playa Setta, an Andalusian noblewoman, the daughter of the provost marshall of Flanders, is in love with the Duke Philippe de Hornes. He is a Brussels gentleman in revolt against her people, the Spanish occupiers. When her rebellious lover is hurt during an uprising against the troops of Philip II, Concepcion takes him in in her house. And she personally defends him when, at his trial. Condemned to be hanged through the intervention of the Duke of Alba, de Hornes is eventually reprieved by the new governor and set free. The two lovers meet again and can live happily from now on.
Violettes impériales
Comte de Saint-Affremond
This historical melodrama (later remade by Henry Roussel himself in 1932 and Richard Pottier in 1952) set during the reign of Napoleon III of France. Here, Raquel Meller plays a Spanish flower girl who saves the life of the French empress Eugenie de Montijo (played by Suzanne Blanchetti), by taking her place in her carriage. When the carriage is overthrown by the anarchist's bomb, the girl survives because of the masses of violets in the imperial carriage, the empress' favorite flowers.
Les ailes s'ouvrent
Segheïr ben Cheïkh
Two men, lost in the desert, meet Queen Antinea, ruler of Atlantis.
Monsieur Pinson policier
The Clutching Foot
The famous scientific detective Justin Crécelle and his faithful assistant Walter Jymson seek to halt the deeds of the "Clutching Foot" gang, who attempt to kidnap Hélène, the fiancée of Justin, in both possible and ridiculous ways. The film is a spoof of the Les Vampires serials, with Musidora appearing in one episode in costume.
Feet and Hands
Monsieur de Lestrac
The story of a how a love-struck young man eventually wins over an initially reluctant woman, charmingly told in shots that depict only their hands and feet.