Todor Dinov


The Rain of Paris
A street artist draws pictures on the pavement in Paris, begging for money. After a rain all his paintings are erased so he starts all over.
The Rain of Paris
A street artist draws pictures on the pavement in Paris, begging for money. After a rain all his paintings are erased so he starts all over.
Пороховой букварь
Экранизация одноимённго сборника рассказов болгарского писателя Йордана Радичкова.
Пороховой букварь
Экранизация одноимённго сборника рассказов болгарского писателя Йордана Радичкова.
The Dragon
There is a dragon, which threatens the life of the shacked village. The attempts of lumberjacks, shepherds and hunters to get rid of the menace are without success. Their battle with the imaginary mythical monster makes them realize that their real enemies are the master Kolota and his servants. The dragon is beaten not physically but spiritually.
The Icon Stand
In late 19th century, a carver-cutter arrives in a little town to make the iconostasis of the newly built church. He is being accommodated in the house of a respected family. He is working slowly because of his love for the daughter of his hosts. They resist in every possible way and pay a high price: Their daughter dies. Though in despair, the master completes the iconostasis: a masterpiece the locals perceive as a heresy. And he leaves once again without any destination.
Banished from Eden
In a concert, one of the musicians suddenly rushed to the sky. There he waits at St. Peter's Gate to be received. Inside, pathetic music is played. A musician plays jazz. The angels begin to tremble in rhythm
Banished from Eden
In a concert, one of the musicians suddenly rushed to the sky. There he waits at St. Peter's Gate to be received. Inside, pathetic music is played. A musician plays jazz. The angels begin to tremble in rhythm
Banished from Eden
In a concert, one of the musicians suddenly rushed to the sky. There he waits at St. Peter's Gate to be received. Inside, pathetic music is played. A musician plays jazz. The angels begin to tremble in rhythm
The Apple
A short story about 4 brothers, a zmei, and an apple.
The Apple
A short story about 4 brothers, a zmei, and an apple.
The Lighting Rod
A lightning rod is guarding the house roof, but when the lightnings strike, it appears the rod if afraid of them.
Как лису перехитрили
Art Direction
Мультипликационный фильм-сказка для самых маленьких. В ней рассказывается о том, как зайка, светлячок и певчие птицы, перехитрив лису, освободили похищенную ею курочку-хохлатку.
Как лису перехитрили
Мультипликационный фильм-сказка для самых маленьких. В ней рассказывается о том, как зайка, светлячок и певчие птицы, перехитрив лису, освободили похищенную ею курочку-хохлатку.