Gene Markey

Gene Markey

Рождение : 1895-12-11, Jackson, Michigan, USA

Смерть : 1980-05-01


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Eugene Willford "Gene" Markey (December 11, 1895 – May 1, 1980) was an American author, producer, screenwriter, and highly decorated naval officer. Early life Markey was born in Michigan in the year 1895. His father, Eugene Lawrence Markey, was a colonel in the United States Army. His uncle, Daniel P. Markey, had been Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1918. Chicago He was a skilled sketch artist, which gained him entry, after World War I, into the Art Institute of Chicago starting in 1919 and finishing in 1920. There, he claimed to have "studied painting and learned nothing". After that, he worked as a journalist in Chicago for several newspapers and magazines, including Photoplay magazine. It was during the 1920s that Gene Markey first became a writer, specializing in novels about the Jazz Age. Among his titles were Anabel; Stepping High; Women, Women, Everywhere; and His Majesty's Pyjamas. His book "Literary Lights" (March 1923, Alfred A. Knopf, New York) was a collection of fifty of America's most important literary authors of the day. He personally sketched each caricature. Hollywood He went to Hollywood in 1929 and became a screenwriter for Twentieth Century Fox. His screen credits included King of Burlesque (1936) starring Alice Faye, Girls' Dormitory (1936) featuring Herbert Marshall, and On the Avenue (1937), starring Dick Powell, Madeleine Carroll, and Alice Faye. He was also the producer of the 1937 Shirley Temple film, Wee Willie Winkie, among others. Although he was not overly handsome, he was a very skilled conversationalist and he quickly became a popular fixture in Hollywood society. Among his good friends in Hollywood were producer John Hay Whitney, composer Irving Berlin, and actors Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Ward Bond and John Wayne. He would often go fishing with Bond and Wayne off Catalina Island. A 1946 article in the Washington Times Herald said, "Other Men Say: What's Gene Markey Got That We Haven't Got?" The article ran a photo of Rudolph Valentino with the caption, "NOT SO HOT – By Comparison. Though all American womanhood swooned over him in his day, Rudolph Valentino was no Markey." Soon after he arrived in Hollywood in 1929, it was also reported that, "Markey became the most sought after unattached man in the cinema firmament, so sprinkled with far handsomer, richer male stars." Markey was married three times to prominent film actresses. His first wife was Joan Bennett, from 1932 to 1937 (which produced a daughter, Melinda, in 1934). He was married to Hedy Lamarr from 1939 to 1940 and to Myrna Loy from 1946 to 1950. At first, Loy claimed mental cruelty, but later retracted it, saying, "He could make a scrubwoman think she was a queen and he could make a queen think she was the queen of queens." More information can be found at Wikipedia.


Gene Markey


A lovesick girl and her grandfather groom their filly for the Kentucky Derby.
Встреть меня на ярмарке
In 1904, Doc Tilbee, medicine show huckster and champion tall-tale teller, gives a ride to a young boy escaped from an orphanage, where bad conditions (the result of political graft) are being investigated by new appointee Zerelda Wing, who doesn't know that her fiancée is one of the politicians responsible. Tad wants to stay with his new friend Doc, who is attracted to Zerelda, to the discomfiture of his old flame Clara...all amid nostalgic musical numbers.
The Wonder Kid
Bobby Henrey, the amazing juvenile star of The Fallen Idol, is here cast as 7-year-old musical genius Sebastian Giro. Mistreated by his avaricious adult manager, Sebastian runs away to a remote Alpine village. He then falls into the hands of a gang of kidnappers, led by the basically sympathetic Jack (Robert Shackleton).
That Dangerous Age
The lonely wife of a workaholic husband on the magical Isle of Capri meets a charming and attractive young man. An exciting affair must end when word gets back to the husband and he becomes ill. In hopes of avoiding a scene, she passes her beau along to her stepdaughter, Monica.
Moss Rose
When a music-hall dancer is murdered, a moss rose marks the page of a Bible next to her body. Luckily, another chorus girl saw a gentleman leaving the lodgings. She approaches him directly, saying she'll go to the police if he doesn't meet her demands, but he brushes her off contemptuously. When he learns she's dead serious, he tries to buy her off with a thick wad of pound notes. But it's not money she's after; all she wants is two weeks at his country estate, living the life of a `lady.'
