Valeria Vera


El viaje de Keta
Keta is a professional makeup artist with a big butt and large thighs, but she also has big dreams. The truth is that Keta with her overweight, her addiction to marijuana and her pink hair can not get a job anywhere, so she ends up as a drug dealer handing out goods to her neighbor - who is addicted to all kinds of painkillers-, to an actress of soap operas as schizophrenic as a cocaine addict; also going through a swinger couple, a prude housewife, a not so prude nun and a host of characters that will surely make more than one viewer is reflected.
A fashion designer pretends to be gay in order to be closer to female models.
Tales of an Immoral Couple
Lucio and Martina used to share an indescribable chemistry during their highschool years, however, they took separate ways. 25 years later they meet again, but this time they decide to invent an ideal life in order to hide themselves from an inevitable truth: they were really waiting for each other in all of these years.
Elvira I Will Give You My Life But I'm Using It
Elvira had a fight with her husband, he went to purchase some cigarettes but he never came back, now Elvira is searching for him.
Памела: Тайны страсти
Памела, 21-летняя, и Виктор, 45-летний мужчина, придумывают двойную жизнь, чтобы испытать переполняющую страсть, которая заставляет их пересечь все границы и исследовать свои самые глубокие фантазии и желания. В компании Мигеля, молодого испанца, они путешествуют пешком по Ла Куэста, место, где история принимает головокружительный оборот, чтобы раскрыть самые темные секреты души этих персонажей.