Burton Gershfield


Prison Girls
Six female prisoners are given a weekend furlough to prepare them for their upcoming parole. While out, they all have miscellaneous sexual experiences, some good, some bad. One returns to her pimp even though he beats her, one overcomes her frigidity, one gets gang raped, two join in a threesome, and one goes back to her criminal lover shortly before the police show up.
Special Effects
Киноэссе популярной в шестидесятые американской рок-группы The Monkees на такие «жизненно важные» темы, как отношения с девушками, коммерциализация музыки, кинопроизводство и Вьетнам.
Now That the Buffalo's Gone
A UCLA student film. A powerful New American Cinema protest against the decline and fall of the American Indian, using quasi-three dimensional color techniques as part of its overall structure. Winner of innumerable awards. 'Described by the filmmaker as 'an elegy to the lost heritage of the plains Indians,' this is a moving and intricately made work utilizing still photos, film clips, television footage, bits of old speeches, solarized color, and stroboscopic effects.' - Media & Methods