Cavalcade of the Academy Awards
This 1940 presentation features highlights of earlier (1928 onward) Oscar ceremonies including Shirley Temple and Walt Disney, plus acceptance speeches for films released in 1939 with recipients and presenters including Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Hattie McDaniel, Fay Bainter, Mickey Rooney, Thomas Mitchell, Sinclair Lewis, and more, with host Bob Hope.
Лиллиан Расселл
Associate Producer
Этот фильм рассказывает об истории жизни одной из самых популярных актрис и певицы конца 19-ого и начала 20-ого столетия, известной своей красотой, стилем и голосом Лиллиан Расселл, урожденной Элен Луиза Леонард. Она родилась в городе Клинтон, штат Айова в семье Чарли Леонарда — владельца газетного бизнеса и Синтии Леонард. В восемнадцать лет она с матерью переезжает в Нью-Йорк, где мать возглавляет движение феминисток и начинает вести активную борьбу за пост мэра города, но терпит неудачу на выборах. Тем временем карьера дочери идет в гору. Благодаря стараниям бабушки девушка берет уроки у известного преподавателя пения Леопольде Дамроше. Однажды ее голос услышал знаменитый импресарио Тони Пастор, пораженный ее голосом и красотой, он немедленно приглашает ее играть в свой театр на Бродвее под новым именем Лиллиан Расселл.
Приключения Шерлока Холмса
Associate Producer
Профессор Мориарти разработал план кражи драгоценности короны из Лондонского Тауэра, чтобы вовлечь в игру Холмса, он убеждает флейтиста-гаучо убить девочку.
Вторая скрипка
Репортер Джимми Саттон работает в агенстве ,которое освещает жизнь Голливуда. Ему поручают привезти из далекого северного городка девушку, которая выбрана на главную роль в фильме "Девушка с севера"Обычная школьная учительница приезжает в Голливуд и покоряет его....
Шерлок Холмс: Собака Баскервилей
Associate Producer
По одноименной повести Артура Конан Дойля. Непроницаемым покровом тайны окутана смерть сэра Чарльза Баскервиля на дартмурских болотах. Племянник покойного приезжает в родовое имение, но и ему угрожает жестокая смерть. Легенда гласит, что загадочная гигантская собака преследует ненавистных Баскервилей из поколения в поколение. Знаменитый детектив Шерлок Холмс и его верный друг доктор Уотсон раскроют тайну, разгадка которой окажется куда более приземленной. После смерти своего дяди, сэр Генри Баскервиль возвращается из-за границы и открывает наследственный дом на пустынных торфяниках Девоншира. Холмс раскрывает заговор убийства сэра Генри ужасной обученной собакой.
Маленькая принцесса
Associate Producer
Лондон. Конец XIX века. Капитан Кру, отправляясь на войну, привозит свою любимую дочь Сару, которую он называет «маленькой принцессой», в один из лучших и самых дорогих пансионов, чтобы она получила хорошее образование. Добрая, отзывчивая Сара быстро находит новых подруг. Ее самостоятельность и уважительное отношение к людям покоряют всех. Однажды приходит страшная весть — отец Сары погибает, не оставив дочери средств к существованию. Юной героине предстоит пройти через ненависть и унижение, голод и нищету. Но ее доброта, ум и находчивость помогают преодолеть все невзгоды.
Young lovers Jack and Sally are from families that compete to send horses to the 1938 Kentucky Derby, but during the Civil War, her family sided with the South while his sided with the North--and her Uncle Peter will have nothing to do with Jack's family.
Associate Producer
Однажды на приеме у короля маг предвещает Фердинанду, что тот большую часть своей жизни посветит рытью большой канавы. Забавное будущее, но никто не верит прорицателю. И все же, через несколько лет Фердинанд действительно задумывает соединить моря, чтобы появились новые возможности для соседних стран. Мысль кажется невозможной, но как раз тогда он вспоминает странного старца, говорившего про какую-то канаву. Фердинанд намерен осуществить задуманное, но непросто пойти против воли короля, для которого подобное возвышение и популярность соперника совсем некстати. И Фердинанд вынужден всю жизнь сражаться не только со стихией воды, но и с королем. А последнее куда сложнее, чем работать над воссоединением земель. Но Фердинанд не отступает.
