Andrej Kurent

Andrej Kurent

Рождение : 1931-08-05, Belgrade, Yugoslavia [now Serbia]


Andrej Kurent


The Forgotten Treasure
When a mysterious Frenchman appears in their small village, two gangs of sixth graders are reluctantly united to help find a buried treasure. Can they manage to keep the strife between them at a minimum and locate the booty?
Long Live Freedom
Old man Repovz recalls experiences of the WWII in an entertaining, comic way rather than tragic. A man breaks his arm to avoid being drafted; the other man shoots fire to scare enemy soldiers; love stories, as well as troubles with forced collectivization took place there. A partisan hero finds out that he lost her fiancee, but somewhat cheers up when his white horse comes back to him...
Love Is the Ruin of Us All
Tomašekov oče
At the end of the last century hunters who hunted wild roosters, while waiting for prey to show up, were killing time with storytelling. The first story is about Jernac that had a fight with Tomas because of Rezika. Another story tells about Tincek, limp foundling, who spent his youth with the Komar family, where he fell in love with their Lencka. The third is the story of a rich Miholac whose attention was grabbed by poor Polonca, a romance that was opposed by his father. The central theme of all stories is love that eventually everybody die of.
Love Is the Ruin of Us All
Tomažov oče
At the end of the last century hunters who hunted wild roosters, while waiting for prey to show up, were killing time with storytelling. The first story is about Jernac that had a fight with Tomas because of Rezika. Another story tells about Tincek, limp foundling, who spent his youth with the Komar family, where he fell in love with their Lencka. The third is the story of a rich Miholac whose attention was grabbed by poor Polonca, a romance that was opposed by his father. The central theme of all stories is love that eventually everybody die of.
Vladimir Kante, a high-ranking police official whom everyone refers to simply as "Doc" or "the Doctor" remains in office after the Italian occupation, but soon establishes ties with the Liberation Front. His hard work as a double agent pays off with many lives saved and a number of the enemy's plans revealed to the resistance. When the Germans march into Ljubljana (after the Italian capitulation), the Doctor continues with both his official and his secret work, but is caught by the Germans shortly before the end of the war. Will the Doctor remain loyal to his mission until the end, despite the death threats and brutal torture he is subjected to?
Our Man
Milan, a successful company director, is replaced, and he decides to find out why.
Set in the Tolminsko province of Slovenia in 1713, shortly after the Peasants' Uprising. The Grogovc family are forced to live in exile in a wasteland area of the country, where they suffer from the plague which gradually kills off the colony.
Some years before WWI, art historian and priest Ciril from Ljubljana and his friend Fritz set out on a journey through Italy. Ciril hopes that his doctorate on Italian art would provide him inner peace, thus starting a new life. Emotionally disturbed Fritz, on the other hand, tries to escape everyday life, as well as from commitment he has to his female friend.
The Call to Spring
In 18th century Slovenia ruled by the Habsburg dynasty, a troop of soldiers are ordered to prevent the Shrovetide carnival by force and two youngsters are killed in the fight that ensue.
Real Pests!
In Ljubljana lives a bus driver Stebe. He's a widower. He lives with five sons and a maid Rozi. The boys are very naughty and keep annoying Rozi and, in fact all neighbourhood. One day Rozi in desperation declares that she is leaving them, because she cant stand it no more. And she does leave, although she is fond of the boys. Soon afterwards Rozi's niece Meri comes by, asking if she might stay because she wants to find herself a job in town. Meri is good girl but cannot cope with the kitchen work as successfully as her aunt. But the whole Steb family seems to be charmed by her. Even one of Stebe's own colleagues, Tone, begins to take interest in the girl. Meri likes him too. Stebe's boys feel quite disappointed because of it. But all's well that ends well: in full conspiracy Meri qualifies as bus driver while Rozi returns to the Stebe family.
Blossoms in Autumn
Doctor Janez, a somewhat elderly lawyer, tired of urban life, pays a few week's visit to his relative Presecnik, a well-off farmer living in highland village. Farm life holds a great attraction for him, particularly because a deep and secret love develops between himself and Presecnik's daughter Meta. After a few serene and cheerful days spent on the farm, filled with pleasant labor and walks together with Meta in the unspoilt surroundings, he has to return to Ljubljana to resume his office work. But he cannot forget Meta and he makes his mind to buy a property not far from the Presecnik home and and to become a farmer. He does indeed buy a farm and sets out again to the Presecnik home to ask Meta to be his wife.
Do Not Come Back Along the Same Road
The story of a few untrained construction workers from poor underdeveloped parts of the country, such as Bosnia and Herzegovina or Macedonia, who carry out seasonal work in the highly-developed republic of Slovenia. Far from home, problems arise for the men - with their families, alcohol, the local population's derision and the "real Slovenian workers".
Не плачь, Петр
Действие фильма происходит в период оккупации Югославии гитлеровскими захватчиками. Дане и Ловро, минёры Югославской народно-освободительной армии, получают задание переправить троих детей на освобожденную территорию. Среди детей своим особенно беспокойным характером выделяется самый младший из ребят — четырёхлетний Петер. Дане и Ловро недовольны этим поручением, так как мечтают о настоящих серьёзных операциях. Но делать нечего, и минёры вместе с детьми отправляются в опасный путь. В одном из селений Дане и Ловро сталкиваются с девушкой Магдой, которая указывает им на пещеру, где фашисты оборудовали секретный склад боеприпасов. Отважные минёры решают «убить двух зайцев» — взорвать этот склад и доставить детей по назначению...
State Security Administration agent tries to sabotage a critical report filed to the national assembly on the state energy system.
По окончании войны бывший партизан Алеш, потерявший в боях руку, вынужден работать курьером. Мещанская среда, окружающая Алеша, способствует тому, что он становится озлобленным, раздражительным. Однажды в дни праздника, посвящённого освобождению страны, Алеш снова встречается со своими боевыми друзьями и с девушкой, которую когда-то любил. Разговор с ними, а также чуткое отношение некоторых сослуживцев резко меняют судьбу Алеша — он вновь обретает веру в себя, в людей, в жизнь.
Славное старое пианино
Domobranski komandir
У композитора Габера многие годы единственным другом было старое пианино. А когда в город пришли фашисты и арестовали Габера, пианино попало в гимназию, затем в партизанскийотряд, оттуда на сцену фронтового театра. Здесь-то освобожденный из тюрьмы Габер и нашел своего старого друга, но не узнал его.
Девушка и дуб
Действие происходит в горной глубинке Хорватии. Девочка Смиля осталась сиротой и неохотно усыновлена самым богатым человеком деревни Роко, у которого уже есть дети и приёмный сын Иосип. Когда Смиля вырастает в прекрасную девушку, ей нравится молодой человек из соседней деревни, чувствительный Иван, что вызывает большую ревность у её сводного брата Иосипа. Иосип убивает её дорогого Ивана и насилует Смилю. Братья Ивана клянутся отомстить за его смерть…
Despite all actions taken in attempt to conquer Trieste, Gestapo forces fail to do so. The surrender of Italian fascist state gives partisans an open way in seizing the power with the help of domicile population.
На своей земле
Действие фильма происходит в словенском прибрежном городке во время Второй мировой войны. Фильм рассказывает историю о крестьянах, которые помогают партизанам избавиться от итальянских, а затем и немецких властей, правивших городом в последние годы оккупации.