Vakt i Prövningarnas Hus
Принц Тамино отправляется на поиски дочери Царицы Ночи, в которую он влюбился и теперь намерен вызволить из заточения в замке ее отца — волшебника Зарастро.
This Swedish sex-comedy/drama explores the complications in the relationship of a couple who believe that if they make love to each other, they will die. They neck and are physically affectionate in public as well as in private, but have a big taboo against sexual consummation. Their situation drives them to distraction, and they unsuccessfully seek various extramarital outlets for their frustrations.
The White Rose (Kalle, Eva-Lotta and Anders) and the Red Rose (Sixten, Benka and Jonte) gangs are battling for a magical stone. The rest of the time Kalle is bored. That is why Kalle and his friends play pranks on Kalles aunts Hilda and Hulda. While Hulda is laughing, Hilda is very angry and calls the police, but Kalle is able to escape. Only a few time later Hilda is kidnapped and the kidnappers want a lot of money. The gangs of the White and Red Rose are now working together to find the kidnappers.