Associate Producer
Two young men try to wrest their father from the clutches of a gold digger but by mistake think the woman is a young nightclub singer with whom they both fall in love.
Sally, Irene and Mary
Manicurists Sally, Irene and Mary hope to be Broadway entertainers. When Mary inherits an old ferry boat, they turn it into a successful supper club.
On the Avenue
A new Broadway show starring Gary Blake shamelessly lampoons the rich Carraway family. To get her own back, daughter Mimi sets out to ensnare Blake, but the courtship is soon for real, to the annoyance of his co-star, hoofing chanteuese Mona Merrick.
Love in Exile
When a king suddenly abdicates, his subjects are lead to believe that it is for the love of a foreigner in this romance. In reality, he is stepping down so avaricious businessmen can crown their own man king. The deposed monarch spends his exile on the Riviera, while the woman, filled with guilt because he stepped down for her, lives in Holland. Interestingly enough, Edward VIII the King of England abdicated for the love of American woman Wallis Simpson a few weeks after this British film was released.
White Hunter
Safari guide Capt. Clark Rutledge is hired by the man Michael Varek who was responsible for his father's death...
Girls Dormitory
When a busybody teacher in a girls' finishing school finds a love letter from a student to an unknown man, a minor scandal erupts.
Private Number
Ellen Neal, a young and inexperienced maid, becomes romantically involved with her employers son which causes various complications. The head butler also has an infatuation for the young girl but his intentions are not that good.
Champagne Charlie
The story is told in flashback. Backers want a gambler to marry a rich girl for her dowry.
King of Burlesque
Warner Baxter plays the ambitious producer of a burlesque show who rises to the big time on Broadway. Alice Faye is the loyal burleycue singer who helps make Baxter a success. His head turned by sudden fame, Baxter falls under the spell of a society woman (Mona Barrie) who has theatrical aspirations of her own. She marries Baxter, then convinces him to produce a string of "artistic" plays rather than his extravagant musical revues. The plays are flops, and the woman haughtily divorces Baxter. Faithful Alice Faye, who'd gone to London when her ex-beau was married, returns to the penniless Baxter. She and her burlesque buddies team up to pull Baxter out of his rut and put him on top again.
The Big Noise
A clerk in an oil company is promoted ostensibly to take the blame when it looks like the bosses' dodgy dealings will be found out by the authorities.
Let's Live Tonight
Nick Kerry (Tullio Carminati) is a rich rounder who holds tremendous fascination over women......mainly because he is rich and has his own yacht. At Monte Carlo one evening he romances Kay Routledge (Lilian Harvey), a romantic young and gullible American girl. She takes the dilettante seriously and when he sails away on his yacht, she is heartbroken. But the memory of her haunts him, and brings him back from India and the arms of another woman,Countess Margot de Legere (Tala Birell),only to find Kay now engaged to his friend. Oh, what's a rich guy to do?
Потерявшаяся леди
A bitter woman who thinks she'll never love again marries, only to fall for a brash young man.
The Merry Frinks
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
The Merry Frinks
An heiress abandons an out-of-work husband, two sons and a lovesick daughter.
A Modern Hero
A 1920s circus performer uses every means at his disposal to achieve fame and fortune at the expense of others.
Alison Drake, the tough-minded executive of an automobile factory, succeeds in the man's world of business until she meets an independent design engineer.
Лили Пауэрс работает официанткой в баре собственного отца. Отец беспринципный человек, готовый ради выгоды продать и собственную дочь, что он и делает, заставляя ее уединяться с клиентами с 14 лет. Однажды ее отец погибает во время несчастного случая. Она решает с подружкой Чико уехать зайцами в товарном вагоне. Там их застает работник железной дороги и грозит сдать в полицию, но он сражен доступностью юной соблазнительницы. Попав в Нью-Йорк, девушка всеми правдами и неправдами сначала устраивается на работу, а потом активизирует свое восхождение наверх, не имея никакого опыта, но зато владея могучим оружием обольщения…
Midnight Mary
A young woman is on trial for murder. In flashback, we learn of her struggles to overcome poverty as a teenager -- a mistaken arrest and prison term for shoplifting and lack of employment lead to involvement with gangsters. In a brothel, she meets a young lawyer, scion of a wealthy and prestigious family, who falls for her and helps her turn around her life. But her past catches up with her, and she must face the music rather than cause him scandal.
