Ivan Crosland

Ivan Crosland

Рождение : 1936-08-29, Holden, Utah, USA

Смерть : 2015-03-26


Ivan Crosland


Built Upon the Rock
Jesus (voice)
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Worthy is the Lamb
Jesus (voice)
Experience the Passion of Christ. Witness the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Pray with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but thy will be done.” Feel the betrayal of Judas’ kiss. Endure the trial and crucifixion as Jesus willingly submits. Rejoice in the knowledge that Jesus’ death and resurrection provides pardon for our sins.
Signs of the Times
Jesus (voice)
Jesus uses the parables of the King’s Wedding Feast and the Thief in the Night to teach His disciples to have to repent and to be prepared for the day He comes again. Jesus teaches His disciples to patiently watch for the signs of His Second Coming. You’ll see how the disciples misunderstood the meaning of His parables. Even with these insights, will we also misunderstand the signs of His coming today?
The Messiah Comes
Jesus (voice)
In His final days, Jesus cleanses the Temple, but He cannot cleanse the hearts of the people. Even His disciples struggle to understand Him and His mission. Following Jesus’ death, He visits His disciples on the road to Emmaus. Afterwards they finally gain understanding: Jesus delivers all from the bondage of sin and death, giving hope of eternal life through His atonement.
The Parables of Jesus
Jesus (voice)
This story reinforces the principles of forgiveness, compassion and stewardship. The parables teach us to be good stewards of our time and the things we have been given. The Parables of Jesus includes three of the most loved parables: The Two Sons, The Rich Man and Lazarus and The Talents. The video begins with Jesus telling the story of the two sons. It is harvest time and the two sons cannot be found. Their father searches out to find his sons so the harvest would not be lost. The oldest son, who is suppose to inherit the vineyard, is found relaxing by the shore and promises to come help but does not. The younger son is frustrated about doing all the work since his brother will inherit the land. He refusing to come help, but changes his mind and returns to the vineyard to ask his father for forgiveness and to help with the harvest. In the end, the father rewards the youngest son with the vineyard because he was always there for him and used his time wisely...
Brigham City
Wes Clayton is a lawman and a bishop in a Mormon community called Brigham. The town is shaken when a woman from California is found murdered. Clayton and his young deputy work with an FBI agent sent to investigate. As a civil and spiritual leader in the frightened town, Clayton must uncover the town's deepest secrets, find the murderer and keep Brigham from ripping itself apart.
Lord, I Believe
Jesus (voice)
Lord, I Believe is a collection of three stories where Jesus teaches His disciples the power of faith. First, a kind Roman centurion pleads for his dying servant. The servant is healed because he asked in faith with nothing doubting. Saying “weep not,” Jesus raises the son of the poor widow of Nain. Lastly, a man with weak faith begs the Master to make his son whole, as Jesus answers, “all things are possible to him that believeth.”
The Lord’s Prayer
Jesus (voice)
Jesus taught His disciples the power of prayer through parables and example. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension into Heaven, Peter is arrested and cast into a Roman prison. As Herod plots Peter’s death, the believers gather together and follow the example that Jesus taught. Through faith and prayer, Peter’s chains are broken and the Angel of the Lord opens the prison gates.
Lazarus Lives
Jesus (voice)
Mortals' greatest fear is the fear of death. Lazarus Lives gives assurance that Jesus has all power over death. Jesus mourns Lazarus' death and His friends witness the deep love He has for His friends. Martha and Mary’s tears of sorrow change to joy when their brother Lazarus’ life is restored and they understand the Savior's promise of eternal life to all who believe in Jesus.
The Lost Is Found
Jesus (voice)
Jesus uses the lives of Miriam, Jonah and Matthew along with the parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep to show how mercy, forgiveness and love are generously extended to all sinners. One sinner's repentance is rejoiced by many. The Lost is Found is the story of three sinners, Miriam the harlot, Jonah, a sick man, and Matthew the publican. The parables of the lost coin and the lost sheep are weaved into these three stories to show forgiveness for all sinners who repent. The video opens with Miriam working in a pub as a waitress and harlot. She is trapped in this life due to debt and guilt. A letter comes from her brother, Jonah, to the house of a scribe. The scribe reads the letter which tells of her brother's expected death. The scribe does not invite Miriam inside his house because he believes a sinner should not enter the house of the righteous.
The Greatest is the Least
Jesus (voice)
The Greatest is Least is the story of how a man named Blastus tries to improve his standing with King Herod Agrippa by arranging a celebration with the neighboring lands of Tyre and Sidon. Blastus is shocked to find out Agrippa is already determined he must become the supreme ruler and has decided to invade these countries.
