José María Gutiérrez Santos


Los autonómicos
Pepe, no me des tormento
¡Arriba Hazaña!
Several inconformities begin to develop at a catholic boys school in the transitional Spain of the seventies. After three students are expelled, a new director arrives with new liberal ideas, but things remain the same way.
Esposa y amante
Assistant Director
Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.
Pantaleón y las visitadoras
Pantaleón and the visitors is a peruvian film made in 1975 and based on the book of the same name by Mario Vargas Llosa. Directed by the novelist himself along with José María Gutiérrez Santos, it was released in Puerto Rico. Among its protagonists, José Sacristán, the Mexican Katy Jurado and Rosa Carmina and the Peruvian Camucha Negrete.
Pantaleón y las visitadoras
Pantaleón and the visitors is a peruvian film made in 1975 and based on the book of the same name by Mario Vargas Llosa. Directed by the novelist himself along with José María Gutiérrez Santos, it was released in Puerto Rico. Among its protagonists, José Sacristán, the Mexican Katy Jurado and Rosa Carmina and the Peruvian Camucha Negrete.
Assistant Director
Леонор, первая жена монсеньора Ришара, воскресает через десять лет после своей смерти. Неизвестно откуда взявшийся старец сообщает Ришару, что можно победить смерть, если очень этого захотеть. Ришар возвращается в замок и убивает свою вторую жену. Начинается нечто невообразимое: свирепствует чума, кто-то убивает детей. Чтобы положить всему этому конец, Ришар решает убить Леонор.
Женщина в красных сапогах
Assistant Director
Молодая писательница Франсуаза Леруа уверена, что хороший сюжет может подсказать только сама жизнь. И судьба преподносит ей шанс. Франсуаза оказалась вовлечена в странную и жестокую игру, в которой причудливо переплелись плоды воображения и реальность. Выйти из этого наваждения помогут лишь мудрость и интуиция, заложенные в женщине природой.
Ninette and a Gentleman from Murcia
Assistant Director
Andrés (Fernando Fernán Gómez) is a simple man: he owns a store that sells religious articles and he's never left his hometown of Murcia. After unexpectedly inheriting a sum of money, he decides to take a trip to Paris, where his friend Armando (Alfredo Landa) lives. His friend finds him lodging in a boarding house where Andrés meets Ninette (Rosenda Monteros), an attractive Parisian girl.
La chica del trébol
Assistant Director
Free version of 'Cinderella'. Rocio is a young deliverer of a fashion house who walks the streets of Madrid delivering dresses to clients. Until one day, because a model does not arrive to a parade, there arises an opportunity to replace her to save the situation. Therefore Rocío becomes a model overnight. A new work that opens unsuspected horizons about relationships and friendships.