Lilly Turner
One woman faces many trials on the road to romance after unwittingly marrying a bigamist, then a carnival's barker and then falling for a young engineer.
Luxury Liner
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
As You Desire Me
Bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. One day, Tony shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno, claiming that her memory was destroyed during World War I. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian Army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case from Trieste that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
As You Desire Me
Bar entertainer Zara is a discontented alcoholic who is pursued by many men but lives with novelist Carl Salter. One day, Tony shows up on Salter's estate claiming that Zara is actually Maria, the wife of his close friend Bruno, claiming that her memory was destroyed during World War I. Zara doesn't remember but leaves with Tony to Salter's dismay. Bruno, now an officer in the Italian Army, tries to coax Maria's memory back on his large estate. No one is really sure if Zara is Maria, and when Salter shows up with a mental case from Trieste that he claims is the real Maria, everyone on Bruno's estate is desperately searching for the truth.
The Great Lover
An aspiring classical singer is romanced by both a famous opera star and his younger understudy.
The film features the leading actress Greta Garbo as Yvonne, an artist's model. Other stars include Robert Montgomery, Lewis Stone, Marjorie Rambeau and Judith Vosselli. It is a romantic melodrama, portraying a Parisian belle with a past returning to haunt her. The film is the only one where Montgomery played opposite Garbo.
The Florodora Girl
A chorus girl gets bad advice from her fellow chorines in handling a rich suitor who assumes she is a gold digger.
The Florodora Girl
A chorus girl gets bad advice from her fellow chorines in handling a rich suitor who assumes she is a gold digger.
Prince of Diamonds
Eve Marley (Aileen Pringle)is forced to marry a wealthy jeweler that she does not love in order to save the man she loves, Rupert Endon (Ian Keith), from being unjustly arrested as a thief. Rupert, unaware of the reason his sweetheart married his rival, goes to the Far East where he grows rich after discovering a diamond mine. He breaks Eve's husband by underselling him and then returns to England to exact his revenge on the woman he thinks did him wrong.
The Battle of Paris
Gertrude Lawrence plays a singer in Paris during World War I. After stealing from Tony (Walter Petrie), an American artist, the two fall in love.
Lucky In Love
Michael O'More, an American who lives in Ireland with his uncle, a horsetrainer for the Earl of Balkerry, loves Lady Mary Cardigan, granddaughter of the Earl. He finds a rival in Capt. Brian Fitzroy, a rake who intends to buy the impoverished earl's castle and marry Lady Mary. After nearly killing Fitzroy in a brawl over Lady Mary, Michael flees to the United States. There he becomes financially secure when department store magnate Abe Feinberg offers him a job. Feinberg commissions Michael to establish a linen mill on the earl's estate. He and Mary, who is in the United States evading Fitzroy, return to Ireland and marry.
Mother's Boy
Young Irish lad Tommy O'Day lives in a poor section of New York's Lower East Side, and is blessed with a beautiful singing voice. After an argument with his father, who accuses him of stealing the family's life savings, Tommy leaves home and gets a job singing in a cabaret. He is successful and soon lands the lead in a Broadway revue. On opening night, just as he is about to go on stage, he receives word that his mother, who he has not seen since he left home, is dying and wants to see him.
Mother's Boy
Young Irish lad Tommy O'Day lives in a poor section of New York's Lower East Side, and is blessed with a beautiful singing voice. After an argument with his father, who accuses him of stealing the family's life savings, Tommy leaves home and gets a job singing in a cabaret. He is successful and soon lands the lead in a Broadway revue. On opening night, just as he is about to go on stage, he receives word that his mother, who he has not seen since he left home, is dying and wants to see him.
Benny and Flo are a husband and wife dance team, Sloane and Darrel, traveling around the country as part of a revue. The revue gets picked up and taken to New York City, to be on Broadway. However, it quickly folds, and the two are forced to look for other employment. They eventually find work in a nightclub, becoming famous.But while performing at the nightclub, Flo becomes entranced by a young, sophisticated millionaire playboy, Winston.
Blinky, the bespectacled son of Col. "Raw Meat" Islip, is scorned by his fellow cavalrymen stationed on the Mexican border because his previous military experience was as a Boy Scout.