Bread From Heaven
Jesus (voice)
Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain.
Jesus, The Son of God
Jesus (voice)
Jesus, the Son of God begins with Jesus, Mary and Joseph traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover in 13 A.D. Young Jesus, age twelve, walks behind His parents carrying a lamb. Jesus is to present the lamb to the priest as a sacrifice for sins. Once inside the busy, noisy city full of trading and bartering, Jesus and His family sell and buy the things they need before taking the lamb to the priest. Jesus presents the lamb to the priest, and the priest tests Him by asking some questions about the law. Jesus' answers are correct and the priest congratulates Him.
The Man with Three Wives
A married doctor marries two other women and juggles a life with three wives.
The Buttercream Gang
Mr. Graff, the store manager
Unlike most gangs, the ButterCream gang does good deeds. Their leader, Pete, has to go live with his aunt in Chicago. But things don't go well in Chicago and Pete is changed when he returns. Soon Pete is hanging around with the wrong crowd. But the remaining members of the gang, especially their new leader Scott, refuse to give up on their friend Pete.
The Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus / Confidant / Town Crier (voice)
Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is traded for an earthly robe and He is preaching to a gathering of people. Two Pharisees watch and listen. Boaz, one of the Pharisees, is angered by what he hears Jesus saying and the other Jeremiah is intrigued. David and Sarah, brother and sister, listen also. Boaz says that all Jesus does is tell silly stories. Jeremiah tries to explain that perhaps Jesus wants everyone to discover the meaning from the stories...
Forgive Us Our Debts
Jesus (voice)
Forgive Us Our Debts combines a classic parable with the teachings of Jesus to His disciples. Jesus teaches that forgiveness comes from God as He instructs Peter to catch a fish that contains a coin to pay Peter's debt. Jesus also teaches about a man who is forgiven by his king of an enormous debt. Yet, the forgiven man leaves and immediately casts a man, who owes him almost nothing, into prison. The king then rescinds his forgiveness. To receive forgiveness we must also forgive.
Treasures in Heaven
Jesus (voice)
Treasures in Heaven is a wonderful story of contrast between two men who seek to follow Jesus. The young rich man asks how to gain eternal life and leaves saddened because he won’t forsake worldly wealth; while Zacchaeus, the publican, gives half of his wealth to the poor and restores four-fold anything wrongly taken, to follow Jesus and receive salvation.
The Miracles of Jesus
Jesus (voice)
This animated video tells the story of the miracles of Christ through the eyes of Benjamin, the widow's son brought back to life by Jesus. Benjamin travels the roads Christ did and reminisces of such miracles as the wedding where Jesus turned water to wine, the healing of the centurion's servant, and walking on the water.
Saul of Tarsus
Jesus / Witness (voice)
Saul of Tarsus is one of the most dramatic stories of repentance found in the Bible. Rabbi Gamaliel is unable to convince his friend Saul, the arch-enemy and persecutor of Christians, to mend his ways. Saul is changed forever when the resurrected Lord miraculously appears to him on the Road to Damascus. Saul becomes reborn as Paul, one of the greatest missionaries and apostles ever for Jesus Christ’s gospel.
The Righteous Judge
Jesus (voice)
The Righteous Judge recreates the events that surround Jesus in teaching the principles of love, forgiveness and righteous judgment. In the story of the adulteress Jesus confronts the Pharisees with the simple phrase, “let him without sin cast the first stone,” and thereby teaches us of God’s immense mercy and grace. Caiaphas, who unrighteously judges a blind man sinful, is contrasted against the gratitude of the blind man when Jesus freely heals him.
John the Baptist
Jesus (voice)
John the Baptist is a story of courage and conviction seen through the life of one of God’s greatest prophets who gave everything to prepare the way for the Lord. It begins with the blessing John’s birth was to his aged parents. John grows in strength and integrity as he stands against political and spiritual adversity to preach the coming of the Lord. Finally, John beholds and baptizes Jesus, the Lamb of God.
The Good Samaritan
Jesus (voice)
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
The Prodigal Son
Jesus (voice)
The Prodigal Son is a parable of a wayward son reunited with his father and family after having squandered all his inheritance through wasteful and idolatrous living. Learn of God’s encompassing love for those who humbly repent. The example of the father’s joy for the return of his repentant young son is contrasted against the trust and rewards kept for those who do not waste that which God entrusts to them.
He is Risen
Jesus (voice)
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
Christmas Snows, Christmas Winds
Memories of Christmas, especially those of childhood long past, can bring both joy and sorrow. This depiction of one person's bittersweet recollections, set in a small 1930s western farming community, echoes with the excitement of anticipation, the comfort of beloved family traditions, and the years of regret for a moment of childhood cruelty.