R. Paul Wilson

R. Paul Wilson


Ronald Paul Wilson is a filmmaker, magician and author. He lives and works between London, Los Angeles, and his home in Scotland. He was a writer and presenter on the BBC's The Real Hustle from 2006-2012.


R. Paul Wilson


Detective Walter Day finds himself caught in a cycle of witnesses who all saw the same suspect commit an awful crime but in each case, one important element is always missing: the victims. When another witness appears, his patience begins to wear thin and his nerves begin to fray.
Detective Walter Day finds himself caught in a cycle of witnesses who all saw the same suspect commit an awful crime but in each case, one important element is always missing: the victims. When another witness appears, his patience begins to wear thin and his nerves begin to fray.
After witnessing a murder, a young single mother is forced to act as a witness. Threatened on all sides, she must do whatever it takes to protect her son.
Our Magic
An honest, passionate and revealing glimpse behind the curtain to reveal the secretive world of magic and magicians as seen through the eyes of some of the world's most respected thinkers, performers and creators. Our Magic explores the inner secrets of a much-maligned and misunderstood art; to discover why magic is important and wonder is essential.
The World's Greatest Bar Bets
Easy-to-learn propositions and challenges to astound, impress and win you drink after drink. Alex Conran, Jessica Clement and Paul Wilson (of the Real Hustle) demonstrate a selection of startling and astonishing bar bets and challenges. Looking to get out of your round down the local? Scamming a drink from a bar full of strangers? Or just getting your own back on that uncle who never bought you a present? Alex, Jess and Paul show you a series of classy, easy-to-learn challenges using everyday items from wine glasses to bank notes, playing cards to eggs. The experts perform these proposition bets in a real bar, up against real punters. Facing an expensive round at the bar their "marks" are determined to win the bet - and even when they inevitably fail, the viewer still gets the chance to rise to the challenge. Then, in close-up, with slow motion sequences, they explain just how it's done - Perfect for you to practice and cash-in by bamboozling your mates on your next night out!
Козырные тузы
Бывший протеже гангстерского босса, успешный сценичный комик, решает выступить в суде со свидетельствами против своих бывших друзей. За его голову гангстерами назначена награда в 1 миллион долларов. ФБР всячески пытается укрыть его до суда, но он периодически упорно появляется на людях, привлекая, словно свет в ночи, десятки наемных убийц.
Ловкие руки
Second Unit Director
В Лос-Анджелесских клубах и барах группа покерных кидал устраивает крупную аферу против гангстера Стивенса. Махинации оборачиваются преследованием шулеров, который желает вернуть себе крупную сумму денег и поквитаться с обманщиками.